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Rush Limbaugh livid: GOP has death wish

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Oct. 27, 2009

Rush Limbaugh

Talk-radio icon Rush Limbaugh says the Republican Party has a death wish – and is as dangerous to the United States as the Democrat Party and its czars.

Limbaugh's comments came today as he was discussing the race for Congress in New York's 23rd district, where the GOP picked a liberal nominee to oppose a liberal Democrat, passing over a conservative candidate who wanted to represent the GOP, a candidate now pursuing the seat as a third-party candidate.

"They have a death wish. The Republican Party has a death wish. Gallup: 40 percent of Americans now say they are conservative, 20 percent say they're liberal, 36 percent say they're moderates. And of those three groups, which one is being ignored – not just ignored – which one is being attacked by the Republican Party? The conservatives! " Limbaugh said today.

"It's worse than I thought. I thought this was just based on elitism and northeast moderate liberalism, and embarrassment of the people that the social issues attract to the party. But now it's just plain stupidity," he continued.

"The Republican Party, as constituted is as dangerous to this country as the Democrat Party is. 'But Rush, party loyalty is party loyalty, and the local Republican committee up there has endorsed Scozzafava.' So? I'm saying the two parties are the same. I guess I need to amend it a little bit, but, man, when I saw that they were running ads, as I say, ruined two hours of my day," he said.

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In the district, conservative Doug Hoffman has been endorsed by Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, Fred Thompson and others.

But Hoffman was passed over by local Republican leaders in favor of Dede Scozzafava, who has staked out a series of liberal positions often linked to the Democrat Party, endorsing abortion and pro-homosexual perspectives.

"Running in a conservative district where the incumbent went off to be secretary of the Army, all three candidates have the distinction … of seeing their race attract national attention. … Hoffman had previously earned the backing of prominent conservative organizations such as the fiscally conservative Club for Growth and the socially conservative Concerned Women for America PAC," Limbaugh said.

An endorsement of Scozzafava by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was not what should have happened, Limbaugh said, since others supporting Scozzafava include Planned Parenthood, NARAL and others. .

"This is not how Reagan won," Limbaugh said. "Reagan was not out there talking about a big tent. If I recall correctly Reagan publicly invited liberal Republicans to go their own way. His tent was a little narrow but it was crowded. His tent was just mainstream conservatism, the kind of conservatism that founded the country. "

Limbaugh described Scozzafava as "an extreme liberal Republican who may as well be a Democrat."

"Now, Hoffman wanted to run as a Republican. He is a Republican. He was passed over by the GOP, who picked Scozzafava instead. So he's running on the Conservative Party ticket because the GOP passed him over, but this is a wakeup call for both parties," he said.

"I know the temptation for a third party is tempting, but right now conservatism is on the ascendancy, it's actually good to be a conservative, and this is the time to reassert control over the Republican Party. It's not going to be easy but the Democrats, the far left didn't go out and form a third party. They took over the Democrat Party," he said.

Democrat Bill Owens is the third candidate in the race.