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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: Fulford Benjamin
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 3:42 AM
Subject: Pleiades

Dear Mr. Bellringer,

You claim to be from the Pleiades. Are you able to supply scientifically verifiable proof of this?

Benjamin Fulford 古歩道ベンジャミン 090-3439-5558


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  Benjamin Fulford
DATE:  April 29, 2009
Dear Benjamin Fulford:
    Thank you for providing insight on the dark games the Titans are playing, attempting to win control of Earth Shan.  It won't happen, and thank you for your question concerning my connection to Pleiades.
    Do I have empirical, scientifically verifiable proof of such?  In third dimensional terms how do you "prove" anything of an etherical nature?  Can you prove that Creator God exists, or that Esu Immanuel Sananda has now returned to Earth Shan, or that Violinio Germain is helping with the NESARA Mission, or that Lightworkers continue their work aboard the starships during their sleep state, or that the starships even exist in our skies at all at this time?
    Violinio Germain has an office in the White House.  Papers are placed on his desk that disappear and then re-appear signed, or instructions and orders pass in the same fashion.  Does Germain exist?  Can I prove it?  Some of us have seen him and talked with him in the physical third dimension.  Most of us have not.  We can not prove he is here, but we "know".
    There are many signs and bits of confirmation to our knowing.  Knowing comes from the heart.  Knowledge leads to enlightenment (Truth), to discernment, to wisdom, belief and finally knowing.  Knowing is of the spiritual realms and cannot be proven to the satisfaction of third dimensional parameters.
    Yes, my wife Anne and I are from Pleiades.  We "know" that to be true, but we could never empirically prove that to your 3D understanding.  You would need to go within and through your own God Spirit confirm in the etherical, whether that were true.  As you, we are spiritual beings here at the present time, having a physical experience in 3D.
    Anne and I have had a myriad of confirmations to assure and to guide us along our journey.  We communicate with Hatonn/Aton, Esu Immanuel Sananda, Germain and other Ascended Masters, have experienced invisibility and teleportation/time travel, innumerable miracles, have seen thousands of starships and communicated with their crews, have seen many of our Guides in human form, and have total and permanent Divine Protection for ourselves, our home and Fourwinds website.
    How do I prove any of this?  I know we have had constant and relentless attacks against us, our family, and website by the Darkside.  Government hackers have tried unsuccessfully to destroy our equipment, our website, our servers and our data base.  Our webmaster has utilized the greatest computer experts to build our defense against electronic terrorism, and we have prevailed.  How so?   
    The Forces of Evil have tried to kill Anne and me, as late as this past year, but have failed to do so.  Why?  We have asked for and have been granted complete and permanent Divine Protection.  We have it because we know that is possible.
    How do I empirically prove any of this?  I can not!  It only comes through knowing, my friend, through the vibrations of the heart.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 9:29 PM
Subject: RE: Pleiades

Thanks for the reply.

The problem is convincing those people who are stuck in this dimension. Also I never forget that no matter how far I travel, I always end up back here. We are here for a purpose. We must finish the job.

Benjamin Fulford 古歩道ベンジャミン 090-3439-5558

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  Benjamin Fulford
DATE:  April 30, 2009
Dear Benjamin Fulford:
    Yes, we each have our mission to complete, and we agreed to "hang in there, for as long as it takes".  All souled beings here now are Returned Masters, but so few have awakened to help confront the Darkness.  Because we live on a freewill planet, our task is not to convince anyone of anything.  We present the Truth,and all must decide what they will do with it.  Many, who are stuck in this third dimension are clones.  Having no soul or God connection, thus no morals, value or ethics, explains why the Darkness is so intent.  In spite of the handicap, the Lightworkers have done a magnificent job.  Indeed, the Light has won, and our new day is here!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer

#2.  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: NL
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 4:28 AM
Subject: Re: Pleiades/Your answer to B.F.
 Dear Patrick

 There are alot of people, who cannot understand, what we are talking about. I hope your answer to Mr. Fulford's question was enlightening.

 My children an me, we feel like strangers around others. We can only talk normally, that means spiritually, when we are in secrecy. People would bring us to the psychiatry, if they would hear our conversations. Hopefully, there are still more human beings waking up soon!

 For us it is an absolute Clarity, that space ships are around us in the sky. You can see the blinking in different colors with your own eyes. There are everywhere in big number. Space crews even come on visits, with important messages, to people, who are sensitiv enough to see them. My daughter had visits in her own bedroom. Since she can talk, she tells me about going to school at night. She also works alot with the Masters St. Germain and Lady Nada and has an incredible wisdom for her age (12).

 My son explained me, how he gets picked up by "air-taxi" to fly to the ships. He can clearly describe the interior on board of the motherships and his attends to the meetings.

 Isn't it fascinating, that this "proof" comes from innocent children?

 Thank you and Anne so much for your most appreciated Light-Work!!!

 Sincerely, NL


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  NL
DATE:  April 30, 2009
Dear NL:
    Thank you for your letter.  We honor you and your family for your enlightenment.  That phrase uttered two thousand years ago, "And a little child shall lead them", has great meaning today.
    Living in third dimension may seem lonely, but having established connections to the higher dimensions gives us both insight and purpose in our journey.  Truly, we live in two separate worlds for a reason.  We are here for our lessons in soul growth and to bring Light to the Darkness.
    We honor you and your family for your enlightenment.  Be in peace and joy!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 #3.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: DG
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 11:03 PM
Subject: Re: Hello Central Pleiades
Dear Patrick:
I want to make a comment on your response to Benjamin Fulford question above?  You said, "Violinio Germain has an office in the White House."  I made some connections in my mind that at this time I will refrain from commenting on.  I will say one thing, it made my hair stand on the back of my neck? 
Best Regards,
#4.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: RN
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 4:15 PM
Subject: Response to your two article on 4/29/09 . . . Creator God Hatonn and Pleiades
Dear Anne and Patrick . . . Well, you've done it again!  The things you write about and the way you express them is such a 'good thing' for me.  You have given me such a marvelous advanced education in the many years I have been reading your site.

It's amazing how common sense, honesty, straightforwardness, knowledge, the desire to educate and inspire people ALL COME TOGETHER IN YOUR MESSAGES TO US!!!

And your Pleiades article, in your fourth paragraph, perfectly describes my attitudes and desires to advance myself that you have helped me formulate . . . "Knowing comes from the heart.  Knowledge leads to enlightenment (Truth), to discernment, to wisdom, belief and finally, knowing."

Thank you so much!

In light and love, RN

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  RN
DATE:  April 30, 2009
Dear RN:
    Thank you for your kind words.  We are both humbled and glad to be of service.  We are all Truthseekers, and together we make this journey. 
    Be in peace and joy.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer