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Rocky Montana - Opinion / 10-8-11

Today I am happy to announce that I am wholeheartedly endorsing Mr. Ron Paul for President of the United States of America in 2012

Mr. Paul has the support of the American people who have taken the time to get to know him and what he stands for.  Today he won the FRC (Family Research Center) Values Voter Straw Poll; in September he won the California Straw Pole; in August he came in 2nd place in the Iowa Straw Pole.  If you have not done so, I hope that you will take some time to learn who this man is and what he stands for.  You will learn that he stands for AMERICA FIRST.  

Ron Paul has been a Republican Congressman for 35 years.  But forget Republican versus Democrat if you can--think of who is the best person for the job.  Rep. Paul has been characterized as the MOST CONSISTENT elected official in Congress.  Ron Paul is a good man and he stands for individual freedom within the limits of Constitutional Law, which is exactly what is needed in a leader if America is ever to reclaim Its greatness as a nation among nations.  Of all the Presidential candidates, Ron Paul has the best understanding of the vision of the Founders of this nation and the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.  He has the most experience of the workings of government of any candidate.  And he has the greatest determination to set America back on course under Constitutional Law.  Ron Paul is a statesman in the true sense of the word and has worked his entire political life for We-the-American-people; not for the Bankers, nor for the Corporations, nor for Special Interest groups, nor for the United Nations, nor for the Global Elite, but for THE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  In this he has proved himself to be the leader America needs at this crucial time in Its history. 

Earlier this week Rep. Paul described the major portion of his Presidential Campaign Platform and fielded questions at the National Press Club.  After viewing the Video documents below, ask yourself if any other candidate is more interested in reclaiming our nation from the Global Elite, is more interested in reestablishing government under Constitutional Law, is more qualified, and has demonstrated their dedication to individual freedom and to the God-given Human Rights under the Constitution as much as Ron Paul.  My conclusion is that there is no one.  Perhaps you may come to the same conclusion.  If so, I urge you to support this man for President 2012 in every way that you possibly can.  Thank you for your consideration.  

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Ron Paul Address National Press Club 1

National Press Club Oct.5, 2011

by rachelabombdotcom 2 days ago 124 views


Ron Paul Address National Press Club 2

National Press Club Oct.5, 2011

by rachelabombdotcom 2 days ago 18 views


Ron Paul Address National Press Club 3

National Press Club Oct.5, 2011

by rachelabombdotcom 2 days ago 360 views


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