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ObamaGate is Joe the PlumberGate -Plus Rahm Emanuel Update

Tom Heneghan

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Plus Rahm Emanuel Update

by Tom Heneghan

International Intelligence Expert

Barack Obama (L) questioned by plumber Joe Wurzelbacher  AP by Jae C. Hong


Saturday  November 1, 2008

United States of America – It can now be reported that the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is under investigation by the Ohio Attorney General for espionage and illegal use of the noted "Joe the Plumber's" personal financial information and credit rating.

Obama is utilizing the Rahm Emanuel/lesbian in-the-closet LOSER Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton's private espionage group, Terry Lenzner and Associates of Chicago, Illinois.

As reported in our previous intelligence briefing, Obama has sold out to the Bush-Clinton-mega Mossad-Gary Best "TRUE COLORS" gang in return for the presidency of the United States.

As North American mega MOSSAD chief, Rahm Emanuel has helped coordinate various financial and political black ops on behalf of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate for over 15 years.

Related Intelligence Briefing:

Rahm Emanuel heads North American Mossad + PROMIS + laundered profits to Israel/Russian

by Tom Heneghan

October 24, 2006

…Now back to Marvin Rosen. Note: Rosen was the chief fundraiser for Osama Obama in the Year 2002 Elections. Rosen is also linked to Hillary (gay-in-the-closet) Rodenhurst-Clinton's chief fund-raiser David Rosen and the Mel Sembler, Bay Point School's Florida Crime Syndicate.

Note: Both Rosens now raise money for Joseph Lieberman who is now a traitor to his own party. It can now also be reported that Mossad agent Marvin Rosen was tied to Michael Eisner and the ABC Mickey Mouse Disney Year 2000 Election coup d'etat.

…Rosen is also tied to Ted Olson, Coca Cola copyright controversy and a scandal now developing which will link Rosen to Rahm Emanuel and the Mossad in the sale of and transfer of PROMIS Software involving the alleged Russian spy Robert Hanson and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and laundered profits to both Israel and the Russian Federation...

Emanuel, the chief fundraiser for both Bill and Hillary Clinton, is liaison to the RED Chinese linked Sara Lee Corporation of Chicago, Illinois, which has direct ties to the major credit card company HSBC.

Obama's fundraising, which soon will reach a record amount for any presidential campaign in American history, is nothing more than a ponzi scheme, which utilizes a money laundry tied to Sara Lee, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and credit swap derivatives tied to banks in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Yemen.

The trick here is to send credit cards to unqualified individuals allowing them a line of credit of roughly $300 to $500 and then soliciting the new credit card customers for the $100 minimum donation to Obama's campaign.

The entire funding for this trickery and fraud is tied to RED China and its subsidiary corporation Sara Lee.

Reference: Former Republican Senator William Frist of Tennessee resigned his position as Senate Majority Leader in the year 2006 before Assistant Attorney General James Comey could proceed with indictments of Frist for credit card campaign fundraising fraud.

So you see folks, the truth hurts but it has to be told.

Obama is now the darling of the Israeli-RED Chinese-NBC General Electric box gang.

This is why he is getting unprecedented favorable press coverage with one bogus poll after the other being fed to the American People.

Item: NBC-General Electric, the RED Chinese laden Sara Lee Corporation and American International Group (AIG) are sitting on another $97 TRILLION worth of foreign currency and U.S. dollar insurance policy derivatives due this coming Wednesday, which of course, is one day after the 2008 presidential election in the United States.

These derivatives, due a day after the upcoming presidential election, has a similar smell to the Cantor Fitzgerald bond issue that was due on 9/11/01, the day of the black ops attack on New York City.

Stay tuned folks, things are definitely about to become un-hinged, again.

P.S. We can now report that the recent bombing of Syria was nothing more than an obstruction of justice operation by the Bushfraud Administration, in which the government of Iran provided intelligence to the U.S. Air Force on the location of a warehouse, which contained records of at least ten (10) illegal CIA rendition flights, in which innocent U.S. and Canadian citizens, who knew too much about the truth concerning the events of 9/11, were falsely classified as terrorists by dual ISRAELI/American citizen, mega Mossad TRAITOR and current head of the Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, and flown to Syria and illegally tortured.

Reference: Former Assistant Attorney General James Comey had launched an investigation of the ILLEGAL rendition flights tied to the current Bushfraud Administration and, accordingly, was fired!

Comey is an interesting figure since he considered Bush's ILLEGAL spying against the American People to be TREASON and actually is now under consideration by Republican presidential nominee John McCain for a position as Attorney General of the United States or a Supreme Court Justice.

We can now see folks why the spy-laden, extortion-friendly American corporate media elite wants Obama to win given Obama now favors the ILLEGAL spy program against the American People.

Remember folks, there is a four to five second delay in ALL corporate American media broadcasts with the TREASONOUS NSA holding onto the switch.

P.P.S. Back for a second to Joe the Plumber and the American media filth.

Today on MSNBC, Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate media whore, Alex Witt aka witch, proceeded with a 10-minute smear operation against Joe the Plumber and his checking account.

Where did Alex Witt get this dirt?  She got it leaked to her by the Obama campaign who has been illegally investigating Joe the Plumber.

Defense Intelligence agent Witt 10 minutes later reported the fact that Joe the Plumber may have been spied on, but then reported that the inquiries on Joe the Plumber were proper.

Maybe it is time to start investigating Alex Witt aka witch's financial records.

P.P.P.S. At this hour we can report that a European RED NOTICE has been issued against the current Roman Catholic Pope aka Nazi Stasi/DVD agent and Bush-Clinton-Blair-Merkel Crime Syndicate co-conspirator, Pope Benedict.

Bushfraud and Nazi Stasi/DVD 'BLACK' Pope Benedict

Angela Merkel and Pope and Tony Blair

(L pic) Getty Images and (R pic) AP/L'Osservatore Romano, HO

The Pontiff has been fingered by a joint U.S.-French Intelligence team in actually trying to create bribes and payoffs for various officials of the European Union in regards to blocking the settlements tied to the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.

The Black Pope aka the current Pontiff has been the paymaster and bagman for the criminally-laden Deutsche Bank, working directly with compromised Swiss banking officials and the noted Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate fixer mega MOSSAD-East German Stasi/DVD agent Marc Rich aka Hans Brand.

Final note: As we approach the election on Tuesday, it is important to understand that what we are watching is not an election but a media whore production.

We have two completely compromised presidential candidates, Obama, a British Intelligence asset, and McCain, a Keating Five bank dick.

We have electronic machines with NO paper trail, purged voting lists, questionable registration tactics and satellite technology, which can manipulate the results for whichever campaign produces the biggest check.

It is still a wonder that, after what happened in the year 2000 presidential election, the American People are not allowed to vote with a paper ballot as almost the rest of the world does.

We urge all of our entire patriotic audience to vote for the 3rd party of their choice, whether it be Bob Barr or even Ralph Nader.

Voting for either a Democrat or Republican presidential candidate is voting to enable the continued occupation and criminalization of the American Republic as brought to you by either Obama or McCain.

Remember, both of these stooges, voted for the $780 BILLION 'bailout' of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate corporate criminals, which was nothing more than a handout to these crooks that stole the money to begin with.

If you think we have free elections in this country remember the year 2000 was the last real presidential election and it was stolen from then Vice President, now duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. by this Bush-Clinton corporate-controlled media gang of filth.

If you remember the media coverage of the year 2000 presidential election, it was 100% favorable to Bush and negative to Gore.  Gore still won despite all of their crap!

Now in the year 2008 we have a reverse of that with 100% of the coverage pro Obama and anti McCain.

Remember this media coverage is bought and paid for in regards to the financially driven, extortion-friendly corporate-controlled American media elite.

Clearly the corporate media filth has decided that Obama has the ability to get them more 'bailout' money.

Reference: Both Gore and McCain have been rumored to be uncomfortable with closet homosexual types in the American media.

So, accordingly, the corporate-controlled media filth obviously prefers homosexual in-the-closet Barack Obama as they preferred closet homosexual, AWOL, cocaine snorting, war criminal and nation wrecker George W. Bushfraud in the year 2000.


* * *  A L E R T  * * *



Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate

Bushfraud approves as U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi bows down to East German Nazi Stasi/DVD 'BLACK' Pope Benedict  Reuters


left pic AP by Ron Edmonds

HIGH TREASON Against the American People

TRAITORS: Bushfraud and Pelosi


right pic Monsivais/AP

At this hour, Bushfraud is negotiating with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the Obama campaign for IMMUNITY from prosecution for war crimes and TREASON activities against the American People that could be brought against him by Federal Grand Juries [We the People] and U.S. Prosecutors after he leaves office.  

Pelosi is also trying to get secret IMMUNITY from Congress for both Bill and Hillary Clinton, i.e. their activities in the White House in the 1990s, charges including:

U.S. Treasury theft,

Money laundry,


ILLEGAL domestic spying, and

Multiple Murders aka Assassinations

Guess what folks.  If Congress does not agree to this (although they may have already done so in secret), House Speaker Pelosi will just do as she previously did in the 'bailout' negotiations:

She will threaten Congress with martial law in America.

It is not time to prepare for some bogus election.

It is time to prepare for the 2nd American Revolution.


The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

…But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security…

 Liberty and Justice for We, the American People

Punishment with Due Prejudice for



Stay tuned for emergency reports at any moment as Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the  REAL  President of the United States.


Non-inaugurated, duly elected

President Albert Gore Jr.







International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL -- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.

"The Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and ALL of their co-conspirators face unprecedented, monumental prosecutions for massive HIGH TREASON against the American People;

thus, before the 2008 election, they are plotting 'False Flag Attacks' in the U.S. with expectations of nullifying and eradicating individual and States rights and freedoms protected by the U.S. Constitution,

via martial law and subjugation of the American People,

in order to stay in control of the compromised U.S. Justice Department to continue sealing Federal Grand Jury (We the People) indictments and hiding them from the American People to avoid convictions and public punishment with due prejudice."  Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

"Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the apparatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue breakaway entity of the U.S. government; allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best's rogue black ops specialists for scripted activity outside the U.S. government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police—an entity of the U.S. government." Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

Homosexual gays and lesbians who are  "IN-THE-CLOSET"  are a MAJOR THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY being vulnerable to blackmail and extortion by self-serving, hostile entities against the safety, security, sovereignty and best interests of the American People.

Patriotic, God-loving, peaceful Jewish People are  NOT  the same as the  war mongering ZIONIST KHAZARIAN Jews.

NOTICE: Occasionally the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate controlled NSA and FBI Division 5 and/or Israeli Mossad, invade this intelligence blog changing or removing images, pictures and phraseology and even disconnect the link from the internet for the purpose of trying to keep you, the American People, ill-informed.