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Political Whore Alert from Tom Heneghan

Tom Henegahn

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ce and major backer of Hillary Rodenhurst-Clinton, has now promised Council on Foreign Relations-NWO puppet Barack Obama (D. Ill.) major Republican financial backing if he too choses to run in the 2008 Election.

The Box Gays-in-the-Closet Elite, want Obama there as an Hillary Clinton-anti-Gore firewall especially in South Carolina, where Rodenhurst-Clinton and Kerry-Cohn don't have a prayer.

Do not be fooled, Obama is a British agent-of-influence and stooge. He is directly linked to Dennis Hassert (D. Ill), and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Arms Narcotics Money laundering disguised as a British Intelligence Bear Sterns hedge fund with ties to Blackwater/Blackstone, and the funding for 9-11 aka the American Turkish Counsel.

It must be noted that the command and control remains the extortion-friendly in-the-closet elite.

P.S. Obama once referred to a noted civil rights activist with the N word and Obama has regular visits on a monthly basis from the head of the British Consulate to get his marching orders.

PPS - John Harris, Washington Post, Mark Halprin, ABC News, Matt Drudge, and a cast of thousands will continue to be exposed by CLOAKANDDAGGER.DE for what they are- Extortion-Friendly Zionists and enemies of the American Republic and the American People