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Rush Limbaugh: Obama is poison. Blood is in water for 2012

Joe Kovacs

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PALM BEACH, Fla. – Radio giant Rush Limbaugh is calling last night's sweeping GOP victories a "wipeout," saying the tidal wave of Republicans coming into office at all levels will change the mindset of Democrats still in power or seeking office in 2012.

"The Democrats know Obama's poison," he said. "Obama has lost his momentum. There is going to be a power struggle in the Democratic Party. ... Blood is in the water, there are Democrats who think they can be a better president than Obama."

The top-rated host said Americans had collectively given President Obama and the Democratic Party "the middle finger."

"Barack Obama is not the only person who can scratch his nose with his middle finger. We scratched our noses with our middle fingers all day yesterday and all of last night."

Find out amazing, behind-the-scenes information that the doctor of democracy never talks about on the air in "Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One," direct from WND!

Stressing the historic nature of the 60-seat pickup in the U.S. House of Representatives, Limbaugh explained, "This was a total rejection of the Obama agenda. This was a total rejection of the Democratic Party."

As he played songs including "Wipeout" and "The Wicked Witch is Dead," Limbaugh noted, "It was a wipeout and don't let anybody tell you anything otherwise."

He noted that some politicians and pundits would now be calling for compromise, but Limbaugh said "compromise is off the table," adding, "Ladies and gentlemen, losers compromise. Winners do not compromise. The Democrats won nothing."

Limbaugh, who came under fire for saying he wanted President Obama's agenda to fail when he was first elected two years ago, felt a sense of vindication today.

"Obama is a failure. This no longer one man's prophecy, this no longer my opinion. It's a fact."

But Limbaugh also warned Republicans that this year's success would not mean automatic victories in the next round.

"The Republicans cannot rely on this dynamic to propel them to victory in 2012," he said. "They can't do this anymore. They can't rely on Democrats to self-destruct in 2012."

He said they need to clearly articulate who they are and their vision for the nation.

"If the Republicans had actually stood for something ... they would have won the Senate [last night]."

Limbaugh said Democrats should feel ashamed about the way they campaigned against Republican women such as California's Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman, both of whom lost their respective contests.

"Calling a woman a slut, calling a woman a whore, calling a woman a bitch, lets you win an election. ... What a great night for the feminists, what a great night for Democrats."

He also said a very bright spot for the conservative movement was the strong win for tea-party-backed Republican Marco Rubio, who defeated two opponents to take the U.S. Senate seat in Florida.

"This Rubio candidacy and victory last night has everybody on the Democrat side quaking in their boots," said Limbaugh.

Related offers:

Find out amazing, behind-the-scenes information that the doctor of democracy never talks about on the air in "Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One," direct from WND!

Get the "Manifesto" for conservatives: "Liberty and Tyranny," by Mark Levin.

Learn the media madness from behind the scenes: Read Joseph Farah's "Stop the Presses!"

Get "Taking America Back," Joseph Farah's manifesto for sovereignty, self-reliance and moral renewal

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Joe Kovacs is an award-winning journalist, executive news editor for and author of the No. 1 best-selling book "Shocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts You've Never Been Told."

Nov. 3, 2010