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We must stop vote fraud on November 2, 2010

Devvy Kidd

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y is more important than honesty and integrity to the degree they are participants in rigging our elections.

The elections are November 2nd --- less than a month from now. There are some key races that should be very close according to polls. John Dennis can beat Nutty Nancy Pelosi and Sharron Angle can beat Harry Reid. However, if the machines and scanners are preprogrammed, no amount of money and votes for them will bring a win.

It isn't just motivating people to get off their backsides and vote, it's all about the machines and scanners that will decide the outcome. In addition to being a precinct watcher and other suggestions - dare I repeat myself for the millionth time -- candidates must audit the vote the day after they allegedly lose.

The Motor Voter Law of 1993 opened the flood gates for vote fraud. No?

Watch this short video: DOJ Whistleblower: Obama Administration is Planning November Vote Fraud

DOJ mandate is to leave illegals and deceased folks on the voting rolls

Voting by snail mail and on the Internet is utter stupidity to save a few bucks and a giant invitation for fraud. Millions of illegals are voting for Democrats when they have no right to vote in any election. I have never been a supporter of absentee ballots except for individuals in the hospital, military and restricted categories. I've always been a supporter to make Saturday voting day so people won't use and abuse absentee ballots. Make election day a Saturday. That will bring voters to the polls who actually want to exercise their right to vote. Individuals who work on Saturday can still be given the allotted time by an employer to go vote.

One thing many don't realize is that the count goes on for days, sometimes weeks after a winner is called two minutes after the polls close. Candidates who allegedly lose simply go home and take an aspirin without ever questioning the count. We are never going to stop this until enough candidates demand hand recounts in front of witnesses. If you read, Witness to a Crime: A Citizen's Audit of an American Election, Canterbury Press, New York, 2008, there is absolutely NO question the election was rigged for Bush. No question. Regardless of which candidate was your favorite, either we believe everyone's vote should count and be counted fairly, or we're nothing more than a Banana Republic.

Firm picked for voting machines -- Dec. 10, 2003

"Secretary of State Dean Heller announced today he would sign a contract worth an estimated $8 million to purchase touch-screen voting machines from Sequoia Voting Systems, and he will require each unit to have a paper record for recounts. The machines will be installed in Washoe and the rural counties in time for the 2004 election, he said. He also issued an order that punch-card voting machines will no longer be used after Sept. 1. He told a news conference that Nevada becomes the first state to require voter verifiable receipts or printed ballots for the 2004 election."

Don't fall for that "verifiable receipts" marketing pitch. Bev Harris (BlackBoxVoting) watched a demonstration of a scanner which read 0 at the beginning, but once the card came out, it showed different totals than what the voting card showed. It was filmed so its not a conspiracy theory; go watch the video as proof. It's fraud and Nevada's election next month will be a prime cesspool for it to get the stupid and obnoxious, Harry Reid, "reelected." Just like it was critical for Bush in Ohio in 2004.

Hacking the Diebold Machine - watch this short horrifying video

Testimony and demonstration before the Committee on House Administration

Fox News Scary Diebold Voting Clip - short video

Experts Easily Reverse Diebold Results & No One Would Know - short video

Let me give you one example I looked at out of curiosity. The race for Secretary of State, California Primary this past June:

Dr. Orly Taitz ran against an individual who should not have been allowed on the ballot. Look at the numbers.

Election night, right away, Taitz was crushed: 86-14% of the vote

In my primary, March 26, 1996, one minute after the polls closed, my opponent, Congressman Wally the waffle Herger, was declared the winner. Guess what the number was? 86-14% of the vote.

That night, ten challengers (including me) were all massacred with "0% precincts reporting". The numbers did not change when the "final" numbers were posted the next morning. 

At that time there were 52 hours seats in California. Look at these numbers for winners/losers in my primary, March 26, 1996:

85-15, 81-18, 85-15, 81-18, 85-15, 85-15, 86-14 (my race), 87-13, 81-18 and 86-14. Not real creative. All incumbents who "won" voted for NAFTA; all challengers, including me, were against NAFTA.

Going back to Taitz, here are her numbers the day after the primary when her opponent was declared the winner the night before.

Primary night in California was June 8, 2010. Taitz was immediately shown as the loser with 368,000 votes.

June 30 as counting continued: 496,311

By July 2, 2010, close to a month later, Taitz had moved up to 497,209 votes. The final number listed by the Secty of State (certified) is 508,455. Quite a difference from the night of the primary: 368,000

The establishment choices (winners) move on as if the numbers "election" night are set in concrete.

The whole voting system in this country thing is a farce:

Oct. 14, 2008. The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud

"This year's election is shaping up to be one of the most controversial in history. Just this week, a federal judge ordered Ohio's top elections official to verify the identity of newly registered voters by matching them with other government documents. The very next day a 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals set aside the federal judge's order on verifying registrations.

"Further igniting the voter fraud/voter registration debate was the news that a national community organizing group is being investigated in at least 14 states and several swing states for massive irregularities. This news would make headlines anyway, but what made it worse was that Barack Obama was a key player in this organization, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, in the past. Obama trained its local leaders, represented the organization in court, and worked to funnel funds to the organization. The Obama campaign also donated $800,000 this year to an ACORN affiliate."

Then we have this obscenity:

August 8, 2010. 1-man, 6-vote racial plan used to choose board's 1st minority

Federal judge ordered system changed when majority continued to dominate

"A bloc of Hispanics, estimated at a little over 20 percent of the voters, successfully installed a candidate of its choosing on a city council after a federal judge ordered the traditional one-person-one-vote system altered because the majority continued to prevail in election after election."

Had I been in Congress at the time, I would have immediately moved to impeach the judges on the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals who blocked verifying whether an individual is legally eligible to vote. That goes for the federal judge above who would never agree to such a racist plan if the situation were opposite. Candidates should win an election based on their eligibility, experience and understanding of the issues, not race, religion or female plumbing. How shameful and un-American.

What an outrage that Congress has sat on their well padded backsides and allowed these renegade judges to crush fair elections.

Some states do have paper ballots, but if they are counted by scanners, it takes less than two minutes to replace a chip that decides the outcome. Many of you might remember the fraud of the primary in New Hampshire in the Ron Paul race for president. There was a considerable amount of money and manpower pumped into tracking the ballots and a hand recount. The numbers didn't match and no one really knows the outcome. It was the makings of a Keystone Cops episode.

Tainted voting rolls continue to sway elections as well as illegal aliens voting. Only a hand count by the candidate will catch the fraud and force a recount. The number of registered voters who are LEGALLY eligible to vote (former Congressman Bob Dornan's loss to Loretta Sanchez, who I absolutely believe is an illegal alien, is a perfect example) is a nightmare because of tainted voting rolls. If a comprehensive analysis isn't done when a candidate loses, we will end up with Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the long list of socialists and America haters back in office.

The cost of a recount varies depending on state; see A Report of the Task Force on Legal and Constitutional Issues National Commission on Federal Election Reform. There is a short time trigger on contesting the outcome of an election, so candidates should investigate before election night. Forget the blabber mouths on FAUX, CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the media. What counts is how the votes are counted and contesting the election. The book I mentioned above, Witness to a Crime, was a monumental undertaking. And, yes, vote fraud happens at all levels of races. However, the higher the office, the more complicated the analysis is when you're talking 50,000 votes or more.

Every two years my email box fills up with requests to look at the outcome of a particular race. Know what? I used to do it, but no more. If the candidates don't bother to audit the outcome of their own election, I'm not doing it anymore. If they want to spend all that time and money running and then just shrug their shoulders and walk away, fine. They should also remember all the "little guys" who worked so hard to get them elected and the grandma who sent $5.00 from her social security check as a campaign donation. I think candidates owe them to find out if the election was fair and accurate.

The stakes are astronomical like no other time in our history and that's not hyperbole. I know money is tight for candidates unless they're the anointed of the shadow government. However, it doesn't have to cost a lot of money. All that's needed is for the candidate to have help. As soon as the cut off date is final for registration to vote in November has passed, the next day get your trusted volunteers over to the County Clerk's office and get that list.

Start looking for trends in registration: A. Martinez, B. Martinez, C. Martinez, D. Martinez, L. Smith, M. Smith, N. Smith --- all with the same address. Then be ready the day following the election to start cross checking registration cards against number of votes cast. Unless it's a very small county with only a couple of precincts, the numbers won't match. I guarantee you. Thousands of Americans, if not tens of thousands, are giving their time to do everything they can to stop the fraud, but it continues. Ultimately, it is up to the candidate to contest the vote.

States of the Union have spent tens and tens of millions of dollars on voting machines, training, etc. Millions and millions of dollars have been spent for messes like 2000 in Florida and other states. All completely unnecessary (except for the evil doers). The brigades of lawyers have made out like bandits. Paper ballots are cheap and there are plenty of Americans willing and able to assist in an open environment to do the counting for free. Safeguarding the integrity of the chain of command is a must, but there is no safeguarding your vote if it's done electronically or counted by a scanner. Take money to the bank on that and it's why such an evil system has been shoved down our throats for the past five decades.

It is sickening that the American people are forced to use voting machines and scanners that we know are easily rigged. It also frosts my windows that in places like where I live in West Texas, people continue to use the machines even though we have paper ballots. All one has to do is ask, but only a handful do; I saw it in my precinct this part March. Only three paper ballots in the bag from the whole day. My husband and I and one other person.

Do we want fast food style elections or fair elections? So what if it takes a week to hand count ballots. What's important is honest outcomes, not fraud. We must stop the shadow government from continuing to make sure those who will carry out their agenda continue getting elected by fraud.

Below are resources to help you get involved on election day. Contact the candidate you support and offer to help with analyzing the vote. If you do support a candidate like John Dennis or Sharron Angle, call their campaign office and volunteer to walk the precincts with literature and any other help you can give. Boots on the ground - time is running short.

To become a poll worker/watcher you must contact your County Clerk's office and do it right away. Republican, Democrat, Independent, it doesn't matter. Fair elections are for everyone. If you do belong to a party, contact your local county chair person (Find your county party office in the phone book or call the County Clerk's office) and volunteer.

Important Links:

Election and Voter Fraud....What to Look For has good suggestions --

they're been in the trenches for a long time

Take a Stand for Honest Elections

Need I say more? The facts speak for themselves:

Proof of vote fraud -- Yes, this is happening and worse

42 pages of my research. Vote fraud controls our elections

June 9, 2010. Judicial Watch Obtains New FBI Documents

Regarding ACORN Voter Fraud Investigation

"ACORN HQ is wkg [working] for the Democratic Party"

June 21, 2010. On Heels of Diebold/Premier Purchase, Canadian E-Voting

Firm Dominion Also Acquires Sequoia, Lies About Chavez-Ties in Announcement

August 24, 2010. Harris County officials are bringing allegations

of major voter registration fraud against a Houston non-profit.

(That is Houston)

Sept. 24, 2010. Machine shutdowns reportedly cause long delays in

casting votes in New York primary election (happens every election)

Sept. 24, 2010. States warned of possible 'resurrection day' on Nov. 2

September 25, 2010. Citizens' Group Helps Uncover Alleged Rampant Voter Fraud in Houston

How convenient the same machines used were destroyed in a massive fire.

Sept. 28, 2010. Votes from Beyond the Grave

Oct. 2, 2010. Florida Case Puts Focus on Issue of Absentee Ballot Fraud

Oct. 6, 2010. Hacked voting system stored access password, encryption key

"But, within 36 hours of the system going live, Halderman’s team found and exploited a shell-injection

vulnerability that “gave us almost total control of the server software, including the ability to change votes

and reveal voters’ secret ballots.”

U.S. Investigates Voting Machines’ Venezuela Ties

A recount can overturn an election: The last time Vermont had a recount in a statewide election,

the result was overturned. That was in the state auditor's race in 2006, when a 239-vote swing

 in the recount gave the office to Thomas Salmon, who had apparently lost to incumbent

Randy Brock on election night.

Felons Voting Illegally May Have Put Franken Over the Top in Minnesota, Study Finds

Below are a few of my zillion columns on vote fraud. At the bottom are six, ten or twenty links

to more vote fraud and the hijacking of our elections:

March 1, 2010. Will vote fraud determine upcoming primaries - again?

May 21, 2006. The Machines Will Remember in November

August 17, 2006. What You Can Do To Stop Vote Fraud

October 30, 2006. Vote fraud: Candidates must audit the count

Jan. 15, 2007. Did the Democrats win fairly in November 2006?

Feb. 25, 2008. Vote fraud and the GOP convention delegates

Oct. 22, 2004.  Vote Fraud: What They Aren't Telling You


Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty; two million copies distributed. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country. She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party.

Visit Devvy's web site at: You may also sign up for her free email alerts.

Oct. 10, 2010