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How To Indict Karl Rove (video)

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Yes, it can be done

Election fraud is a very hard crime to prove - mainly because the criminals involved have the opportunity to block investigations and destroy evidence. Add that to crooked local judges and it's "game over."

On the other hand...

If the conspirators (hopefully soon to be known as the defendants) accidentally send their detailed fraud plans to the wrong address, it should be a lot easier.

And that's exactly what happened.

There is no doubt that Karl Rove conspired with others, perhaps even Alberto Gonzales (another Bush deadbeat who resigned suddenly this summer) to illegally remove voters from the voting rolls to cinch a Bush victory in 2004.

Greg Palast, investigative reporter extraordinaire, has the smoking gun. It's up to us to make sure all our friends, colleagues, representatives in Congress and media see this.

From: Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 03:17:44 -0500 Subject: Brasscheck TV: Justice Department corruption and 2008 election fraud

It's one of the biggest censored stories of the last ten years and the US news media passed on yet another chance to tell it.

This week, Republicans stormed out of Congress rather than participate in a vote to censure the Bush Administration for not cooperating with an investigation of corruption in the Justice Department.

What's the big deal?

The big deal is that Bush & Co. did indeed politicize the Justice Department and violated the law to do it.

The big question is WHY did Bush & Co. remove federal prosecutors and replace them with political hacks?

The answer: They were setting the stage for the 2 008 election fraud.

Watch this video and see Greg Palast put the pieces together:

- Brasscheck

P.S. CNN and the other lame news networks focused on the Republican Congressmen and their little temper tantrum.

What was missed was the WHY.

There is enough evidence to put Karl Rove and Alberto Gonzoles in jail and prevent another fraud in the 2008 presidential election.

Why is the US news media sitting on this story?

Please share this video with friends and colleagues.

- Brasscheck

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