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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: JF
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 12:12 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


If you publish this please show my name as J.F.

  Casper's last update again confirms that Obama is the main player stopping the packs week after week, so what can we do? It would seem that in this case good will not overcome evil especially when we are told that a black pope rules the world and after reading the article it would seem to me that deliveries are not on his agenda. How do we get rid of this guy? Impossible!

 I therefore have no choice but to believe that we will never see the packs as he and they are much too powerful.




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO  JF
DATE:  Oct. 19, 2009
Dear JF:
    I remind you of a great promise made to us.  It goes like this, "With Creator God Aton of Light all things are possible".  There is a  Divine Plan for the ending of this last evil civilization on our planet.  God does not abandon His faithful peole in their time of need, nor does he mislead them.  Light and Truth always trumps Darkness and Lie.  We are passing through the Valley of the Shadow of the New World Order that is crumbing from its own deceit.
    We have the creative power to destroy it, if we but use it.  The Darkside is limited to third and fourth dimensions, but we have access to the positive energy of the Realms of Light, which is limitless.
    You think the NESARA Mission is hopeless.  Not so, my friend!  It is God's Plan, and Creator God wins, always!  Keep hope alive and add your positive thoughts to the energy pool that is trouncing the Powers of Darkness at this very moment.
    He who is faithful to Truth and Love shall receive the crown of Life in fifth dimension, commonly known as "Heaven". Obama and the Black Pope are so 3D, it's pitiful.  They shall soon be "ruler" of nothing because of their foolish choices.  Good always overcomes evil!  Know it!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From:  T
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 10:12 AM
How can you say that? Of course good will always overcome evil!!!

You are going by what you are seeing in the news, they have been trying their hardest to keep the general public from not knowing what is going on. So they have threatened the press, paid them off, and done everything they can to shut us up!!! The fact that you are seeing all this bad news is because THEY are in a panic!!! They are scared, the rats are deserting the ship in droves. And leaving them to sink with the rotten ship that is crumbling all around them.

You know how it works. It always is darkest before the dawn. Well, the dawn is a shining. We are going to see closure. We are going to expose them for the SOB's they are, and they will be out of business when we show that suitcase full of evidence against them to the world. EVERYONE knows how evil they are. It is so obvious, only the most blind or stupid haven't seen it. EVERY country on this planet can see them for exactly what they are.

Don't believe the BS the press puts out. May they all be fired and sent to the prison planet. (yes, there is one) For what the press has done, they deserve that. They are traitors first class, many will want to hang them from the telephone poles. I don't think they even realize how evil they have become. Doing what they do is blatantly treason!!! But it has become 'business as usual' for them, they do it so much!!! Most of them have no clue how to tell the truth, they are in it to just make money, that's the bottom line.

So when you look around and see chaos, smile and know it is smoke and mirrors. They want us to think we are loosing the battle, even after they have lost the war!!! THEY WANT TO MAKE US GIVE UP ON OUR OWN. So don't do it!!! Just hang in there to the very end, and you'll get your very own T Shirt saying that you survived this mess!!!

When Casper says they are flat broke, believe him! They are so desperate right now, they would do just about anything. And they KNOW they have lost.

So, all you need to know now is that we have won over darkness, and we are just watching the death throes that they are going through. Trust in God. The victory is ours.