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John Kerry Related To Queen of England As Is Bush

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and the former Northern Irish PM Terry O'Neil was the heir to the Irish throne. tsk The Euro royals think they come from King David, so if you read the Protocols of Zion, then you will see exactly who the "Seed of David" is of whon it is said, that they shoudl rule the world and herald the coming Messiah. ( no mention of Jesus, might be someone else they have lined up)

The confirmation that selected genetically royal Jews, from tribe of Judah, are in cohoots was given to me back in 1993, when a Jewish man threatened my NWO resistance friend, about who she spoke to on the phone 3 weeks previously. Obviously he had access to phone tapping, and unlucky for him I witnessed this, and had a copy of the Protocols. After he was trying to pretend he was just a person from the public accessing this place he made small talk with me and asked me what I taught. I said astrology, and he said he knew his time of birth and would like a chart. I did one and said he may be good at geneology, then he said he'd traced himself back to King David. I had to put two and two together, because I read all that British Israel stuff and saw the beliefs of the royals - that they should run the planet.

There is a UK university site that has the surnames of everyone with royal blood. Wouldn't surprise me if they have everyone on the planet catalogued as royal or not royal, from the Morman records too. -Nicky Malloy


Posted By: TruthPassion

Date: Tuesday, 17 August 2004, 9:34 p.m.

I found this bit of information from just too fascinating to resist.

I knew that the Bushes were related. Even Time Magazine had an article on this some years ago.

However, I didn't know Kerry was. So his father was a Jew, his maternal ancestry has him related to British royalty, and he is Skull & Bones. Also, according to Barry Chamish, he could well be Sabbatean (Sabbatean Jew who pretends to be Catholic, which is what they do to all our organisations, religious or otherwise). I think there is every reason to be a little

suspicious of him!!!


* * * * * * * * *

Kerry Related to Queen

Presidential hopeful John Kerry is a distant cousin of the Queen.

His is also a descendant of Henry III and Henry II and is related to Richard the Lionheart say aristocracy experts.

According to the Mirror director of Burke's Peerage Harold Brooks-Baker unearthed Kerry's royal ancestry during months of research.

He is convinced that the blue blood will help Kerry get into the White House.

Mr Brooks-Baker said: "Every maternal blood line of Kerry makes him more royal than any previous US president.

"Because of the fact every candidate with the most royal genes has always won the November election, the coming one - based on 42 previous presidents - will go to John Kerry."

Also see:

John Kerry is related to King Harald

Strange Relations: Bush and Kerry

Strange Relations: Bush and Powell

Last updated 18/08/2004
