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If you want to understand how the media creates a mythical hero - and more important, the REAL

reasons why you cannot afford gas - propane - home heating oil - natural gas etc, - you'll want to

read how it's done - and of the LIES the media / politicians are feeding you to cover their tracks. Congress is

FINALLY holding hearings on this great heist - which will (if past performance is any indication)

result in ZERO being done.

John McCain was on TV    lamenting three Israeli POWS  being held. He  went on and on,  of how he met personally with the families,  and has insisted that the protocols of the Geneva Convention be followed. I can certainly feel for these families - but McCain might visit families here,  who have thousands missing,  in not only  Vietnam but Korea (8000). All of them - left behind.

If we had an honest press, they would draw the comparison of John, and his treatment of the families of our POWS. John has staunchly resisted laying open the POW/MIA records of our own soldiers. All Pentagon debriefings of the prisoners who returned from Vietnam are classified and closed to family /returned soldiers under a STATUTE enacted in the early 90s -  by McCain. The families will never know what their government has being doing (which is nothing)  to rescue their husbands and sons.  This sealing of all records includes McCain's. Now one would  think,  that with him being given special status these past 40 years,  as seemingly, the only POW in history - that he would want every detail of his incarceration made known? Why not? It may be because, unlike other POWS, he was given special attentions - (best medical care) due to his informing his captors that his father was an Admiral and headed the Pacific fleet? In any event -  he came to be known by his captors as 'the Crown Prince' - and thus was afforded special  attentions.  He also gave many anti American propaganda pieces  (broadcast over Hanoi radio)- which he mentions in his book - and now regrets.

Best of buddies - Bush and McCain.  McCain bragged that had HE been President - he would have had Air Force One fly right to Louisiana etc. No he wouldn't have. Here is is - (Katrina) receiving a birthday cake from Bush - who SPENT our money (thousands of gallons of gas)  flying a birthday cake to Arizona - while Katrina victims drowned. Because people have 30 second memory spans - they never call these bozos on these lies.
McCain is the only POW who has a memorial erected in his honor (Hanoi).  The North Vietnamese - thought of him, because of his father's  high rank, as royalty.

The prisoner return in 1973 saw 591 Americans repatriated by North Vietnam. The problem was

that the U.S. intelligence list of men believed to be alive --in Vietnam, Laos, China and the Soviet

Union was much - very much larger. We're talking thousands  of men - left behind. For example, only nine of the 591 returnees came out of Laos - though the U.S. military intelligence listed 311. Field reports

indicated that those men were most probably still alive. McCain - [never reported on the news] - has single handedly pushed through Pentagon desired legislation to make it impossible for the public to

acquire POW/MIA information.

The 'Truth Bill of 1989' would have made the head of each department or agency, which held records or information - including numerous live -sighting reports  available to the public. This legislation was bitterly opposed by the Pentagon. The 'Truth Bill' got nowhere. It was reintroduced in 1991 - and again disappeared. Then, suddenly, out of the Senate birthed by the Arizona senator, a NEW piece of legislation emerged. It was called The McCain Bill. This measure turned The 'Truth Bill' on its head. It

created a bureaucratic maze, from which only a fraction of the available documents could emerge. And it became LAW.  One clause actually said the Pentagon didn't even have to inform the public when it  recovered intelligence that Americans were ALIVE in captivity.  Information of Americans ( 8000) missing in the Korean War has been denied by officals who reference the McCain statute. 

McCain - called the 'Crown Prince' - by his captors, due to his father's high rank as Admiral of the Pacific fleet, is seen here meeting in the Office of the Committee for Cultural Relations - in Hanoi. They were served a luncheon. John looks pretty healthy compared to those, like Floyd Thompson - the longest held POW ( nine years) who was kept in the jungle (these men suffered the most) in a CAGE and fed rice gruel. Floyd had a broken back and received NO medical care. Nobody knows his name - he died in obscurity in Florida in 2001.
Floyd above - honoring veterans. Floyd was kept mostly in isolation during his nine years - except when made to walk for months - blind folded through the jungles (he caught malaria) . Mostly he was kept in a cage (above) and tortured horrifically. NO - McCain wasn't tortured and he wasn't kept in a cage. This is reported by his POW Commanders who were made aware of all  happening at the Plantation. Floyd escaped six times and was recaptured six times. He was hung by his thumbs for hours - and hung from rafters with his elbows behind his back. How he survived is miraculous.
It really doesn't matter what party one belongs to ---who in God's name wants a Commander -In - Chief, who seemingly should be championing finding those left behind,  instead being the one person who has set up numerous barriers? If he can't care for those whom he served with (all military) who the hell thinks he'll give a fat rat's ass about the American public ----STRANGERS. WHY - has he gone to such lengths,  to have his own and all information sealed? Why hasn't any of the media or Congress insisted on this information be made known? What is McCain hiding - for himself and for the Pentagon?

There was a 'Missing Service Personnel Act' which McCain succeeded in gutting in 1996. This compelled the Pentagon to deploy more resources with greater speed to locate and rescue missing men. McCain amended (WHY?) the heart out of the statute. One final evisceration in the law was McCain's removal of all its enforcement teeth. The original act provided for criminal penalties for anyone, such as military bureaucrats in Washington, who destroy or cover up or withhold from families any information about a missing man. McCain erased this part of the law.  Instead of going on non - stop about flag pins - or some Reverend - these are the issues that the public needs to be made aware of. 

McCain's foreign policy sees no need to speak with,  or negotiate with the newest targets for pre-emptive invasion (Iran). Yikes - imagine a leader singing 'bomb bomb Iran'? John had NO problem glad handing and hugging with those directly responsible for executing and torturing our military personnel. Kiet (bottom photo) executed our men and wrote the policy that saw thousands of pro- South Vietnamese murdered during the Tet Offensive - many were buried alive. John berated and verbally assaulted the MOTHERS - WIVES of those thousands of Americans left behind. Anybody voting for this man - a creature of media - hype, is morally and intellectually bankrupt.

Today he harped on and on about these poor (3) Israeli POWS and how he was doing everything in his power (over in Israel) to see to their release! Over the years (on Youtube - transcripts of '91-'92 POW/MIA hearings) he has regularly vilified any group or person who trys to pry out evidence about MIAs. He calls them "hoaxers - charlatans - and conspiracy theorists. He's called them 'craven and loathsome'. These are the mothers - fathers - sisters - wives etc of those left behind.  McCain raged that 'these families make a living off of keeping the issue alive". Col. Ted Guy - POW - who died of leukemia  wrote a letter to McCain - he said of McCain's stream of insults; "John, does this include Senator Bob Smith - NH (a champion of POWs/MIAs) and other concerend elected officals? Does this include the families of the missing where there is OVERWHELMING evidence that their loved ones were 'last known to be alive? Does this include some of your fellow POWs?"

McCain has said again and again that he has seen no 'credible' evidence that more than a tiny handful of men MIGHT have been alive in captivity after the prison return of 1973. John seems to be saying that this TINY number are negligible - of no importance?  He has dismissed all the radio intercepts, LIVE sightings, satellite  photos, CIA REPORTS, defector information, recovered enemy documents, and reports of ransom demands - thousands and thousands of pieces of information indicating LIVE CAPTIVES.  TRUE -- He has even described these intelligence reports as the equivalent of UFO and alien sightings. Anyone voting for this guy - is too far gone to save.

John has no problem shaking hands and hugging the likes of these murderers! He calls the families of our POWs/MIAs - "loathsome - contemptible - craven" etc. Don't believe me - do the research, its a  matter of PUBLIC record.

Who Cares? Seemingly only those who sent their loved ones off to a senseless war .Secretary of Defense McNamara in his book said it was 'all a mistake'. What the hell did he care - he wasn't left to rot in some jungle - he went on to live a luxurious life as head of the World Bank - the disgusting creep.  Here's what's  NOT being told. Nixon/Kissinger leading the country's withdrawal, accepted the peace treaty of Jan 27, 1973. They promised that they would negotiate the release of the remaining POWs later. But when Congress refused to provide the $3 - 4 BILLION in proposed national development reparations, that Kissenger had dangled as a carrot to Hanoi (the malignant - malevolent naraccist) refused to correct the impression that all prisoners had been returned, and Washington, for its part, refused to admit that it has known about abandoned POWs from the beginning.

The media instead created a mythical hero aura around McCain. Perhaps it was thought that the nation needed a distraction - a real HERO to come out of that debacle? None of his political opponents ever dared criticize him for his legislative history of withholding POW information - voting against all medical increases for veterans and of late, even being against the GI Bill which would afford veterans a college education. He thinks this education package will keep people from reenlisting;  as if everyone wantsto spend their lives in FOREVER war. Recall - that JOHN didn't spend any real time in combat. He only has 22 HOURS  of combat. In his brief career (training - combat) he CRASHED five planes ( 4 in training - one in combat).  With this history of incompetence (if his father wasn't an admiral he'd have been booted out) his being imprisoned,  most probably saved his life? Another crash might have killed him. Also - he was kept from being DRENCHED with Agent Orange - which destroyed many a veteran's life - and had them birthing deformed children. He came home - got the best of private care - married an heiress (after divorcing his handicapped wife - terribly injured in a car accident) and now travels on his wife's corporate jet - visiting his numerous multi- million dollar homes. If he  couldn't keep his marriage vows - what makes anyone think he'd honor his oath of office?

Today, the President presented the President presented the family of a young private, with the Medal of Honor . This young man  threw himself on a grenade to save all of his buddies. We use the word HERO much too liberally in this country. A hero is one who sacrifices himself for another - a hero, is that man or woman, not feeding at the trough of media adulation - they  are a special breed  of humanity who  give over their lives (sometime physically) in service to humanity. The names of most heroes will never be known.  John doesn't qualify.  Thousands were taken prisoner - none received 28 medals.

John didn't  have to beg for the $58,000, tax free disability he receives. Young Ty ( 23) above, had to go to Washington to fight for his benefits. I think ALL will agree with me that TY - has been left (missing eye- missing arm) a helluva lot worse off than Senator McCain who has been whining about his great sacrifice for 40 years. After crashing 5 planes in his mere 22 hours of combat - being captured (with this history) most likely saved his life? Note that McCain hasn't been front and center fighting for some of these BILLIONS getting lost in Iraq - being spent on armored vehicles. If he had - Ty and a number of others,  wouldn't be burned into unrecognizable specimens of humanity. Bastards - the lot of them in Washington.
Yikes - don't you just hate someone slobbering and kissing ass? Think about it - if a Hillary or a McCain were elected we'd have almost thirty years of a Bush - Clinton - Clinton - Bush: McCain is a conjoined twin of Bush - (what's in a name). His biggest supporters are big time lobbyists. If people persist ,in believing the manufactured myth of McCain the hero - receiving 28 medals ( my uncle in WWII on the Bataan Death March didn't),  and  given the best of medical care in the Gai Lam military hospital - for North Vietnam brass - that's fine. People apparently  need their heroes. What is really frightening is McCain's close (best of buddies) relationship with former Senator Phil Gramm (R-Tex) a contemptible crook if there ever was one. In a nutshell - GRAMM and President Clinton (this was a bi-partisan plot) are the two persons most responsible for the horrific crisis we find ourselves in today. Today's real estate - oil - gas - propane - home heating costs, are the result of the *Financial Modernization Act of 1999* (repeal of FDR's 1933 banking act) and the *Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000*.   Gramm sponsored both of these. Clinton was intimately involved with his republican buddies. The public was kept distracted with Monica - Impeachment - and sell out Lieberman playing spiritual guru - as an apologist for Clinton.   Gramm co-chairs  McCain's campaign and is also his 'economic guru'. His plan is to

become Secretary of the Treasury!   The 1999 Financial Modernization Act - decimated the Depression  -era  ( 1933) firewalls between  banks, investment banks, insurance companies, and securities firms - setting off a wave of merger mania!

We hear of the 'heroics' of John McCain ( as told by himself) non stop. Those on the BATAAN  Death March suffered inhumanities unknown to civilized man! They were made to march for days, in their bare feet, on gravel roads in 100 degree heat (no water). For fun - the  Japanese ran some of the men over with tanks - or tortured them. If anyone fell - they shot them,  or made their comrades BURY THEM ALIVE. Thousands upon thousands, of American and Philippine  troops died horrible deaths. Modern history,  doesn't report the true suffering , of those who survived such horrors. It makes me physically ill , to know what these men suffered; and then listening  to John's whining. He received treatment,  that NO other POW received --- Those wounded as critically as he was, all DIED.  My uncle never spoke of  his suffering. I never saw any medals? Most of the WWII veterans - came home  and suffered their emotional traumas privately. They went to work - raised families - and built a nation.

LIES: Today on C-Span,  a representative of McCain', sat there and told a bald faced  LIE in relation to McCain and the Farm Bill - saying that McCain didn't want subsidies going to farmers (corporate farms). NO - that is NOT why McCain was against the Farm Bill.  Gramm was against it - because it contained provisions that would reign in the run away SPECULATORS (Hedge Funds) causing the obscene rise in oil etc.  These lies which people accept as Gospel go on continually. People just don't take the time to find out the details of these bills - thus, being made aware, when these LIES are presented by the media.

NONE of these candidates are discussing this crisis. Maybe  it's because they're all millionaires,  and it  doesn't affect them? After all , they're all getting their full paychecks - and their gas is all written off,  as campaign expenses (corporate jets - specialty buses etc). McCain tells folks to "get a second job - sell stuff on eBay" - and gosh, don't take that vacation. The dumb ass - like the hundreds of thousands of unemployed are planning a trip to Disney World!

Gramm and his wife  should be in jail. Gramm and Wendy Gramm are the KEY people responsible in the ENRON rip off and bilking California citizens out of BILLIONS with electric bills in the thousands - ta dah - thanks to the 2000 Commodity Futures Modernization Act ---called the ENRON loophole, in place to this day. Yet people - not aware of legislation for corporate interests - believe this ballyhoo of  'supply and demand' - global warming - peak oil BS! ALL LIES. Gramm's most cunning coup on behalf of his friends in the financial services industry - came on (after the Financial Modernization Act of 1999 - thus real estate meltdown - not suckers buying homes they couldn't afford)   December 15-2000. Gramm SLIPPED in a 262 page measure called the Commodity Futures Moderrnization Act . This was witten with the help of financial industry lobbyists ( like waste lobbyists in NH write legislation) and cosponsored by Senator Luger ( R - Ind). - the measure had been considered dead . Few lawmakers read the version of the bill Gramm secretly inserted. Nobody in either chamber had any knowledge of what was going on or what was in it.  The bill contained a provision lobbied for by ENRON that exempted energy trading from REGULATORY OVERSIGHT - in place from 1922 - 2000!  Dear Wendy Gramm,  once on the Commodity Futures Trading Commission( CFTC) , went on to become a board member of ENRON - the Gramm famlly made millions - bailing out (selling all their stock) before the proverbial crap hit the fan.

Gramm is now an executive for a Swiss bank - getting paid big bucks! See how it works - the more corrupt you are, the higher up the ladder you're permitted to climb.   Today, Congress (yawn) finally held hearings on this  Hedge Fund scam. There they were, pretending they didn't about this legislation of Gramm - Clinton of 1999 - 2000; the two most important pieces of legislation in modern history. They don't know -- and they work in Washington?? I live on a back road in NH - have no credentials - and I KNOW!  At no time,  have you seen this important information, which is driving many people out of business (truckers - farmers)  - causing massive foreclosures -  people unable to afford home heating oil - gas - propane - natural gas - being discussed by the talking heads.  These speculators having lost billions in the  great real estate meltdown are   now 'hedging ' their bets in  OIL etc. These Hedge Speculators,  are entities such as wealthy investors - Morgan Stanley - Goldman Sachs - Solengo Capital - Centaurus Energy - etc. Hillary's major contributors are from these 'Hedge' Fund investors.  Chelsea,  a graduate of  Oxford (masters) works for Morgan Stanley which helps. Point being - these politicians should stop  pretending that  don't know about this GAME of 'high rollers' betting on the future of oil prices. Today's hearing reported that 50% of the price of gas /home heating etc, is due to this hedging and betting. McCain voted for these bills ( '99 - 2000) and Hillary's husband (so much for all her experience) assisted in getting them passed and SIGNED them.

It is Wall Street - not OPEC ,  that determines DAILY gas prices. Think of the  whole sordid affair as

a casino. The one armed bandits are for the seniors - etc. The real money is traded by the

'High Rollers' - who are treated as royalty. They are unseen and unknown,  put up in palatial

mansions - and pent houses. As long as folks like Gramm - Clinton - McCain et al - do the business

 of the today's Corporate Hucksters -  NOTHING will change, Meanwhile like McCain suggests; "Get a second job - cut out your vacation" - this from a guy with eight doctors keeping him alive.  These Hedge Fund managers - make

billions in salary (commission). Above you'll see the reasons why the gas at the pump - your home

heating oil - etc is being driven out of sight. It's about MONEY - not about people - their homes - or their

jobs. Congress would do well if they all just returned home. They are as useless as tits on a bull.

Cindy McCain the money in the McCain family recently sold off her massive investments in the SUDAN - namely Chinese Oil ! The McCain's made millions from these investments - recently discovered by the press thus the sell - off. Imagine investing in an entity that has seen hundreds of thousands of dead - and millions dispossessed from their land - for Chinese oil interests. It has been the Chinese who've supplied these various 'paid' militant groups with weapons to do their dirty work of genocide - another bit of trivia NOT being reported. 

McCain's investments in Chinese Oil (Sudan) has resulted in genocide. To be fair - the U.S. is hypocritical

in their stance on the Sudan - having no restrictions on  the wealthy making millions with these investments.

McCain has a perverse and crude sense of humor - hardly the mind set you'd want in a leader. Reveling in adoration at a Republican fund - raiser he said, " Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly? Because  Janet Reno is her father."

OTHER CRUDE JOKES: Citizens for Life , a New Hampshire group, complained in their ads that McCain referred to Leisure World  senior citizens home as "SEIZURE WORLD".  He also said, " The nice things about Alzheimer's is you get to hide your own eggs".

He has referred (in the presence of 3 reporters - 2 aides) to his wife as a "trollop" and another crude term that is beyond the pale.

Arizona Republic: " About 300 guests turned out Saturday night to celebrate the birthday of Joseph "Joe Bananas" Bonanno, retired boss of New York's Bonanno crime family. He retired to Tucson in 1968. John McCain ( R- Ariz) sent his fondest regards by telegram.  McCain was one of the KEATING FIVE (never mentioned by the media) who strenously helped convicted racketeer Charles Keating after he gave him large campaign contributions - numerous vacation trips - and  investments with Cindy McCain.  Keating was convicted of racketeering and fraud in both state and federal court after his Lincoln Savings and Loan collapsed. McCain  ( other senators) met with regulators attempting to influence them in overlooking Keatings heist.  The Savings and Loan scandal cost American taxpayers multi - billions. President Bush's brother Neil (now a wealthy Asian consultant) was responsible for the Billion dollar Silverado heist. Punishment - none. He sold his million dollar home and moved to Texas - his wife subsequently divorced him for his womanizing.

These are the people who serve themselves;  through disreputable connections and deals with corporate interests - banks - pharmaceuticals  - insurance companies etc. The laws are written for their benefit /profits - not for the people. Ha - why do you think we pay approx 6x more for medicine than other countries - and why people cannot afford medical care - gas - home heating oil - etc?  The pandemic of 'cognitive dissonance' and people slavishly influenced by the media  (all corporate owned) has resulted in a public  that has been propagandized to the point of bovine stupidity - repeating talking points that they are fed by TV. Critical thinking - debate - discourse (no matter the subject) is a thing of the past. Those having an opposing opinion - a rational argument etc - are dutifully labeled, mocked, ridiculed, and discarded. Group think and conformity are in -----individualism  and critical thinking are suspect and silenced. JM