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Anton Miller

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It is late summer 2011 and the cash machine is running  already for the “who's who”

contestants of the elephant & tea clubs that  wannabe the next US president.   Will more of us or less of us catch on, or not,  to the worn out ritual of the “campaign promises” that never happen... that are never intended to happen... or are prevented from happening by older more oily politicians?   For the next 15 months or so, while the election cash machines are running, we will be bombarded by countless empty campaign promises, not to mention those  'catchy'  high $$ political slogans.  Let us not forget, also, the many “smear campaigns”  that will be presented  for our delight by the wannabes with the most $$ in their “war chests?”  Yes,  winning in politics is about “war” and not much else, other than who can pull off the best campaign promises and not follow through with them.  Some of the more famous promises right now include, but are not limited to, some of the following:

    A reporter was asking congressman Dr. Hogg what would be his number one priority if  re-elected.  Dr.  Hogg said,  “My number one priority is food and  I will do everything within my power to see that starving people will not go hungry.   We know the moon is made of green cheese and that resource needs to be put to use.  If re-elected I will form a special committee that will work with NASA to bring this cheese here to help feed the starving at cost.  The cheese factory of Dr. Hogg Enterprises can provide distribution at cost.”

    Senator Snorring was asked at the CNB-XYZ Roundtable broadcast how he planned to manage his re-election strategy this year.  Senator Snorring said,  “First, let me absolutely say this about that.  My primary objective this go-around is to have my campaign managed for me and listen closely to my management advisers about what the critical issues  are  really about.  Upon that basis,  I can can tell people what they need to hear when they need to hear it.  I am firm in the resolve that is the best way to work with the issues.”

    Samantha Jay Jo,  moderator of the BBA newscast “ We Know The Answers You Don't”,  in a recent interview with presidential hopeful Governor Mariah Steinberg Ross,

asked Governor Ross about her top priority if elected.   Ross replied,  “I want to take flat to the mat”.  That is my campaign slogan.  Now, what does that mean and why am I saying this?   Well, my steering committee,   my media management group,  my image technicians,  my cash flow managers and my speech research team all recently met for several hours with the think tank group from the prestigious You-bet Institute.  They tell me the Institute has recently discovered that the earth is flat and we have been given false images all these years form the space agency photo shop.  This means “flat” will be on everyone's mind when the Institute releases its findings.  I am being told that, due to this, I need to make sure my campaign has a “flat effect” on the issues and that my full support needs to be given to the flat tax movement.  So, this is why we are  taking the 'flat to the mat'  This could mean I will be risking a few flat tires along the way, but,  those can be easily be fixed now, can't they?”

    Vice Presidential hopeful Morris Houdini Hassan says he is giving full support to the cool aid party platform of the “Axes of Power” program.  Although the press conference was cut short,  candidate Hassan  made sure each reporter got one of his campaign buttons.  On the  3 inch button was the slogan  “The Axes of Power Working For You”, the picture of  a fallen withered tree draped with old glory and 2 axes on the ground forming an x at the left side of the fallen tree.  He said this is the symbol of the platform he is   supporting,  to  ax the tax tree in order to reduce run away spending.  In closing, candidate Hassan said,  “We will ax the tax off your back so you no longer feel lack.  That is our goal.”

Best Regards and Blessings,

Anton Miller