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I've felt it for a long time, People are waking up to this election fraud. Its hard to tell when it all started but if I had to pick a date I'd pick the election of 1860 when Abraham Lincoln went to the White House. History appears to point in that direction. I just hope we haven't drug our feet entirely to long. As a kid in school I was taught patriotism and lived it strong enough to lie about my age back in 1943 to get myself into the US Navy. I was a very proud and dignified 15 year old sailor boy when I was steering that LCM across the Rhine. I still felt that way when I joined the US Air Force and ended up in the Korean Police action. But that's where I started waking up. That process took another fourteen years. That's when I realized it was all politics and had absolutely nothing to do with the future of this nation. Hopefully there will be enough people who will hear this wake-up call to make a difference. My wife has Alzheimers and I am her primary care taker, else I'd be on my way to New Hampshire to help count those votes. Let us hope they will get enough volunteers to do the job and to see that its done right.