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Obama Re-Election: Majority Don't Think President Deserves Second Term, According To CNN Poll

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If you're like most Americans, your answer is "No," according to a poll released on Tuesday by CNN. The perception was even worse for members of Congress nationwide -- but respondents still indicated they were likely to re-elect their current Representative.

Obama Reelection
Obama re-election? Most say he doesn't deserve it.

With identical numbers for all Americans as well as for just registered voters, 52 percent said the President does not deserve to be re-elected, while 44 percent said that he does. Four percent had no opinion.

Respondents indicated the lowest opinions of Congress dating back to the start of the poll in 1991.

"This is not a good year to be an incumbent, regardless of which party you belong to," CNN polling director Keating Holland told the network. "Voters seem equally angry at both Republicans and Democrats this year."

Obama fared better than members of Congress from either party, as 43 percent said that most Democrats deserved re-election and only 39 percent said the same of Republicans. Among registered voters, support of each party's members of Congress was even at 41 percent. The responses about reelection came with a margin of error of �4.5 percent.

Whether or not respondents felt they deserved re-election, if forced to vote for a Congressional candidate today, 47 percent would pick the Republican candidate while only 45 percent would pick the Democrat. That portion of the survey had a margin of error of �3 percent.

Feb. 17, 2010