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Robert Taft on Ron Paul

Robert Taft

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From: Dick Eastman
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 7:26 PM
Subject: [frameup] Robert Taft: Ron Paul never ceases to disappoint me. -=- the "threat of a recession???"
Bob is right.  I reached the same conclusion myself long ago.  By the way, can anything be more illustrative of the total fradulent deceit when Fed Chairman Bernanke talks about "the risk of a recession?"  Don't people realize that the peoples losings to the Wall Street money power are not measured by Gross Domestic Product, which is the measure by which recessions are determined.  Don't people realize that the losses of the people's dollar value of output are cancelled when the takings of Wall Street are added back in.  The people are in a depression resulting from predation, but because the plunder of the predators that happens in the US is also counted as domestic product the statistic doesn't dip and therefore, according to the statistic, the US economy where we are all economically dying right now isn't even counted as a recession yet.   The GDP measure is worth than useless.  If 200 million of us died tomorrow and Congress wrote a check for a trillion dollars to Canadian companies to come in and bury all the corpses -- the GDP would indicate a jump of a trillion dollars in the quater and we would be having a boom.  That is how lousy the politicans' and economists'primary measure of our economic health is.
We look at an output and we look at income measures.  We should look at household wealth and American household purchasing power and debt burdens.  And certainly Ron Paul's plan for debtors to pay the rich in gold is not the real solution, is it?
Dick Eastman
Robert Taft on Ron Paul
Ron Paul never ceases to disappoint me. He has always supported the notion that some cave dwellers pulled off 9/11 and government insiders had nothing to do with it.

Yesterday, in one of the hearings with the head Shylocks, he gave the impression that the usury rates should be adjusted to work better. He should be saying that the whole scam should be dumped. He has said that the Fed must be scrapped so then why is he also saying that it is still OK to enslave Americans via the usury trap? He disappoints me in this. He also supports a gold-backed system which shows he knows nothing of monetary basics.

Of course he has said he'd bring our troops home where they belong and quit serving as Israel's mercenaries. For this he's considered "anti-semitic." So why can't he go all the way and really incur the full wrath of the money power? This is no time for pussy-footing around. We are seeing a civilization imploding: ours!

It is interesting to watch these hearings with Congress v. the Shylocks. Some good questions come up but no good answers. The nerve of those Congresspersons thinking that they should have the right to question our head Shylocks. If one bunch of jews wants to bail out another at the expense of the taxpayers, what right do the goyim have to question any of this? After all we are only stuck for $30 billion to bail out Bear Stearns, while our benevolent government is planning on giving each tax payer $300. Three hundred is ten times as much as Thirty, right?

This whole discussion on regulating the basic jewish money cabal that runs the show is pointless. The Fed has never been audited in 96 years. To suggest that it should be investigating the investment banks that own it is ludicrous. Outfits like Morgan-Chase and Goldman Saxe and CitiBank shouldn't be allowed to prey upon Americans. They are purposely bankrupting the US gov in preparation for the NAU and the introduction of the Amero. While they do this they will be protected while the average American mortgage holder will be sacrificed to balance the usurers' books.

At convention time Ron Paul won't hardly be mentioned except as a sop to those who still think that voting is a worthwhile exercise. His appeal is to the millions of Americans who view the destruction of our way of life and still think a political correction is possible. I don't even think a military correction is possible. The US has been targeted for extinction by the banksters. Maybe out of the ashes a Bob Barr will arise, but unless the Shylocks are eliminated once and for all the whole sad charade will be replayed over and over. "These are the times that try men's souls." Indeed!

Best regards,.

Bob Taft

The Taft Ranch

Upton, Wyoming

(307) 465-2206

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