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Holding the line and fighting back

Cassandra McKee, USA Action/True Majority

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Yesterday, we held the line in all 6 primary elections in Wisconsin

It started in Wisconsin. Gov. Scott Walker declared war on working families by giving huge tax breaks to millionaires, and slashing funds for education, health care and social services.

It spread to other states: In Ohio, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey and elsewhere, conservative Governors and Legislatures are launching the same kind of attacks on the American dream and the middle class.

But yesterday Wisconsin held the line. In 6 out of 6 local elections, progressive Democrats won with the support of USAction/TrueMajority members.1

This election was anything but simple: Wisconsin voters had to choose carefully among real and fake Democrats in elections and battle through intimidation and misinformation from conservative groups.2 As one local activist described it: "It feels like madness abounds in our state, like Wisconsin is 65,000 square miles surrounded by sanity."3

So today - we're going on offense. Check out our new video "Fighting Back" that lays out what's at stake, and how we are fighting back state by state - and WINNING to defend the American dream and respect the rights of working families everywhere.

Yesterday's victories in Wisconsin weren't an accident. USAction members donated thousands of dollars and made over 35,000 phone calls to local voters along with our allies at DFA and the PCCC.

It's also not the end of our fight. In fact, it's just the beginning. Over the next few weeks we need to flip at least 3 seats in the Wisconsin Senate to stop Scott Walker's attack on workers. In Ohio, we need to win a statewide referendum vote. And the list goes on ... 

We've held the line so far. But we need your support to fight back in state after state so that every American family has a chance at a decent job, fair wages and an economy that works for working people.

Check out our new video that explains where we're fighting and how we can win, and then donate $35 to help us see this through.

In solidarity,

Cassandra McKee

USAction / TrueMajority

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