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Hillary and Jorge

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Now, I attended church when I was very young, and one of the things I recall about that experience is that nobody ever dared challenge the authority of the guy in the funny robes. He said what he wanted to say and the rest of us sat and listened quietly, no matter how absurd it sounded. I presume that Reverend Wright's church operates with the same rules. Therefore, it is unreasonable to assume that Obama is in any way reposnible for what Reverend Wright has to say about anything. And, while I do not share Reverend Wright's beliefs, I do not disagree with much of what he says. There has been and is racism in this country in many forms, some overt, some covert. And it is hard to imagine any god blessing America after all the commandments our government shattered in the war on Iraq. But whether you agree with Reverend Wright or not, he has a First Amendment right to speak his peace.

In recent days, there have been attempts by the mainstream media to metaphorically tar and feather Barack Obama by his association with Reverend Wright. I was hopeful we had outgrown such things as guilt by association, but political campaigns always seem to bring out the worst in people.

But, if guilt by association is your cup of tea, then read on, because I have a couple doozies to share with you!


Jorge Cabrera is a convicted drug dealer and friend of Fidel Castro.

Some News Coverage

MIAMI -- Jorge Cabrera, a drug smuggler who has emerged as one of the most notorious supporters of President Clinton's re-election campaign, was asked for a campaign contribution in the unlikely locale of a hotel in Havana by a prominent Democratic fund-raiser, congressional investigators have learned.


On his return to the United States several days after that meeting, in November 1995, Cabrera wrote a check for $20,000 to the Democratic National Committee from an account that included the proceeds from smuggling cocaine from Colombia to the United States, said the investigators, who spoke on condition of anonymity.


In early January 1996, three weeks after having attended the Christmas reception at the White House, Cabrera was arrested and charged with importing 6,000 pounds of cocaine into the United States on boats through the Florida Keys. Late last year, he pleaded guilty to those charges and was sentenced to 19 years in federal prison and fined $1.5 million.


Drug Smuggler Made Clinton Donation in Cuba, Investigators Say


New York Times

April 4, 1997

MIAMI -- Jorge Cabrera, a drug smuggler who has emerged as one of the most notorious supporters of President Clinton's re-election campaign, was asked for a campaign contribution in the unlikely locale of a hotel in Havana by a prominent Democratic fund-raiser, congressional investigators have learned.

The investigators said the fund-raiser, whom they identified as Vivian Mannerud, a Cuban-American businesswoman from Miami, told Cabrera at a meeting at the Copacabana Hotel in Havana that

in exchange for a contribution he would be invited to a fund-raising dinner in honor of Vice President Al Gore in an exclusive enclave near Miami.

Ms. Mannerud owns Airline Brokers Co., an airline charter service that operates among Havana, the Bahamas and Mexico.

On his return to the United States several days after that meeting, in November 1995, Cabrera wrote a check for $20,000 to the Democratic National Committee from an account that included the proceeds from smuggling cocaine from Colombia to the United States, said the investigators, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Within two weeks of the contribution, Cabrera met Gore at the dinner in Miami. Ten days later, Cabrera attended a Christmas reception at the White House hosted by Hillary Rodham Clinton. At the events, Gore and Mrs. Clinton posed for photographs with Cabrera, who has two felony convictions dating from the 1980s and is now in a prison here on a drug-smuggling conviction.


Photo Op With First Lady

White House Refuses To Release Photos.

White House Finally Releases Photos.

Cabrera as informant



Here we have a photo taken at an official DNC fundraiser with Bill and Hillary posed with Ng Lap Seng, Macau Crime Lord who controls Prostitution in that region. His Fortuna Hotel is actually a high class bordello where young girls (often underage) are available for a price. Ng, through his American contact Charlie Trie, donated close to a million dollars to the Democrats.

So, here is the point. If Barack Obama shares the guilt-by-association of a Pastor who says inflammatory things, then Hillary has to share the guilt-by-association with drug smugglers, pimps, and child molesters.

You cannot have one without the other.

Please forward this article to everyone who has been pounding on Obama's pastor these last few days.