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'Trump army' planning to flood polling stations with red

Bob Unruh/WND

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Sept. 25, 2016

When it was discovered that there were oddities in the 2012 election, such as the 59 Philadelphia voting divisions where Mitt Romney got zero votes to Barack Obama’s 19,605, WND compiled a long list of vote-fraud reports.

The list included the poll watcher in Pennsylvania told WND up to 10 percent of the ballots cast at a polling station there reverted to a default, which gave Obama a vote no matter who the voter had selected.

Then there was the report from Chicago elections worker Steve Pickrum who told WND that as an equipment manager for the elections system, he was called when a voting machine malfunctioned.

“On early voting when I did work on the floor when voters needed help using the equipment, I was able to see the preference of the voter, and every time that I saw [a] voter voted for Romney a ‘voter save failure’ message came up on the screen,” he said.

When he went on election day to vote himself, he picked Romney and got the same error message. He reported he never experienced the error message when the voter was choosing Obama.

The issue hasn’t gone away, with CBS in Colorado reporting just this week on its review of ballots cast in the names of voters who have died

Secretary of State Wayne Williams said in that report, “We do believe there were several instances of potential vote fraud that occurred.”

For example, Sara Sosa died on Oct. 14, 2009. However, the CBS4 investigation found her successful ballots cast in Colorado elections in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.

So what’s a 2016 voter who spots possible fraud to do?

One can’t, for example, just go look at the ballots and count them again.

But there’s a movement developing, largely on social media at this point, that could be a first step.

That’s for everyone who is voting Trump to wear red to the polling stations.

Pastor Carl Gallups, whose books include the stunning new “When the Lion Roars,” “Be Thou Prepared,” “Final Warning” and “The Rabbi who Found Messiah,” wrote about it on his blog.

“Here is an idea (now becoming a MOVEMENT!) to counteract voter fraud on election day: We are asking that everyone who intends to vote for Donald Trump should wear red when they go to the polls.”

He explained: “That way, if everyone there sees (let’s say) 80 percent of the people in attendance wearing red and the vote (magically and mystically) comes out in Hillary’s favor, the whole world will know there were evil shenanigans going on. We’ll have the proof of HOW people voted! RED RED ON VOTING DAY!”

Now at the WND Superstore, get the latest from Pastor Carl Gallups, including the stunning new “When the Lion Roars,” “Be Thou Prepared,” “Final Warning” and “The Rabbi who Found Messiah.”

“Use every social network avenue you have to get this word out! Copy and paste the words of THIS article into emails, you blogs, Facebook, etc. Make YouTube videos and whatever else you can think of. There is no copyright claim on this article. This is a grassroots movement to STOP and/or EXPOSE leftist voter fraud in the upcoming presidential election!”

A Google search brought up thousands of references already.

At the, was the advice: “Some have suggested all Trump voters wear red to vote in. Most voting polls do not allow campaigning for candidates but if we do something to identify as a Trump voter we can see how many are at the polls. If support is overwhelming it will show.”

On Facebook, Sherry Argend wrote: “Wear RED on Election Day so the media cannot lie about how many turn out for Trump! They will not steal this one like 2012, 0 votes for Romney in some Ohio counties.”

That fact was documented in WND’s Big List of cases.

The Market Daily News reported that in 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Romney zero votes and Obama got 99 percent.

“In more than 50 different precincts, Romney received two votes or less,” the report said. “One would think that such improbable results would get the attention of somebody out there.”

On Twitter, Missouri 4 TRUMP! said: “#Everyone wear red on election day, so we can see our Trump vote! Photos/Vidos-save!”

It continued: “End voter fraud!! Wear red hat when you go vote or wear more if you like. Have someone time lapse video of front door of poll to compare video log count with red hats to official results. Compare total voters with reported voter numbers, if over poll ballot box was stuffed.”

A YouTube video promotes a T-shirt with the image of Trump and the slogan: “Haters gonna hate. Wear a red shirt when voting Tuesday November 8th.”

At America First Patriots thousands had already read the suggestion:

“Imagine seeing a sea of red shirted voters at every polling booth! The Trump army can make this happen! The effect it could have on the election could be massive! Imagine all the exit poll reporters showing video of thousands of red shirts across the country! City after city, state after state, red shirts everywhere!

“The message will be sent loud and clear: the Trump army is out in force … and they’re voting in huge numbers.”

The posting even offered links to “a couple cheap options” for shirts.

In the site’s comment section, Betty Kaminski wrote: “These are my words I have been putting out in every political site I’ve found for the last 4 days, non stop. All day and night.”

She reported many responses.

“My favorites are the ones [where] people are going out shopping to get their shirts. Some said they will be all in red, down to their shoes!”

Pizzazzy added: “I’ve been posting this for a little over three weeks now. When I first put it out there it was just a simple comment I hoped would catch on, but I never expected it to get over 3,000 likes in a day and to be shared thousands of times.”

Reported the Patriots site: “The effect it could have on the election could be massive!

“The early reports of a red shirt army from the east coast would start the momentum and the Trump Train would hit full power to hand California over to Trump by the end of the night! We could be looking at the biggest landslide ever seen in a Trump victory!

“Let’s make it happen!”

The threat, after all, appears to be real. WND’s Big List of cases included:

In Florida, the Sun Sentinel reported election workers a week after the election said they found 963 unaccounted-for ballots in a warehouse. “How can you lose them? This is terrible,” candidate Chickie Brandimarte told officials. Election supervisor Brenda Snipes, however, said it’s routine for various vote totals to be adjusted up until the Nov. 18 final certification.

Fox News reported voters in Nevada, North Carolina, Texas and Ohio also said they had pushed a button on a touch-screen voting machine for Romney, but the machines recorded their vote for Obama.

Fox News reported two election judges were replaced after illegally allowing unregistered voters to cast ballots.

The Columbus Dispatch estimated that more than 20 percent of registered Ohio voters aren’t eligible. “In two counties, the number of registered voters actually exceeds the voting-age population,” the report said. In 31 other counties, registrations were above 90 percent of the population, “a rate regarded as unrealistic by most voting experts.”

On YouTube was the testimony of a computer programmer, telling the Ohio Legislature that he was able to write a program that would rig elections by flipping the total vote from the real winner to a pre-selected candidate.

Now at the WND Superstore, get the latest from Pastor Carl Gallups, including the stunning new “When the Lion Roars,” “Be Thou Prepared,” “Final Warning” and “The Rabbi who Found Messiah.”



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