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Bill Would Require Voter-Vertified Paper Ballot & Random Audits

Dr. Ed Ward

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This does fit the necessary simple fixes for verification according to the Brennan Study . Finally, Holt gets a verifiable voting reform bill - The first two were same ole secret voting BS.

Any treasonous, treacherous, tyrant, traitor 'representatives' of The People (4T), that does not vote for this bill without scam loopholes needs to be impeached immediately, and continued until the time he supposedly runs for re-election.

Any 4T representative of The People that puts a loophole in verifiable and accurate elections nees to be impeached immediately.


Any 4T representative of The People that votes to table this bill to commission for other than passage to the floor for vote needs to be impreached immediately....

Any 4T 'representative' (Chairman of Committee) of The People that does not immediately pass this bill to the floor needs to be impeached immediately. Tell the 4Ts, Mean It and Then Do It!

These representatives are enemies of The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, America, The People and Mankind. They must be impeached and held accountable from Now On. They must know to vote against anything but the fastest past bill in the history of this nation will mean their political death and be held for Treason for Subversion of The Constitution Involving Matter of War - Classic, Text Book, Treason. Any person that does not support a true vote count is UnAmerican, and part of the Subversion of the Bill of Rights,... Impeach and deport them all. Hell, I'd take illegal alien that is sworn to The Entire Constitution, The Bill of Rights, America, The People and Mankind than any the 4T elitist scumbags.

Unify Or Die? No matter your cause, for or against, ony tyrants rule if the vote is not completely secure, verifiable with recounts open to The People. Is our only voice in government - it can not be silenced in secrecy.

We are many in all our individual causes. We have the numbers if we can just set aside minor differences - or even major ones since the cause means nothing without a means to attain patriotic representatives.

Say it, Mean it and Do it.

It is a path to a heaven on earth (at least as good as Mankind can muster), a Liberty that has never really been experienced in the history of Mankind since the garden of Eden and cult leaders bastardized God's Will (if that is your belief or in God's/Natures/Evolution Live Let Live Guide - even The Constitution had those that would sell some out for the benefit of others and themselves, There have always been those with power in control of The People long before it was written about in books or even spoken in legend. .From medicine men, witch doctors, wizards, priests, prophets, kings, popes, etc., et al, they all sought power and control to torture, enslave and murder in the 'current' God's/Fear's official name.

Unify or Die!
