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Impeachment Leader Wexler Needs Help

Daniel Ellsberg

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Almost 40 years ago, Anthony Russo and I made a decision that we would risk our own freedom in an attempt to bring the truth about the Vietnam War to the American people.  The "Pentagon Papers," which we copied and I gave to members of the Senate (and later to the New York Times and to eighteen other papers, in the face of unprecedented injunctions), changed the course of American politics – and the freedom that the media has to cover it. 

The Supreme Court voided the injunctions, but Tony and I were indicted on federal felony charges:  three counts for Tony, twelve for me for a possible sentence of 115 years in prison.  These were the first prosecutions in American history for a leak to the public.  But just before the case went to the jury, Oval Office crimes against me were revealed in our courtroom in 1973 that led to dismissal of all charges against us and, more importantly, led to the convictions of a number of White House aides and figured in the impeachment proceedings that forced President Richard Nixon to resign from office. 

If Congressional leaders in 1973 had "put impeachment off the table," Nixon would have served out his term -- despite demonstrably criminal behavior-- and he would almost certainly have renewed the bombing of South and North Vietnam through 1976, to no effect other than countless additional deaths. 

Today, members of Congress have a similar moral challenge – as they weigh their duty to the Constitution against perceived political risk.

Robert Wexler has shown, time and time again, that his dedication to the Constitution supersedes politics.  In this regard, he is living up to his oath of office--the same oath I took as a Marine officer and an official of the Defense and State Departments--which is not an oath to a President or a Commander-in-Chief but, solely, to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. 

Robert Wexler has been a consistent leader in the effort to bring genuine accountability to this corrupt White House for violations of domestic and international law and the  Constitution that, I would say, go far beyond those which confronted Richard Nixon with impeachment and possible criminal prosecution. 

Wexler was the first member of the Judiciary Committee - the body that would initiate impeachment proceedings - to call for hearings. He started a nationwide movement at that mobilized hundreds of thousands of Americans behind impeachment hearings.

Now, perhaps unsurprisingly, Robert Wexler is paying a political price for his willingness to stand up and tell the truth about Bush and Cheney.

With four weeks to go before Election Day, Robert is now facing two self-funded challengers who are attacking his support for impeachment. His local newspaper has ridiculed his support for impeachment and criticized his efforts on behalf of this vital cause.

Robert now needs the support of everyday Americans – like you - to keep him in Congress.

Please click here, and help me support Robert Wexler's re-election.

There are too few Members of Congress willing to speak truth to power and we cannot afford to lose the voice of Congressman Robert Wexler in the House of Representatives.

In fact, we must go a step further: We must show these and all future challengers that as Wexler defends the Constitution, America will be ready to defend Wexler.Help me defend Wexler.  Please make a contribution today.

Ignoring (or delaying) this duty has only made Congress subservient to the Executive Branch, and could potentially undermine the role of Congress permanently. 

It is essential that we retain every Member that is willing to fight for accountability and the rule of law.  We certainly cannot lose Robert Wexler – who has been a champion and leader on the issues we care about.

Help keep Robert Wexler fighting - click here to donate to his campaign.

I have spent most of my life addressing issues of accountability.  So many have risked their careers, freedom, and even lives to preserve the integrity of government. We must honor good decisions and good policy as strongly as we fight their opposite.

We must keep Congress strong - and to do so, we must keep our strongest, most vocal members.

Donate today to help keep Robert Wexler in Congress.



Daniel Ellsberg

Wexler For Congress Campaign

2500 North Military Trail

Suite 251

Boca Raton, FL 33431