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Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

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Sept. 2, 2016

eorge Soros has come out in an interview with Bloomberg saying that Donald Trump will win in a landslide for the popular vote, but will lose the electoral vote. He says it’s a done deal for Hillary Clinton. The only way he could know that is if he has insider information on rigging the election. Which he would know, since he’s an expert at rigging elections.

I go back and forth… one day being convinced Trump will lose, the next thinking he will win. I just don’t have any idea now what will happen. This is not like any other election I have ever seen and I frankly don’t have a clue how it will play out. All I know is that Soros funded illegal immigration and refugee resettlement in this country. The evil old spider is trying to cause chaos and upheaval and he wants Clinton elected.

During an interview with Bloomberg News, Democrat mega-donor George Soros openly admits that GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump will win the popular vote in a “landslide,” but says a President Hillary Clinton is already a “done deal.”

In the interview which is now surfacing, the billionaire powerbroker Soros says with certainty that Trump will win the popular vote in the country, but says that won’t make him president because the Electoral College vote will go for Clinton.

When the interviewer asks if it’s a “done deal” for Clinton as president, Soros says “yes,” nodding his head.

Soros is also the one invested in voting machines out of Venezuela. You can bet he will be in this trying with all his might to rig and sway the election for the Marxists. That does not surprise me. What surprises me is his arrogance and surety of a Clinton win as if it has already been decided.

This I can tell you as well… if Trump does win in a landslide popular vote and loses the electoral vote, we could see a very real civil war in this country. That’s how angry Trump’s supporters are and how volatile the entire nation is.

Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt politician this country has ever seen. She’s a monster and will rule as a despot. I have nightmares about her winning. One doesn’t have to stretch their imagination very far to know that George Soros may very well already know the outcome of this election and that should terrify all of us.


George Soros literally says Trump will win popular vote but it's already been decided that Clinton will be the POTUS