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HOW TO ICE A POLITICIAN (Updated August 27, 2010

Mark H. Rudov

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As oil in the Gulf of Mexico continues to gush, many Americans have ceased gushing over President Obama, mysteriously surprised he is functioning as a left-wing ideologue with no management competence. Why the surprise? This is akin to being shocked that Miami in July is humid.

The red flags were evident from the start. Candidate Obama was a left-wing ideologue with no management experience. Alas, the voters lacked the will or the ability, or both, to assess him objectively. They mustn’t repeat this costly error.

During his campaign against Senator John McCain, Obama preached to us that leadership is about judgment, not experience. Wrong. Judgment is a byproduct of experience. That’s Management 101. Americans should have known better.

Many believed that Obama could surround himself with smart people to compensate for his experience deficit. Really? Only an experienced man can judge the advice of others.

Captain CB “Sully” Sullenberger possessed the judgment, on January 15, 2009, to land US Airways flight 1549 in the Hudson River — instead of returning to LaGuardia or going to a small airport in Teterboro, NJ. What enabled him to make a quick, consequential decision? Experience: 19,000 hours piloting jets and additional time in gliders.

A Thrill Going Up His Leg

American voters have a terrible habit of electing politicians who promise goodies, special programs, and entitlements — without any regard to their costs, consequences, or constitutionality. Then, when the fairy dust settles, they become angry to discover higher taxes, deficits, debt, mismanagement, fraud, waste, and graft. Wow! It’s as though history neither exists nor repeats itself.

With a 50% divorce rate bludgeoning our societal fabric, it seems that voters are no better at choosing compatible spouses than electing competent politicians — and perhaps that’s no coincidence. But, unless they improve their selection skills, on either front, America will endlessly suffer and decline.

It’s not just the general electorate surprised at Obama’s performance. Pundits who once supported him have likewise reversed themselves:

Chris Matthews of MSNBC, who once felt a thrill going up his leg at the sound of Obama’s voice, is now lambasting Obama’s poor handling of the BP oil spill

James Carville, who helped run Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign, excoriated Obama, ordering him to “Get down here and take control; we’re about to die”

Peggy Noonan, speechwriter for President Reagan, initially gushed over Barack Obama’s ascendancy to the presidency. Now, she pronounces him incompetent

Jon Stewart, anchor of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, who initially waxed poetic about Obama, now blasts him for his inept oil-spill response

Mort Zuckerman, owner and editor-in-chief of US News & World Report, voted for Obama but now labels him incompetent and amateur.

Some of us saw right through Obama’s magnetic personality, because we demanded signs of experience — and didn’t find them. We were petrified of his socialistic rhetoric, and for good reason. We were wary of his America-bashing, capitalism-trashing cronies. Yes, Obama was skilled at rousing crowds to tears, no doubt, but such charisma doesn’t connote competence in managing complex organizations, running the government cost-effectively, defeating terrorism, and handling major crises. We were right.

Voters must be able to predict the effectiveness of people they may entrust with power, and do so objectively. They need a simple, accurate formula for greenlighting or rejecting politicians, based on tangible characteristics. There’s too much at stake to keep electing only the candidates who make us cry. If this isn’t obvious now, it never will be.

Cold Assessment

Enter Rudov’s ICE test — a simple, accurate check to help every voter make a “cold” assessment of the fitness and competence of all future office-seekers. If voters learn to “ICE” politicians before they bankrupt our cities, states, and country, never again will they be “surprised.” Disappointed, yes (that’s life). Surprised, never.

ICE is (I)deology, (C)haracter, and (E)xperience. Let’s rewind to 2008, when we had the opportunity to ICE Barack Obama:

• Ideology: Did Obama not promise to “green” America? Did he not pledge to spread the wealth around? Was he not hell-bent on transforming America with, among other things, nationalized healthcare? Yes. These proclamations have meaning. They have socialistic meaning! Verdict: left-wing ideologue

• Character: We know to judge a man by the company he keeps, that birds of a feather flock together. What happened in Obama’s case? How is it that Bill Ayers and Reverend Jeremiah Wright, both haters of America, weren’t big clues, huge showstoppers? Voters averted their eyes and ignored the major red flags. Verdict: dubious character, at best

• Experience: Barack Obama was known mostly as an adjunct law professor and community organizer. Have you ever met a pro-business community organizer? Never. Is this a heavy-duty job with budgets, P&L responsibility, and massive staffs? No. Does it create real jobs? No. His legislative experience, in Illinois and in the US Senate, was scant but liberal. His academic records are sealed. Exactly who is this guy? Nobody really knew. Verdict: weak experience.

The NoNonsense Bottom Line

Think of the ICE test as a tripod, which, to function properly, needs three legs of equal length. If a candidate isn’t equally strong in ideology, character, and experience, he or she will fail us. It does us no good to elect an experienced executive with left-leaning beliefs, a person of top-notch character with a management deficit, or a true conservative with a bevy of corrupt friends and colleagues.

By the way, never discount a spouse’s influence on a candidate, even one who passes the ICE test. Arnold Schwarzenegger, married to Maria (Kennedy) Shriver, campaigned as a broom-wielding conservative, ready to clean house. California is now bankrupt with 13% unemployment. You don’t think Shriver influenced his policies? You don’t think Arnold tried to please her politically in exchange for marital peace? Think again.

To those who want small government run by an executive of stellar character with deep management experience, Barack Obama is unqualified to be president. He proves it with almost every speech and decision. If only the voters had chosen to ICE him in 2008, we wouldn’t now be awash in debt, Big Government, unemployment, and oil.

May the voters not repeat their chilling error in judgment with future candidates. We can’t afford any more “surprises.”

Aug. 25, 2010

#1  (Reply)

----- Original Message ----
-From:  DF
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 2:56 PM
Subject: Comments in Response to - How to ICE a Politician

Mr. Rudov,

I read and agree with your ICE definitions and three point check test.  What I am having difficulty understanding is “what is the main point?” Out of all the candidates that were presented to “we the people” from the Republican and Democratic parties, according to my calculations not even one passed the ICE test, not even Ron Paul or Denise Kucinich although each came closer to passing the three ICE check points.  All other “independent” party representatives are never given a change because they are not bankrolled by big business/elites.  Looking over the landscape of current 2010 campaigning politicians, it is extremely difficult to find anyone who passes the ICE test, incumbent or opponent.  (Florida primaries have just been completed and candidates for November’s election have been determined – enough said)

Under today’s “political game rules”, campaign financing, backing and spending is what determines the “winner”.  Rarely to never has it been the case of “he/she who is most qualified wins”.  The voter may or may not know how to recognize a candidate’s qualifications because we are lied to, therefore voters chose between the “least of the two evils”.  Many elections have been “won” due to vote tampering.  In the 2000 election the presidential candidate who received the most votes, did not win.  Would that pres-elect, have made a more qualified pres.? Does he pass the ICE test?  The court instated pres surely did NOT.

Have you noticed, for the past 40+ years each presidency and administration has actively proceeded towards a single focused  agenda – specifically that being NOT of the people, by the people or for the people but that “of the elite, by the elite and for the elite”. 

The hijacking of this country started long before Obama was groomed, promoted, bought and paid for by the elite or “won” the election.  What a nice touch by the  elite, of the elite, for the elite to sponsor Mr. Obama  – The First non-Caucasian President elected in the US history – elected as the fall guy for bringing to near completion their single focused agenda!

At this time, there is not a court in this land that will uphold the laws according to the Constitution of the United States of America.  The elite sponsored administration(s) – past and present - detest the Constitution because it has all the mechanisms to halt their progress. The courts in Arizona and Louisiana have proven this to be so.

These are the types of candidates that have been presented as the voter’s options.  By the time candidates makes it through the primaries, the majority have already sold their souls to the elite, big government, Wall Street/bankers/lobbyists/special interests and/or big oil.  Upon taking office in DC, pick an office, it is “payback time” and all promises to the people are broken if not in alignment with the “elite agenda”. 

Maybe the ICE criteria should include “who has NOT been bought and paid for” and who is NOT for sale?

Have we the people not already experienced the kind of administration(s) which you refer to as  “pro-business”, within the past 40+ years?  Where did that get us?  To bring our country back in to the Constitution, each candidate’s experience must be “pro-we the people” nothing else.  Our federal government has broken and bankrupted this country through alliances and wars “exporting” democracy as though it were a commodity, a product.  The “Made in USA Democracy” as pimped by our government, is not being bought.   Remember – Actions always speak louder than words.

My vision for our country’s government –  is to be Self-Governed – of the people, by the people and for the people - in accordance with the organic and original Constitution.  Self-Governed as in “Govern another as one would want to be governed”. Self-governance experienced and expressed by each government servant, serving we the people through “Soul Alignment” with our Creator.  Our ancestors, founding fathers, framers, etc., had this vision and incorporated it into the documents that established the foundation of this country we call the United States of America.  We as Americans were to lead the world by example not by force. 

Sincerely, I thank you for receiving my input on this subject.


Experiencing Self-Governance each day – To improve the world start with Self.

----- Original Message -----
To: DF
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: Comments in Response to - How to ICE a Politician
Thanx for your thoughtful note.
There were two points to my article:
  1. People shouldn't be surprised that President Obama is

    incompetent and Marxist because Candidate Obama

    was inexperienced and Marxist. People are surprised.

    Makes no sense. Same person, same credentials.

  2. People need a simple way to measure the qualifications

    of candidates because they don't know how -- just as

    they can't evaluate sexual partners and spouses. People

    vote with stupid emotions. My ICE test brings logic to

    the party.

Best regards,

Marc H. Rudov

The NoNonsense Man®

Author | Radio/TV Personality

Phone: +1.408.499.0115
