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She is Setting Up FRAUD: Clinton Just Announced They Are Registering 3 Million More Voters For Election. 3 Democrat Federal Judges Wrote Law from the Bench, Federal Appeals Court Overturns NC Voter ID Law, 16+17yo’s Can Pre-register to Vote


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During the week, Clinton’s campaign and state Democratic coordinated campaigns will hold more than 500 registration or “commit to vote” events across the nation.

For example, voter registration events will be held at the Islamic Center of Akron’s Eid celebration in Ohio; a bilingual day camp in Hazelton, Pennsylvania; Detroit’s Eastern Market; and a campaign office opening in Madison, Wisconsin.

To reach the goal of 3 million new voters, the campaign said it had created a one-stop-shopping online voter registration tool in English and Spanish that can be widely shared online.

Clinton’s voter registration and mobilization project will aim to build upon the turnout machine built by Obama’s two winning campaigns.

And it also underscores how important it will be for Clinton to activate Obama’s coalition of black, Latino, female and young voters to turn out in large numbers amid a negative election environment against Trump.

Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down North Carolina Voter ID Provision

A federal appeals court on Friday struck down North Carolina’s voter identification requirement, upending voting procedures in a crucial state slightly more than three months before Election Day.

The sweeping decision, by a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, was unusually speedy: A judge in Winston-Salem, N.C., upheld the law in April. The appeals court, which sits in Richmond, Va., made its decision clear in the opening pages of a lengthy ruling, questioning the reasoning of the lower court judge.


“Faced with this record, we can only conclude that the North Carolina General Assembly enacted the challenged provisions of the law with discriminatory intent.”

On Monday at the NAACP convention in Cincinatti Hillary will be announcing a major voter registration drive with the goal of 3 Million newly registered voters, using the divisive and nasty GOP convention as the catalyst.


In a stunning ruling, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down an Arizona law requiring voters to present citizenship proof to register in state and federal elections.


The law clears the way to illegal alien undocumented immigrants voting in national elections without substantive means of preventing it for many states. The highest court in the land ruled 7-2 that federal law “precludes Arizona from requiring a federal form applicant to submit information beyond that required by the form itself,” as Justice Scalia wrote. Professor Tom Caso of the Chapman University School of Law in California told the Associated Press that the decision “opened the door” to noncitizen voting.

“The court’s decision ignores the clear dictates of the Constitution in favor of bureaucratic red tape,” Caso said. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito dissented from the court’s ruling.

The Constitution “authorizes states to determine the qualifications of voters in federal elections, which necessarily includes the related power to determine whether those qualifications are satisfied,” Thomas wrote in his dissent.

It will be interesting to see how the Democrats who argue that requiring proof of citizenship is a needless burden on their “vulnerable” constituents will be able to maintain that mendacious line when Obamacare documentation requirements are added to IRS reporting next year. Is that not a burden on “vulnerable” constituencies?

How convenient…

3 Democrat Federal Judges Wrote Law from the Bench: Federal appeals court overturns NC voter ID law; 16+17yo’s Can Pre-register to Vote

RICHMOND, VA. — A federal appeals court ruled Friday that state lawmakers adopted a photo identification requirement for voters and other changes to state elections laws “with discriminatory intent” and ordered that the changes be blocked.

Immediately after lawmakers passed the Voter Information and Verification Act in 2013, the state NAACP, the League of Women Voters, other advocacy groups and several voters challenged the voter ID requirement and other provisions, including reducing the early voting period, eliminating same-day registration and voiding ballots cast in the wrong precinct. The U.S. Department of Justice later joined in the lawsuit.

The voter ID requirement took effect with the March primary, but courts have put the same-day registration and out-of-precinct voting provisions on hold pending the outcome of the lawsuits.

Voter ID opponents hailed the ruling as a victory for North Carolina voters.

Court and legal Read the full 4th Circuit ruling on NC voter ID law

“We applaud the appeals court for recognizing the discriminatory intent behind the monster voter suppression law,” Bob Hall, executive director of Democracy North Carolina, said in a statement. “The ruling makes clear that the North Carolina General Assembly cherry-picked its revisions in the law to suppress African American and young voters. Today’s ruling begins to right that wrong.”

“This ruling is a stinging rebuke of the state’s attempt to undermine African-American voter participation, which had surged over the last decade,” Dale Ho, director of the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project, said in a statement. “It is a major victory for North Carolina voters and for voting rights.”

House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger said they would appeal the ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court.

“Since today’s decision by three partisan Democrats ignores legal precedent, ignores the fact that other federal courts have used North Carolina’s law as a model and ignores the fact that a majority of other states have similar protections in place, we can only wonder if the intent is to reopen the door for voter fraud, potentially allowing fellow Democrat politicians like Hillary Clinton and Roy Cooper to steal the election,” Moore and Berger said in a joint statement.

The ruling prohibits North Carolina from requiring photo identification from voters in future elections, including the November 2016 general election, restores a week of early voting and preregistration for 16- and 17-year-olds, and ensures that same-day registration and out-of-precinct voting will remain in effect.

George Soros bankrolls democratic voting rights cases.

Why Clinton’s Claim Of Having 3 Million More Votes Than Sanders Is A Total Lie

CONFIRMED=> Hillary Clinton Received 1.5 Million FEWER Votes in 2016 than in 2008 — Democrats Down 7 Million Votes