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Former U.S. Ambassador Praises Pope; Affirms Vatican Connection to NWO

Greg Szymanski

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If you don't believe the Vatican is involved up to their dirty necks in the NWO plan to bring fascism to American shores, listen to the words of U.N. Ambassador from Lebanon and former President of the Gen. Assembly of the U.N., Charles Malik: "The only hope for this western world is an alliance between the Roman Catholic church which is the most commonly, influential, controlling, unifying, element, in Europe and the western orthodox church.

"The only hope for the western world lies then in a united Europe under the control of the Pope."

If you don't believe the Vatican has infiltrated Protestant and Christian America, listen to the words of Ex Jesuit Priest Alberto Rivera, killed by the "poison cup" of the evil Jesuit hierarchy led by their satanic prince and Jesuit Gen., Fr. Peter Hans Kolvenbach:

"The main underlying Roman Catholic purpose is to infiltrate, and penetrate all the areas of life, were the Roman Catholic Church can have control with excess in a One World Government.

"This has been in preparation especially since the formation of the Jesuit order in 1541 to infiltrate absolutely every area of society so as to take over the world politically and religiously. The two main doctrines of Catholicism that define this are:

"The doctrine of the Apostolic succession, which is actually the Papacy. And the doctrine of temporal power which is secular government. The office of Pope illustrates this easily... The Pope is the head of the Church as well as the head of the State of Rome."

And if you believe, Ron Paul is the next "great hope" for America, listen to the words of patriot, Tom Friess, who has figured out Paul works for the Vatican-led NWO just like every single presidential candidate:

"Read the enclosed speech by Ron Paul.

"This speech given by Ron Paul is what disqualifies him for the Presidency of this Protestant Constitutional Republic. Ron Paul, just like every candidate on both sides of the political isle, is a shill for the Vatican!

"This speech demonstrates Ron Paul's inexcusable lack of knowledge of the scriptures, the bloody history of the Roman Catholic Church, and her eternal and unrelenting and openly declared war against Protestantism (especially Protestant U.S.A.) and every other non-Catholic religion.

"If Ron Paul were intellectually, scripturally, or spiritually qualified to govern the only remaining Protestant Republic in this hemisphere (if not the world), then he would know and loudly declare that the Vatican has forever blasphemously claimed the divine right to rule the world in the place of Christ. If Ron Paul were a friend of Protestant America, then he would stand before the cameras and boldly expose the many sins of Rome throughout her diabolical history, and her repeatedly stated intent to destroy Protestant America and to "Make America Catholic" (MAC)! If Ron Paul were a member of Christ's kingdom, then he would tell this nation and the world that the New World Order is an ecumenical Roman Catholic worldwide union of church and state under the sovereign rule of the Pope and his diabolical Canon Law! But Ron Paul, like all the rest of the candidates, is NOT a friend of the American people, nor of their Protestant Republic!

"Worse than that, this speech proves that Ron Paul is not even Protestant! If Ron Paul were truly Protestant, then he would know the scriptures! Revelation 17 gives a detailed description of the Roman Catholic Church, how she rules the world, and through whom she rules it. It also vividly describes her Divine Judgment in the end. If Ron Paul were truly Protestant, he would know and openly declare to the America people what all the Protestant Reformers knew and shouted from the rooftops, and even went to the flames declaring: that the Roman Catholic Church is the very seat of the Biblical Antichrist, and that the Papacy is Antichrist himself. History has proven them all to be absolutely correct! But Ron Paul won't say a word about it. And neither will any of the other candidates, including ecumenical Baptist Huckabee!

"If Ron Paul were truly Protestant, he would know that, from the Crusades to the present, the Roman Catholic Church is responsible for the torture, mutilation, forced conversion, and then brutal slaughter of more than 500 MILLION SOULS, many of whom were never even buried, but were left on the ground to be fodder for birds and beasts. If Ron Paul were worthy of the Oval Office, then he would know that the Vatican has deceitfully pitted her two worst enemies, Protestantism and Islam, against one another to war, so that they may destroy one another, and so that she may declare herself victorious and blameless in the end.

And if Ron Paul were truly Protestant, then he would know that God meant what He said in Revelation 18:24. "And in HER was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth." Even a cursory review of history renders copious and undeniable proof that this passage speaks of none other than the Whore of Rome, the Roman Catholic Church!

"Any candidate for President of this country who lauds and praises the Papacy as Ron Paul has done in this speech, has proven his scriptural, intellectual, historical, and spiritual ineptitude, and is therefore automatically disqualified from serving in any political office, let alone the Oval Office!

"Ron Paul can tickle our ears and extol the virtues of our Constitution all he wants. But don't be fooled! If Ron Paul is elected, he will turn like the Papist that he truly is and finish off what is left of our Protestant Constitution and continue with the established incremental process of replacing it with Roman Catholic Canon Law. Does Ron Paul know that Canon Law declares Protestants, "Heretics"? Does Ron Paul know that Canon Law says that it is no sin to kill heretics? Does Ron Paul know that, according to Canon Law, it is a service to God to kill heretics? If he doesn't, then he's inexcusably ignorant and not worthy of any public office. If he does, and is keeping it a secret, then his run for President is an act of TREASON! And that goes for ALL of the candidates!

"Through the Council on Foreign Relations, the Vatican picks all the candidates. Any vote for any candidate in either party is a mandate for a Vatican shill. Ron Paul is no exception and this speech proves it. In my view, the only Christian and Patriotic thing to do is to stay away from the polls and deprive Rome of her mandate! Casting any vote for any candidate in this Presidential election is tantamount to hiring your own Inquisitor and executioner. Waco wasn't a government error, or an abuse of government power. It was an overt and unapologetic exercise of government POLICY! And that policy won't change under a Ron Paul Presidency!

"Christ's kingdom is NOT of this world! The New World Order is NOT Christ's kingdom! How long will God's people continue to wonder after the Beast before they finally wake up?

"Deprive the Antichrist of his mandate! Don't go to the polls!"

Here is the speech Friess is referring to and please someone send it to Ron Paul and see if he responds:

Members of Congress from both political parties outdid themselves last week in heaping praise upon Pope John Paul II in the wake of his passing. Many spoke at length on the floor of the House of Representatives, and some even flew to Rome for his funeral.

I’m happy to witness so many politicians honoring a great man of God and peace. The problem, however, is that so few of them honored him during his lifetime by their actions as legislators. In fact, most members of Congress support policies that are totally at odds with Catholic teachings.

Just two years ago conservatives were busy scolding the Pope for his refusal to back our invasion of Iraq. One conservative media favorite even made the sickening suggestion that the Pope was the enemy of the United States because he would not support our aggression in the Middle East. The Pontiff would not ignore the inherent contradiction in being pro-life and pro-war, nor distort just war doctrine to endorse attacking a nation that clearly posed no threat to America – and conservatives resented it. September 11th did not change everything, and the Pope understood that killing is still killing. The hypocritical pro-war conservatives lauding him today have very short memories.

Liberals also routinely denounced the Pope for maintaining that Catholicism, like all religions, has rules that cannot simply be discarded to satisfy the cultural trends of the time. The political left has been highly critical of the Pope’s positions on abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage, feminism, and contraception. Many liberals frankly view Catholicism as an impediment to the fully secular society they hope to create.

Both conservatives and liberals cannot understand that the Pope’s pronouncements were theological, not political. He was one of the few humans on earth who could not be bullied or threatened by any government. He was a man of God, not a man of the state. He was not a policy maker, but rather a steward of long-established Catholic doctrine. His mission was to save souls, not serve the political agendas of any nation, party, or politician.

To the secularists, this was John Paul II’s unforgivable sin – he placed service to God above service to the state. Most politicians view the state, not God, as the supreme ruler on earth. They simply cannot abide a theology that does not comport with their vision of unlimited state power. This is precisely why both conservatives and liberals savaged John Paul II when his theological pronouncements did not fit their goals. But perhaps their goals simply were not godly.

Unlike most political leaders, the Pope understood that both personal and economic liberties are necessary for human virtue to flourish. Virtue, after all, involves choices. Politics and government operate to deny people the freedom to make their own choices.

The Pope’s commitment to human dignity, grounded in the teachings of Christ, led him to become an eloquent and consistent advocate for an ethic of life, exemplified by his struggles against abortion, war, euthanasia, and the death penalty. Yet what institutions around the world sanction abortion, war, euthanasia, and the death penalty? Governments.

Historically, religion always represented a threat to government because it competes for the loyalties of the people. In modern America, however, most religious institutions abandoned their independence long ago, and now serve as cheerleaders for state policies like social services, faith-based welfare, and military aggression in the name of democracy. Few American churches challenge state actions at all, provided their tax-exempt status is maintained. This is why Washington politicians ostensibly celebrate religion – it no longer threatens their supremacy. Government has co-opted religion and family as the primary organizing principle of our society. The federal government is boss, and everybody knows it. But no politician will ever produce even a tiny fraction of the legacy left by Pope John Paul II.

April 12, 2005