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'HELLO, CENTRAL! WHAT MORE CAN WE DO? (Updated Oct. 21, 2009)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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 ----- Original Message -----
From:  AV
Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 11:33 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bellringer,

 The most recent Casper updates and the one from the British lord, all seem very dismal. Is there any hope to resolve these problems? Is there anything, other than praying, that we should be doing?

This weighs heavy on my heart.  Thanks so much.



Thanks much for your time.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  AV
DATE:  Oct. 20, 2009
Dear AV:
    Pitch forks and ax handles will do no good.  Your prayer power trumps everything in this spiritual war against evil.  Turn up the volume and know that we are winning.  Read the "Hello, Central! Good Will Not Overcome Evil!"
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 #1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: GY
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 4:32 PM
Subject: Hello central there's a big questions for being patriotic

If we go back in 1900s when the Armenian people we're fighting the occupied Turks and when they were holding a hostage ottoman bank at that time to prove their point of view for their struggle, as much as i can remember from the story that our elders tell us that they ended up treating us as terrorist at that time until our last attach back in 1980s where 5 Armenian guys went to Lisbon end attacked the Turkish embassy, just to wake up the world why we were doing this until now they started to recognize the Armenian genocide,

  a brief history about Turks: Turks origin are from Turkmenistan and the Kurds are from if you check the map you'll find the land, they've migrated from their land back in 1100 AD from the wars of Mongols and they stalled in Armenian’s land and they welcomed them and helped them with everything after some 450 years later they've been killed, rubbed, raped the worst things that you can imagine of.

  anyway the same story has happened to the Palestinians and still going on with one thing in different by opening war against Lebanon which was obviously they are next in the list, as the both countries are fighting the occupation to their country, well if we go to the details there's a lot to say, but to make the long story short they both are named terrorist but instead their work is patriotic movement against destruction, by the way in this both countries the politicians are pro Americans "no offence guys" which working against the people.

 the big question is what the states patriotic are gone be called?

Be blessed

#2  (Reply)

----- Original Message ----
-From: AM
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 2:23 PM

Dear Patrick;

in your to-days’ article “ PHOENIX OPERATOR OWNER MANUAL’ PHOENIX JOURNAL #27(Commandments 1-5) from Jesus Sananda, Lord MIchael and St. Germain, it is written in Commandment N° 1 among other things”This also means that when information is put before your at­tention, you must ask the FATHER within you to show you whether or not it is true and ask for the Father to give you the verification you need for under­standing the Truth in all infor­mation and situations which HE puts before you”. 

By contrast, they say in Commandment N° 3 :  You are his co-creator in the infinity of The Cre­ation and you are the co-creator of HIS jubi­lant Self-discovery within the un­folding manifestations of the mystery of the ETERNAL ONE. 

So now Patrick I’m a bit confused and therefore I would like to ask you a question to enlighten me.

If God gave us free will and the power to co.create our life, why it is said that we need to understand that the Truth in all infor­mation and situations which HE puts before us”. 


If we have free will ,why God is putting before us situations in our lives that we might not want?

Very many thanks.

In love and light.




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  AM
DATE:  Oct. 20, 2009
Dear AM:
    We live in this 3D world of Truth and lie for our lessons in soul growth.  One of our greatest lessons is discernment.  We must learn to properly identify what is true and what is not true to properly walk the Lighted Path of Knowledge and Wisdom.  If we cannot distinguish between Truth and lie, between good and evil, we cannot correctly use our power to co-create Goodness in our world.
    Only Creator Source and those, who have returned to Creator Source are in perfection.  Therefore, none of us as Returned Masters, Lightworkers, Truthseekers and Wayshowers are perfect in word and deed.  We are here in this Earth Shan schoolroom because we have lessons yet to learn.  If we knew all Truth and lie and lived the Laws of God and Creation to perfection, there would be no point to being in "soul-school" other then to be the teacher, or to help others along their 3D pathway.  Even teachers such as the Ascended Masters, and even Esu Immanuel Sananda, are not in perfection.  They, too, have lessons they are learning.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#3  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: CG
Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2009 11:45 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Dear Patrick & Anne,

 Thank you for all the constant updates you give to us on many topics about what is happening here in the U.S. with this government take-over. It is greatly appreciated as the regular news media says nothing about what is really going on that is important, only the useless mind-numbing worthless stuff.

 Question: Is there anything else we can do besides pray daily that Creator God Aton and the Galactic Forces give their assistance on our behalf to stop this constant move toward the One World Order? It sometimes feels our prayers go unanswered in stopping the darksides plans of the One World Order. How else can we be of assistance, since taking up arms does no good in a spiritual battle and only empowers the enemy even more? Would co-ordinated prayers of many thousands of people have any better success? Any other ideas would be welcome. Please respond in the "Hello Central" section as I feel that many other people feel the same way as I do.

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  CG
DATE:  Oct. 21, 2009
Dear CG:
    Thank you for your letter.  You are asking the same question others are asking.  What more can we do to bring change to Goodness, besides prayer?  Would coordinated prayer make a greater impact?
    What you may not realize is that we already have co-ordinate prayer worldwide, and have had so for some time for defeat of the Darkness and change to Goodness.  Millions of Prayer Warriors are making a great difference this very day.
    Unfortunately, many good people pray without knowing to whom they pray, or lack understanding in how to pray, or lack faith in a positive outcome to their prayers.  The Bible speaks of the "prayer of faith" (James 5:15), and "The prayer of a righteous man has great power" (James 5:16).
    When you pray, believing in results, you bring change, for Heaven returns to you your true intent.  Many people pray but doubt any positive results, and of course, nothing happens.  Secondly, one, who prays from a base of right living, according to The Laws of God and Creation (Phoenix Journal, #27) has great spiritual power to effect change.
    So, pray, believing, and you can negate the negative energy of ten thousand or even a million of the adversary.  Know it!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer