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From: WorldNetDaily
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 11:01 AM
Subject: MOB RULE!
Under Obama, Chicago-style bullying and intimidation go nationwide
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Millions of Americans were shocked at the specter of two menacing thugs, one brandishing a nightstick, blocking the doorway to a Pennsylvania polling place on Election Day last November. They were even more shocked when the Obama Justice Department decided not to prosecute the most blatant, egregious case of voter intimidation in modern history.

But for those who understand the Obama administration, there was no surprise. Indeed, such shameless intimidation tactics are fast becoming the modus operandi of the Obama White House itself, as documented in November's jarring issue of Whistleblower magazine, "MOB RULE: Under Obama, Chicago-style bullying and intimidation go nationwide."

MOB RULE!: Under Obama, Chicago-style bullying and intimidation go nationwide.

Consider today's headlines:

  • ACORN, the organization Barack Obama trained with, defending as an attorney, praised, paid to help elect him, and promised to consult closely once elected president, has been exposed as a vast, taxpayer-subsidized, hard-left criminal enterprise that specializes in vote fraud, tax fraud, extortion and intimidation.
  • The Obama White House has launched several initiatives to track, monitor, spam, and harvest and archive information about American citizens - prompting widespread concerns not only of illegality and invasion of privacy, but of outright totalitarian surveillance of Americans reminiscent of George Orwell's "1984." One "snitch program" urged Americans to rat out their friends and neighbors by forwarding to the White House any e-mails they received critical of the president's health care proposals. And if proposed legislation passes, Obama will have power to control the Internet, even to shut parts of it down, upon declaring a "cyber emergency.
  • As part of his promised "civilian national security force," the "organizer-in-chief's" army of citizen volunteers is actively recruiting college students across the country to "build support for President Obama's agenda" - and earn college credit while advocating for "change."
  • Meanwhile, when regular Americans speak out and protest what they fear is the destruction of their nation, they're condemned by government leaders as swastika-carrying extremists, racists and potential terrorists. When they dare attend tea parties or townhall meetings they're roughed up and threatened by leftist goons, such as those from ACORN or the Service Employees International Union. (As SEIU president and Obama friend Andy Stern boasted about his organizing philosophy: "We prefer to use the power of persuasion, but if that doesn't work, we use the persuasion of power.")
  • Even Obama himself openly calls for his critics to shut up. On Aug. 7, in response to criticism of his efforts to radically transform America, he told an enthusiastic crowd: "So, we've got some work to do. ... [But] I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to just get out of the way so we can clean up the mess. [Audience cheering] I don't mind cleaning up after them, but don't do a lot of talking."
As a result of all this and much more - including dozens of radical and unaccountable "czars," and brazen attempts to regulate talk radio and boycott the more courageous talk hosts - millions of Americans are now totally fed up, says Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian. "The vast expanse of center-right America is outraged by the brazen overreaching of the Obama administration, and by the intimidation tactics it is employing in an attempt to roll over mainstream American citizens and transform their nation into another socialist state where real liberty is just a memory."

Issue highlights include:

  • "Who most resembles 'Nazis'?" by Joseph Farah.
  • "Obama takes Chicago politics nationwide" by Art Moore, in which top Obama adviser David Axelrod sums up his approach this way: "Ours is a blunt, brawling way. People are upfront about their self-interest."
  • "Obama's Chicago-style intimidation" by Phyllis Schlafly, on the White House's advice to goons: "If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard."
  • "'Brown Shirts' vs. Purple Shirts" by Michelle Malkin, who documents "an ugly pattern of physical abuse and tactics of intimidation."
  • "Obama and the thugs" by Kyle-Anne Shiver, who reminds us that Obama himself advised his followers: "I want you to argue with them, get in their faces."
  • "Obama chief Axelrod 'invented' astroturfing" by Jerome R. Corsi, who reveals the ironic truth that the man who dismisses tea parties as fake was himself the inventor of phony "grassroots" efforts.
  • "Rules for (pro-American) radicals" by David Kupelian, on how to deal with intimidators, provocateurs, thugs, goons and would-be tyrants.
  • "Obama: Every move you make, I'll be watching you online" by Chelsea Schilling, who shows that in myriad ways, the Obama administration has engaged in "1984"-style spying on Americans.
  • "Will bill give Obama control of Internet?" by Drew Zahn, on proposed new powers that allow for "drastic federal intervention" into the Internet.
  • "The White House 'snitch' program" by Bob Unruh, on Obama's plan for citizens to report the "fishy" comments of their neighbors.
  • "The spammer in chief" by Joseph Farah, who calls current White House activities "one of the most egregious abuses of power I have witnessed in my lifetime."
  • "College students recruited for Obama 'army'" by Chelsea Schilling, who documents that academic credit is being awarded for students' actively building support for the president's agenda.
  • "Obama administration green-lights voter intimidation" by Drew Zahn, in which one congressman gives the real reason the Philadelphia Black Panther case was dismissed: "The president's political allies are getting a free pass."
  • "Glenn Beck's fear of Obama: Seize power overnight" by Joe Kovacs, who quotes Rush Limbaugh saying now is the "most dangerous time in my life for freedom and liberty in this country."
  • "Left rises to squash CNN's Lou Dobbs" by Drew Zahn, on the angry campaign to get the "stupid, overpaid, racist wingnut off air once and for all."
  • "CNN gives boot to talk radio hosts."
  • "The get-Cheney squad" by Patrick Buchanan, who explains why prosecution is the CIA's reward for helping keep America safe for the past eight years.
  • "None dare call it Marxism" by David Limbaugh, who analyzes Obama's governing philosophy and notes the obvious - that "it's only fair to make everyone poorer if you believe profits are inherently evil."
  • "The socialists within want to take over" by Hilmar von Campe, a stirring analysis of today's America by a former German POW who says, unapologetically, that "Obama and Pelosi are closer to the Nazis than to our Founding Fathers."
"Make no mistake," says Kupelian. "What we're seeing right now from the Obama administration is no different than what those two thugs were doing, standing outside the Philadelphia polling place with the night stick. This is rank intimidation, following the playbook of Saul Alinsky, the Chicago Marxist and father of 'community organizing' who had such a profound effect on President Obama."

'Security' patrols stationed at polling places in Philly

Indeed, while campaigning for the presidency, Obama said of his years steeped in Alinsky's revolutionary "community organizing" methods: "It was that education that was seared into my brain. It was the best education I ever had, better than anything I got at Harvard Law School."

"It's high time," adds Kupelian, "that real Americans become equally 'educated' about the hidden agenda and tactics of the Obama administration."

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