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Doug Wead: Ron Paul can Win the Presidency

Doug Wead

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Nov. 21, 2011


A president-elect puts his hand on the Bible and swears to uphold the constitution of the United States and really means it. No games. No grabs for more power. No circumventing the congress by executive orders. No personal corruption, such as the traditional deals of ambassadorships in return for donations to a presidential library and the unspoken pledge of having a corporate jet available for personal use for the rest of their lives.

Imagine a president who reduces his own salary from the Barack Obama high of $500,000 a year and millions in “expenses” to $39,336, the median wage of the average American worker.

Imagine, sixty-six years after World War Two, we finally bring home our troops from Germany and Japan and save trillions of dollars that can be used in our own economy.

Imagine power flowing back to the States and to the people.

Imagine an end to corruption in the FDA and all the other agencies where the big companies donate money to candidates and then handpick their own regulators. Imagine instead a free market, where private companies compete for the trust of the American people, putting their own stamp of approval on the good food and running airport security with efficiency. It would be like UPS and Fed Ex sprouting up to compete with the US Post Office.

Journalists openly ridicule the idea of privatization, as if it were preposterous, insisting that most things only the federal government can do. In fact, private companies not only efficiently run airport security in countries, such as Spain, they already operate in selected American cities like San Francisco and Kansas City, Missouri.

Imagine a government that stops wasting its time auditing a waitress, to make sure she pays taxes on her tips, and starts auditing the Federal Reserve which now meets in secret, creating trillions of new dollars for the business elites. These are unsecured, zero interest loans. And they are paid for by you and all the rest of us, especially the poor and the elderly on fixed incomes who see the value of their own dollars diminish when the Fed dumps trillions more into the money supply.

Ron Paul’s HR 1207 which passed in 2010 achieved a partial audit of the FED. We learned that in 2008 they created $17 trillion which they loaned out to banks, mostly the banks run by their own board members and numerous corporations, General Electric, for example and the McDonalds Corporation.

Ever wonder why Ron Paul gets passed over in the network debates? Why executives send down the orders to pan Ron Paul? Why CBS, in its last debate gave him 89 seconds in the first hour, dead last of the seven debaters, even though he was third in their own national polls? Wonder why a director’s voice was picked up by amateur radio buffs, yelling into Chris Matthews’s ear piece during the first South Carolina debate, “Don’t go to Ron Paul, don’t go to Ron Paul”?

The craven personalities on television will do whatever they are told to do. It is the price they pay to be on screen. And the producers verbalize those plans to their anchors and segment producers as dictated by the executives. And the executives get their orders from the Chairman. And the Chairman does not want to lose the Federal Reserve, the golden goose of American elites, the gift that keeps on giving, the bank that meets in secret and can, in one year, dole out more newly created money than the entire accumulated national debt.

It’s about money. It’s always about money.

But people are not dumb. I should amend that to say, people will not remain dumb forever. They can sense when something is wrong. And they become aroused and curious when their own interests are threatened. And they can get smart in a hurry. They have lost the value of their homes and savings and now they are losing their jobs and they are hearing about trillions going to banks and corporations that are moving all of their money overseas and they are reading and Googling and some of them have found Dr. Ron Paul.

Why should they vote for candidates who are part of that system, who were employed by that system? Why vote for someone who was paid money to protect that system when there is a candidate who warned of the coming crisis, on the record, in congressional testimony, ten years before it happened?

Most young people cannot remember the Ronald Reagan era, how the media mocked his intelligence and sneered at his motives. Late night comics had a field day. He was regularly portrayed as a warmonger and a racist. And yet, he won the White House in a landslide. And by the way, Reagan was not a racist and he ended the Cold War. I might add, his Justice Department declared water boarding was torture and they sentenced a sheriff to ten years in prison for doing so. And people can be discerning and they resent being led around by the nose by arrogant, insider, elite media personalities, acting as the lapdogs to modern day robber barons who counterfeit money to finance their lifestyle.

If the Iowa Caucus were held this week, Ron Paul would win. He is in a statistical dead heat with four other establishment candidates and he, alone, has a following of informed voters. The other campaigns have no ground game, not true believers, they depend on free television and the bluff of television personalities who keep repeating the mantra, “Ron Paul can’t win.”

But now we know. Ron Paul can win. He can win the Iowa Caucus where a Bloomberg News poll shows him in a tie for first. And if he can win there and come second in New Hampshire, which the recent Bloomberg Poll shows he is doing now, he will rise in the West and the South. And it can happen.

The Public Policy Poll shows he was the only Republican candidate to beat Obama among independent voters. He wins 48% to 39%.

It can happen. He can win.


(AP Photo: Ron Paul speaks in Iowa during the Thanksgiving Family Forum next to Rep. Michele Bachmann)

Doug Wead is a presidential historian and NYT bestselling author. He has been an adviser to two Presidents and served in the White House as special assistant to the president under G.H.W. Bush. He is now a senior adviser for the Ron Paul presidential campaign. Follow @DougWead1234.