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British Set 'Ticking Timebombs' Under Obama to Bring in Bloomberg

Lyndon LaRouche

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February 17, 2008 (LPAC)--Right-wing Buckleyite honcho Grover Norquist lays out today how the British and others are preparing to doom Sen. Barack Obama's Presidential campaign--if, and after, he defeats Hillary Clinton--clearing the way for Tony Blair's and Felix Rohatyn's preferred "Mussolini," New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, for the Presidency.

Norquist, along with Newt Gingrich, give detailed scenarios in a prominent and very lengthy article in the London Sunday Times today; to quote Norquist, "Hillary could lose the [nomination] election, but Obama could then collapse" by scandal and rapid "Swift-boating." This is precisely the "Mussolini Bloomberg option" timing repeatedly warned of by economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche: Obama is used by Blair's and Rohatyn's fascist networks to knock out Clinton's campaign; and is then rapidly knocked out in turn as Bloomberg enters the race, to win.

The British Obama-scandals dossier laid out by Norquist and Gingrich, in "Obama As Shady Chicago Socialist," is essentially the same as spread across most of the London press already on Feb. 4-5; but now, the ticking time-bombs are being more precisely planned. Norquist forecasts that "well-financed 527 attack groups ... will mercilessly pursue Obama over his ties to [jailed slumlord Antoin] Rezko"; to one-time Weather Underground leader and bomber Bill Ayers, who publicly praised the 9/11 attacks; to radical Columbia professor Rashid Shahidi and others. Norquist also implies, without saying so, that certain witnesses to Obama’s property deals with Rezko--who have remained hidden as the media so far has given Obama a virtual free ride against Hillary Clinton—this will be quickly "discovered" as soon as Obama might have knocked Clinton out of the Democratic nomination.

They will combine this "Chicago crime connection" scandal to branding as a "hard-left socialist," Norquist and Gingrich boast, and they will "bring him down fast."

An almost exact echo of this British scenario-piece is published today on the U.S. liberal site Huffington Post, under the title, "No, He Can't, Because Yes, They Will."