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"Hello, Central!" Is Al Gore A Reptilian? (Updated 5/20/08)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: GK
To: "bellringer" <>
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 8:18 PM
Subject: Al Gore too?


Is this true, Is Al Gore Reptilian too?




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  GK
DATE:  April 29, 2008
Dear GK:
    Yes, reptilians are very real.  Al Gore is a reptilian and must carry a vile of human blood in his pocket to sip every few hours to prevent shape-shifting into reptilian form.  The first signs of shape-shifting can be easily seen in the eyes and the face.  The opening in the eye pupil becomes a vertical slit, as seen in snake eyes, and the eye color becomes greenish.  Depending on the degree of "shift", the facial features gradually take on the appearance of a lizard.
    The Reptilians are also known as the Serpent People.  They have human form with a reptilian head, and need human blood to hold the human eye and facial features.  For this reason Reptilians are deeply involved in the Occult and human sacrifice to obtain human blood.  The Reptilians have been on our planet for centuries, and have had a very evil agenda.  All off-world evil 4D Reptilians were removed from Earth Shan, when the Annunaki recently returned to the Light and returned to their home planet, Nibiru.
    There are many Reptilians of 3D today, who still carry on the Satanic plan of world control.  Some of the prominent ones are Queen Elizabeth II, Henry Kissinger, Al Gore, George Bush, Sr., Madeline Albrecht, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Dick Cheney, Nancy Pelosi, Candy Crowley and Larry King.  George Bush, Jr. is not the son of George Bush, Sr., but of John F. Kennedy and Barbara Bush.  He was a souled-being Reptilian until January, 2003, when Bush, Sr. had him killed and cloned to better control him, as his U.S. presidential stooge for the One World Order.
    Many present 3D Reptilians have been cloned, as have humans.  When this is done the new entity has no soul, thus no God-connection.  As a result, they have no morals, no ethics or values and no compassion.  They do have a strong survival instinct.  This helps to explain the evilness and degradation of our present society.  There are both good and evil Reptilians, just as there are good and evil humans.
    We have recently posted some videos on Fourwinds that show some beginning shape-shifting in some of the Reptilians mentioned above.  Princess Diana said she had seen Queen Elizabeth at one time shape-shift totally into the face of a lizard.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: SJ
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 10:07 PM
Subject: "Hello, Central!" Is Al Gore A Reptilian?
Also see:
This is the link to the CNN video where George Herbert Walker Bush's eyes clearly are shifting into a reptilian shape during an interview with Larry King.
Now watch a close up:
Recently I was watching the 11:00 news when a John McCain story broke.  They showed an interview on my local news and his eyes were slits from top to bottom the whole 30 sec. clip.  It was the most flagrant reptilian clip I have ever seen. I went online to try and locate some interviews of McCain and came up with two interviews below where his reptilian eyes are very evident the whole CNN interview.  Use the "Zoom" 150% to 200% for further verification.":
Rudolph GHOULiani's Shapeshifting

Reptilian Presidential Candidate John Edwards
They Live
----- Original Message -----

From: AB

To: Bellringer

Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 10:30 PM

Subject: Hello, Central! Some questions about prominent public figures who are Reptilians

Hello, Central! Some questions about prominent public figures who are Reptilians

Dear Mr Bellringer,

Thank you for your important observations about prominent 3D Reptilians still active in American public life. These were published on Tuesday 29th April 2008 on the FourWinds10 website here:

As this is an important period of public disclosures of many kinds, I would like to ask some further questions about the Reptilian presence among us.

(1) You say that there are both good and evil Reptilians, just as there are good and evil humans. Do the good Reptilians also have to drink human blood every few hours to keep their physical facial features in stable human form?

(2) Regarding Elizabeth Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II of England), has she been a Reptilian since her birth in 1926, or did she morph into a Reptilian only after her original ensouled human form was terminated and cloned? And do you have details about when Elizabeth Windsor was first cloned and by whom?

(3) You mention that you have recently posted some videos on the FourWinds10 website which show certain prominent public figures beginning to shape-shift into a Reptilian physiognomy. Would it be possible for you to assemble the web addresses of the most explicit and reliable of these videos in a single list in one place for the assistance of those researching this topic?

Thank you for your consideration in addressing these questions.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  AC
DATE:  April 29, 2008
Dear AC:
    Thank you for your letter and questions.  Your question 1) The good reptilians have a much higher body electro-magnetic frequency, which allows them to maintain stability over their shape-shifting capabilities.  No, the good reptilians do not need additional human blood to maintain their human form.
    Your question 2)
    To my knowledge Elizabeth Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II of England) was born a reptilian in 1926, and was cloned with a reptilian clone in 1993 by order of the Black Pope (Jesuit) of the City of London.  The Black Pope holds the highest authority on Earth Shan under Satan/Lucifer.  The White Pope in the Vatican takes his orders from the Black Pope, who now is the puppet master for Elizabeth Windsor, among many other puppets/clones of the Darkside.
    Your question 3)
    To find many of the "shape shifting Reptilian videos, the reader can go to the website listed for either of the two videos about Al Gore and G.H.W. Bush and look at the "related videos".  When you click on any of the related videos, more related videos are shown. 
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer

----- Original Message -----
From:  E
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 9:48 AM
Subject: To add to the reptilian info.
Hi Patrick and everyone,

It's also important to note that MANY television news people are also reptilian as they are the ones that will spread the agenda with no problem.  Start paying attention to newscasters' eyes (vertical slits instead of round pupils, or in some cases, no pupils at all). Also keep in mind that the eyes fluctuate, sometimes pupils, sometimes slits.  Now is the time to look into EVERYONE'S eyes, do not be afraid.

Question for Patrick: From what I am gathering, even clones can be reptilian?

Thanks a million for this website!


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  E
DATE:  April 30, 2008
Dear E:
    There are more reptilians in our midst then one may think possible.  Man has genetically altered many life forms and cloned the little gray aliens, the large gray aliens, humans and reptilians alike.  Yes, there are reptilian clones, and of course, with no soul for use in the Dark Agenda.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer

----- Original Message -----
From: A
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 1:32 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Hello Patrick :)

This is in response to ""Hello, Central!" Is Al Gore A Reptilian?" which I found really interesting!

You said: "George Bush, Jr. is not the son of George Bush, Sr., but of John F. Kennedy and Barbara Bush."

Can you tell us more about that?

This following link is related and explains how the bush family isn't who they say they are and actually came from Germany as Nazi Spies. Is this true as well?

Any thoughts are appreciated, and Thank You for all you and Anne have done.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  A
DATE:  April 30, 2008
Dear A:
    John F. Kennedy (JFK) and George Herbert Walker Bush (Bush, Sr.) served in the U.S. Military during World War II and knew each other.  JFK was the Commanding Officer of Motor Torpedo Boat-109.  On August 2, 1943 in the Solomon Islands, PT-109 was rammed by a Japanese destroyer and sunk, and JFK was seriously injured.  JFK was released on disability from the military in March, 1945 and did not marry Jacqueline Bouvier until September 12, 1953.
    In the meantime Bush, Sr. served in the U.S. Military through the war and was discharged in September, 1945.  Earlier that year he had married Barbara Pierce on January 6, 1945.  In October, 1945 JFK and Barbara had an "affair", and Bush, Jr. was born July 6, 1946.  It was because of this that Bush, Sr. became an arch enemy of JFK, and finally using his position as CIA Director, was able to assassinate JFK, as U.S. President on November 22, 1963. 
    Bush, Sr. was determined to wipe out the Kennedy family and was involved in the assassination of JFK's brother, Robert Kennedy on June 6, 1968.  JFK's son JFK, Jr. (John-John) was later the editor of the magazine "George".  The name of the magazine itself is interesting.  The August, 1999 issue of "George", which was never published, carried the Truth about Bush, Sr.'s involvement in the assassination of his father, and JFK, Jr.'s plans to run for U.S. president against Bush, Sr.'s son, Bush, Jr. in 2000.  This could not be allowed, so Bush, Sr. and Bush, Jr. were both involved in the assassination/airplane crash of a third member (JFK, Jr.) of the Kennedy family.
    It is true that the Scherff family of Germany were Nazi spies and changed their name to Bush to enable them to come to America with the mission to destroy the American Republic and claim the nation for the New World Order.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: JR
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 2:14 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: The Reps make a come back
Patrick my friend wants to know if Obama is a reptilian too? Whats your take on this.

In Light,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JR
DATE:  April 30, 2008
Dear JR:
    Obama is not a Reptilian, but he had been cloned and is, thus, a soulless human clone controlled by his puppet masters.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: MLS
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2008 10:34 PM
Subject: question regarding JFK and Bush
Hello Patrick.  I want to thank you again for all the great work you're doing in bringing the truth to the people of Earth Shan.  When the changes come you will go down as one of the great heroes who kept the flames burning during the oppression of the dark forces.

I have a question about your April 30 column regarding various people high in politics and media being reptilian aliens, and the connections between them.  You presented evidence that Bush Sr. is the biological son of John Kennedy who seems to have had an affair with Barbara Bush in the late 1940's.  That does make a lot of sense.  How ever you also mention that this incident (the fathering of an illegitimate child by Kennedy with Mrs. Bush) was the start of the animosity betwen the Bush and Kennedy families and this led to Bush Sr.'s master minding the assassination of John Kennedy on Nov. 22th 1963.  Your column states "It was because of this that Bush, Sr. became an arch enemy of JFK, and finally using his position as CIA Director, was able to assassinate JFK, as U.S. President on November 22, 1963."

While I do not question that the Bush and Kennedy families are at odds, clearly they are, I am not totally sure about Bush Sr. being behind the assasination?  I have read a great deal of books on the assassination and it seems to be the main theory that JFK was killed by a group that included members of the mafia, rogue elements of CIA/FBI and friends of Lyndon Johnson, because of the military instrustrial establishment and Viet Nam.  No where in the literature I have studied is Bush Sr. mentioned as a possible instagator of the assasination.

Bush Sr. was not made Director of Central Intelligence until January 1976.  In November 1963 he was the president of an oil company and had not yet got into politcs.  While I am sure that oil interests and the Illuminati had much behind the assassination of JFK, are you sure of your facts that Bush Sr. was the driving force behind the JFK assassination?  He does not seem to have had ties to the CIA at that time.

Also, was Bush Sr. an alien at that time or replaced by an alien clone prior to him becoming president in the 1980s?

I hope you can help me with this, I thank you for your help.  God Aton bless you and your wife and all you are doing to help us.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  MKS
DATE:  May 20, 2008
Dear MLS:
    Thank you for your comments on the assassination of JFK, and for your kind words for our work at Fourwinds.  In the April 30, 2008 "Hello, Central!" in my response to "A" I miss-spoke.  It is true, as you pointed out, that at the time of the death of JFK, Bush, Sr. was not yet in the position of CIA Director, and therefore, could not have used his position, as such, to influence the death of JFK.
    It is my understanding that early on Bush, Sr. had learned of his illegitimate son via JFK and had plotted revenge for some seventeen years.  History will show that George H.W. Bush followed closely the ascension of JFK (his one time friend) to the presidency and was involved in his assassination, as a matter of revenge.
    Bush, Sr. was first cloned in 1975, and was cloned #34 when he left the presidential office, according to Hatonn's statement in the Phoenix Journals.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer