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J.D. Heyes

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Nov. 8, 2016


(NaturalNews) The same Democrats who gave you mandatory vaccination in California, oppose school choice, accept money from agribusiness giants like Monsanto and support GMOs are now wanting to make sure they steal every election possible from here on out.


Which means, they don't really care about democracy – or the future of our republic. The only future they want is one that sees them perpetually in power and never being challenged about policy, no matter how stupid or ridiculous or failed they are.


While Republican lawmakers and the party itself certainly have their warts, at least the GOP has consistently been the party that seeks to protect the integrity of our voting system. In Republican-led state after Republican-led state, strong voter ID laws have passed in recent years, only to see them struck down by liberal federal judges in lawsuits brought by "progressive" Democrat-aligned groups that shop around for the right courts in which to file their suits.


Using excuses like, "voter ID laws are racist," and "voter ID laws disenfranchise poor, minority voters," left-wing judges sitting on federal benches have consistently sided with Democrat-aligned groups to weaken our system and put elections at serious risk of being stolen, just like GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump has charged.




Multiple instances of vote fraud




Is vote fraud real? You bet it is. As reported by The Federalist recently:


-- In Colorado this year, there have been multiple instances of dead people attempting to vote. In one stunning instance, a woman named Sara Sosa, who died in 2009, somehow cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013, officials discovered.


-- In Virginia, voting authorities found that nearly 20 voter applications were turned in under the names of dead people.


-- In Texas, authorities have been investigating criminals who are utilizing a technique called "vote harvesting" to illicitly garner votes for their preferred candidates (who just so happen to be Democrats). "Harvesting" is the practice of illegally obtaining signatures of real voters in order to vote in their name, and without their consent, for whomever candidate the criminal supports.


There's more. In February 2012 the Pew Research Center published a report citing evidence that:


-- More than 1.8 million deceased persons were still listed as voters;


-- About 2.75 million people are registered to vote in more than one state;


-- About 24 million – one of every eight – voter registrations throughout the country are no longer valid or incredibly inaccurate.


Of about 146 million registered voters, that means that nearly 18 million invalid voter registrations – enough to swing presidential elections in a number of states.

Democrats practice soft bigotry in order to convince poor, minorities they are being hurt by voter ID laws

So why do Democrats spend so much time, money and effort opposing voter ID laws? Quite simply, they use opposition to voter ID laws not simply to cheat and steal elections, but to empower themselves.


As J. Christian Adams explained at PJ Media, one way they do this is by pretending that electing anyone other than Democrats will mean a return to Jim Crow-era laws and other legislation that promotes official racism – as ridiculous as that sounds.


"This was made starkly clear to me when I learned that a 3rd grade teacher in a government-run school was telling her students that Republicans were trying to take away the right to vote for black people, so they better get their parents to vote against Republicans," Adams wrote.


It's hard to believe that an educated person in America today actually believes such nonsense – that a modern political party wants to deny African-Americans the right to vote! That's outrageous – and what makes that worse is that this person is 'teaching' our children.


But there you have it.


Adams also points out that the Democratic Party is run by soft bigots who believe that without their help, poor and minority voters are simply too stupid or incapable of voting on their own. Democrats believe that they must intervene and oppose voter ID laws in order to empower the poor, lowly minority. Adams said he learned of that attitude when a Department of Justice lawyer told him once that he believed blacks were more likely than whites to forget their voter ID because their lives were "more disorganized." Soft bigotry. And low expectations.


The fact is, it makes no sense whatsoever, if everything were equal (and on the up-and-up), for Democrats, or any political party, to oppose voter ID. After all, you need a legitimate photo identification to get into any federal building or courthouse (including state and local courts), to board a plane, to buy cigarettes and alcohol, to get onto a military base, and for other purposes. You can't even get into some major sporting events without one.


But you shouldn't have to have one to vote and prove that you're a citizen? The Democratic Party doesn't think so. It's because they can't "win" on their ideals, so they have to conjure up phony issues in order to scare people into supporting them.


That said, any election that does not require a legitimate photo identification so that voters can prove who they are is not a legitimate election.

