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RESPONSE TO: Perry Lies Again About Texas Gardasil Scandal, Claims Woman He Met After Signing Executive Order Lobbied Him To Pass It

Comments by Rocky Montana

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Ethan Huff / Sept. 24, 2011
[Emphasis and comments added by Rocky Montana] 

(NaturalNews) The more Texas Gov. Rick Perry tries to defend his decision to sign an executive order in 2007 mandating that all young girls in Texas receive vaccinations against the human papillomavirus (HPV) before being admitted to school, the more he exposes himself as a lying scoundrel that is unfit to govern his own state, let alone lead a nation.

During the recent Republican presidential debate in Orlando, Fla., Perry tried once again to defend his infamous Gardasil blunder, this time by telling the heart-tugging story of a woman he met and got to know who had cervical cancer.  He told the audience and viewers Thursday night that the reason he signed the executive order was because the woman lobbied him to do so.

"I got lobbied on this issue," said a calm and composed Perry. "I got lobbied by a 31 year old young lady who had stage-four cervical cancer.  I spent a lot of time with her.  She came by my office.  She talked to me about this program.  I readily admitted we should have had an opt-in (for the mandate) but I don't know what part of opt out most parents don't get.  The fact is I was on the side of life and I will always be on the side of life as a governor and as president of the United States."

A charming and sweet story, really -- except for the fact that it is not true.  According to ABC News, Perry signed the vaccine executive order before he met the young woman, not after, as he claims.  The woman did, according to reports, lobby in favor of upholding the executive order after it had been signed (which the legislature eventually overturned), but she did not play a role in Perry's original signing of it.

[ Send this scheming liar back to Texas and let him reap, as a civilian, the tax increases he was responsible for creating in his state!  This man has lost all credibility and the public's trust, and therefore, should never be allowed to hold public office on a national level.  Americans must NEVER AGAIN tolerate another professional liar such as Mr. Perry in the White House !!! ]

Unlike the petty issues that typically bog down the presidential campaigning process, Perry's Gardasil scandal is gravely serious and needs to be exposed.  After all, the vaccine that he pushed is implicated in causing thousands of serious and permanent injuries, and potentially hundreds of known deaths, which is a far cry from his empty rhetoric about "being on the side of life" (

Perry was truthful about one thing, though.  He was lobbied to sign his executive order.  But this lobbying appears to have come from Merck & Co., the manufacturer of Gardasil, not a heart-wrenching victim of cervical cancer [... for which he received a huge kick-back from Merck.  I propose that the state of Texas sue Mr. Perry for all the dirty money he received for his selfish, despicable and unlawful actions, as well as Merck and Merck's lobbyists for pushing the dangerous, phoney Gardasil vaccine on the good people of Texas.  All money recovered should then go to the unwitting victims adversely affected after submitting to this vaccine. ]  (  

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