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"That's music to the ears of Chad Christensen, a Republican U.S. Senate candidate, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the center of the evening in Logandale, a Moapa Valley enclave that's about half Mormon in a state where the conservative church vote counts."

Although Mormons make up 7.5 percent of the state population, they account for 20 percent to 30 percent of the Republican vote" (Source)

Political leaders like Reid, wish they could score more points on what they say and less on how they vote. That being said, the true definition of a politician is who he takes money from. His financial supporters are his real constituents, not the people that elect him to office. In Harry Reid's case, this is abundantly clear. The man is a fundraiser extraordinaire.

From 2005-2010, he raised a total of $17,860,522. That's about $46 for every registered Democrat in Nevada. Even more revealing is the sources of this money.

Top 5 Individual Donors (Source):

* The MGM Mirage Hotel (Casino) was Reid's largest contributor at $153,400.

* The Trial Lawyers at Weitz and Luxenberg (who made a name for themselves through mesothelioma) took the #2 position with $88,800.

* Harrah's (Casino Gambling) donated $82,100 to Reid at the #3 spot.

* Trial attorneys Girardi & Keese donated $76,400 to Reid in the #4 spot.

* Corporate Raiders/Hedge Funds aficionados at the Blackstone Group donated $72,500 in the #5 Spot.

The link between Casinos and Organized Crime is legendary, as is the link between Hedge Funds and the economic collapse/bailout. Neither will play well among the Mormons or the Tea Party Reform movement.

Top Industries (Ibid):

* Trial Lawyers: The #1 industry donating to Reid at $2,516,872

* Banksters Security Firms were #2 at $907,885.

* Casinos/Gambling were #3 at $613,950

* Lobbyists: $598,350

* Big Pharma: $249,800

* Pro-Israel: $177,090

Casino gambling is anathema to Mormons. Since the early days of the Church it has been preached against and Utah is one of the strictest states when it comes to gambling (no lottery, no casinos, no bingo, etc.). The fact that Casinos were built and maintained by organized crime, and are associated with other vices such as pornography, prostitution, social breakdown and a host of other societal ills makes it even clearer that Reid has cut his own deal with the devil to get where he is today.

The bailout of the banksters is the Tea Party's "Raison d'être". Hedge funds and the 1,000 trillion dollar derivatives market are at the root of the economic collapse of the entire Western civilization, and possibly the East.

Then their are the trial lawyers. Linked to "hit the jackpot" litigation, higher health costs, higher insurance costs and higher consumer prices, they are symbolic of the "something for nothing" society that worships at the temple of "Greed and Idleness". Mormons glorify self-reliance and hard work and despise large judgments in favor of Plaintiffs that could never make that much money over their lifetime. Traditionally, juries in Utah are not that generous, a fact that keeps tort litigation to a minimum in the State of Utah.

The values espoused by true Latter-Day Saints are in direct contrast to those advanced by the biggest financial donors in Reid's campaign. Even the money he received from Pro-Israel groups could be viewed as the tail wagging the dog. No foreign country should be permitted to lobby our Congressmen. We now find ourselves in a one-sided alliance with Israel that places us as their Junior partner. This partnership is being used by our Globalist, Illuminati enemies to drive a wedge between Christianity and Islam, and to promote an alliance between Islam and Communist China/Russia against the West.

As a result, we note Harry Reid's silence on the "Freedom Flotilla" massacre, a global public relations disaster for both the United States and Israel, and a boon to our country's enemies. George Washington warned us to avoid these entangling alliances. At the very least we could make an attempt to protect our National Interests by forbidding these types of donations.

Or, not accepting them.

Reposted June 12, 2010