My warmest and most loving greetings to all souls upon Mother Earth. I thank all ones, who are reading these message that I have asked Anne to pen, for they are in tune with the Lighted Realms and the Phoenix Journals, the Holy Books of the Lighted Realms.
Even more hopeful than reading these messages, I am very pleased that many more ones have started reading the Phoenix Journals. Indeed, they are the Holy Books given to you for a Guide to living on this 3D planet.
Even though evil has gained a great foothold on Mother, there are still ones that carry the banner of Truth. I call them my Flock. I have held these ones dear to my heart, and each one is protected by the Lighted Realms against all the bombarding evil technologies aimed at them to sway them from the Upper Path of Light.
I never said that the Higher Road was easy and there would be no problems, but I did tell all of my Flock to keep calm, focused and balanced, and above all ASK for my help, and take hand to climb the mountain together.
I understand all the problems each one of you Lightworkers face. Some of you have spouses that are “not on the same page”, think you are in a cult of sort,s and have been swayed to the evil side. That situation is not rare, for as Patrick has said many times, the same thing. He said that in all his “Hello Centrals”, writings and contacs with people all over the world for twenty-six years, the same is true. Indeed, it is RARE that both husband and wife are on the same page and work together as ONE, especially if they are Twin Flames.
You have no idea of the great Power of Light when husband and wife are working together for the Light, and especially if they are Twin Flames.
Now, as time comes to a close for this civilization, soul lessons get harder. It is like taking the final exams in college when the graduating student working on a Master’s Degree must face all his/her teachers for an oral exam, take a 3 to 4 hour written exam, and write a thesis. Do you get point?
Mother Earth has told us she waits a few more days before her graduation. She is waiting for more souls to awaken to the Light, as that great wave of Light from the Petitions has awakened many more souls, especially in the Astral Plane.
If she would turn right now, who would help them to gain soul growth to graduate? We, of the Lighted Realms, cannot do this, as it would be breaking the Law of Non-Interference. It is YOU 3D ones of the Light that must do this WITH our help. We work together! That is how it works. As each day passes more ones come awake, and I will say that it is just not on the Astral Plane, but throughout the entire Earth and ALL of the great Cosmos. Do you now understand how important saying these Petitions are at this time?
You are given ONE day at a time. Yesterday is passed, and you cannot change that. You cannot live in tomorrow land, either. YOU HAVE THIS DAY! Live it to the best you can to follow the Laws of God and Creation. Help others as you can. Say the Petitions, and especially CLEAR yourself of all negativity.
If you have your own Clearing, use it. You are welcome to use the Clearing written for you to say before you say the great Petitions.
My great LOVE to all. The end is near, but I say again to stay focused, calm and balanced, and clear yourself many times a day if you get angry, frustrated, or depressed or……, and ask that the Violent Flame of St. Germain to transmute these evil energies to the ethers and be uncreated. Always ask this to be done in the name of Sananda and the Blue Light of St/ Michael.
Esu Immanuel SanandA
I am here, Thomas. Let us begin. I Am Sananda and yes, I come in Light. I come in the golden Radiance.
Conflict is man. Conflict is the cause of man's actions...mostly incorrect actions. If there were not conflict, or perceived conflict, then all would be most dull indeed. Conflict serves as a catalyst for man to bring about change. The conflict that man is experiencing at present is nothing short of the conflict of God vs Satan. You cannot serve two masters. I said so almost two thousand years ago and I say it again today. You cannot serve two masters. The time of deciding is upon you. Most, unfortunately, will choose the way of the physical...fleshly comforts or pleasures or material possessions. 'Tis sad, but the way it is.
There must, however, be a movement by man away from conflict and into balance and harmony. I am speaking here of real balance and real harmony, not some preconceived dream of same. The balance may only come with your alignment to God. Only through the return to life as given by the Laws may man be restored to fullness and joy. Do you think that the Laws were given man to be mean? Do you think that the Laws were given man to be ignored? Yes, mostly you think they are to be ignored, or rewritten, or maybe I'll just follow the ones I like. Ok, 'tis always your choice, remember. Of course, so are the consequences of your decisions. I am ever amazed that man gives so little thought to these things. The density of your plane of experience is such that the moment's pleasure or the moment's fullness holds such a spell that consequences are rarely considered. What the Laws guide us toward is responsibility.
The values of modern man have become distorted to such an extent that most do not know what they want, or what they believe. It is a time, dear ones, to return to family values. It is a time, dear ones, to return to integrity in all human dealings. It is a time of responsibility for actions of self. It is a time of communion with your godness and your God creator. The return, however, is filled with conflict. For as the separation of the wheat and the chaff continues, there will be many who will try to block your path back into balance. Do not allow it to be. You will simply need to be strong and simply hold your ground as you move forward through it. Great is the man who recognizes that he is not enough without his connection to Source. Return unto your Source. The Father awaits thy call. I stand and await thy petition. Do not wait until you are deathly ill to find that what I speak to you is truth. Come. What is stopping you from reaching out your hand unto me? I come with a host that is ready to serve all who are willing to work toward Radiance. Must it be that great tribulation befall the land and the peoples before the call will be heard? Why is this so?
The soul cries out to be nourished. The masses of man cry out to be heard, yet the call is answered and they know it not. The sleep is heavy on the land. The slumber has been deep and to awaken man is why I have come. Awaken! Throw off this veil of ignorance and vileness and return unto the glory of love. The very word love has been spoiled beyond recognition, it breaks my heart. For you have no other word that expresses the meaning...agape love. Blessed ones of Earth, how I love thee. Won't you return to the kindness long forgotten? Won't you return to the sharing, one with another? I do not speak of the sharing for one gaining from the other...no, I speak here of the sharing from the heart place. This opening must occur within man that the journey may be made together. For no man is strong enough to journey alone on the path before you. Call for help and it is given. Ask and ye shall receive! Remember? Did you ever know? Why not? Well you know now...ask, ask, ask. Mostly ones ask for self, which is allowed. Asking for self is always the lesser. Asking for another is joy. Come into your peace blessed ones. Return unto the balance within the quietness of your own inner voice that cries unto thee to listen. Hear the voice that calls for the opening. Open thy hearts and allow me entry. I Am here. Where are you? Won't you come unto me and let me heal thy suffering and thy pain? Oh, little ones, walk in the Light of the Heavenly Father...walk in the Light which I Am...for I know well the path afore thee.
(Sananda, I have been asked to petition on behalf of Dharma regarding this week and the computer incident. Would you have any words that I may share with her, excluding this portion from the book portions, of course?)
Thank you, yes. Dharma must come into her balance too, for the jolt was more than unsettling, it was major. We received heated discussion on this side from her and frustrations are indeed mounting for each of you. You must each and all pray for protection for one another! Hear me...shield yourselves and pray for one another. Each of you are being put through the paces. You must each come into your own level of stability within this difficult time. Do not be unkind to one another, for you each must work most closely with one another for a long time to come. If you have differences, discuss them, bring them out, do not bury them for therein is difficulty. None of you are exempt from the impact of the dark brotherhood, and the very one that thinks he or she is, is the very one to be hit. Always know that you will be impacted greatly. Ever keep my shield around you. Do not get cocky, or lax, or forgetful...don't do it...you keep that shield of light around you every moment of every day. Nothing is more important for your protection! I stand ever with each of mine. I may not interfere unless asked to do so. If you are not standing in light and choose not to call me in, then the consequences of experience when the impact hits thee is entirely yours to experience. Perhaps you will be more careful the next time. I do not mean to sound harsh to any of mine workers. I am deeply grateful to each and every one of you. The lessons of dark impact are never to be taken lightly. Nor are the lessons of physical attacks against Dharma. You ones must allow peace to enter that house by staying away during various times of the week. Dharma and Oberli need by quiet to work and rest. Please, please understand this and allow it.
Blessings unto you of mine. You are all growing. I hold you close unto me.
I Am Sananda
One with Father
In Service to Hatonn
we are all brothers in light.
Greetings to all! We have now come to the last hours before lift-off occurs. As the minutes and hours pass quickly, I would like to give the following advice to all of you. This advice is for you to receive and take at your own freewill, but it shall help not only your soul, but also your fleshy envelope which must be able to take the high frequencies of the beam of Light to go to safety.
s always, the Lighted Realms are NOT of force, for we are forbidden to interfere with freewill. All we can do if offer safety, but the decision to step into the waiting beam is yours, and yours only.
Again, I remind you that Mother Earth turns on her axis (graduates) without any warning. When she turns it will upset every volcano known on your planet shall erupt. The velocity of a volcano’s ash and lava is explosively fast, and we of the Lighted Realms in our waiting starships for evacuation, will know any a few minutes before all cataclysms began.
The thousands of starships are totally ready and in their proper coordinates, and have been for some time. When the exact minute is known of Earth’s turning we will have only15 minutes of your time to evacuate all to safety.
Any hesitation on your part to decide whether or not you shall step into the beam or not will leave you to be standing watching the 5 mile high tsunami come at you will untold velocity, to say nothing about the eruption of all volcanoes.
i have told you this ad nauseum so listen to what I have to say. If you do not believe me that is your choice, but I advice you to decide right now what you plan to do. The greatest barrier is the fear of what is to happen. If you fear, your physical body will be harmed when you step into the beam.
Thus, I tell you that if you decide to step into our beam of Light it shall help if you start right now and clear any dark energies from your being. You have been given the Personal Petition. Do this several times a day, or any time you are anxious, worrying fretting, or any negative thought or action to be transmuted by St. Germain’s Violet Flame of transmutation to be sent to the higher octave and be uncreated.
I petition by my Mighty God Spirit within and for a great, great Love of our Creator, all the Lighted Masters, and all of Creation!! By my Mighty I Am Presence. I humbly ask for all the Lighted Realms to help me with all of my illnesses and fleshy envelope problems, denial addictions, including being unfocused, uncentered, worrying fretting, and all anguish or anxiety.
Please transmute all of this negativity, negative emotions, addictions and actions away from this lower octave to the higher octaves, to be uncreated for all eternity by St. Germain’s Violet Flame!! Please right my chalice within, and fill it over flowing with Love, Wisdom and Knowledge! I ask Hilarion the Healer for help, and for me to keep a Healing Cloak about me for continuous healing, and keep me protected always.
Please, continuously and quicky raise my Harmonic Frequencies to 169443 for lift-off, and give me totality of my soul and centralization of my being!!!
Please keep me centered focused and calm! Please surround me with the White Light of God Aton and the Blue Light of St. Michael! I ask this to be done in Sananda’s name! AMEN!!
Also, doing this action once is like peeling the skin of aa onion. There are many layers to work through, so by reaping this actions you are helping remove that undesirable emotion to be forever gone.
Enough said.
I have another thought to tell you, as you approach December 25, Christmas, and supposedly, my birth date. I WAS NOT BORN ON DECEMBER 25TH. My birthday is August 5, 8 B.C. December 25tis an evil Darkside holiday, if you must know.
However, you can still celebrate this holiday giving LOVE and LIGHT to your friends and family. You don’t need to give a materialistic gift, but a gift of doing something nice for them with your actions, not your money. Even baking them something is giving a part of you.
Enjoy the time with your loved ones and family. Read Journal 2, “And They Called His Name Immanuel, I am Sananda”. This Journal is one of the great books of the “Holy Books of the Lighted Realms” to read to your children and family, rather than the Khazarian Zionist lies and misinformation of your holy bible.
I leave you with heavenly joy and happiness. Take my hand to great glory, and decide now to step into the waiting beam of Light to safety, when that time comes.
Greetings to all! Mother Earth has given you another beautiful day which you can enjoy, and continue on with your lessons in soul growth. As I had stated before, that is the whole reason for you being on this school-room planet housed in a fleshy envelope.
Mother Earth is most joyous for all the evil that has been cleansed from her surface. Yes, the Lighted Realms know that the residue of the Satanian Empire is still trying to win, for that is how evil is, for they never stop trying to win. They certainly know their end is near, but they keep on until the very end Therefore, the bombardment on the Lightworkers is more fierce each moment. That is why all of you must stay focused, calm and centered.
At these most precious moments before Earth turns, I wish to give you a Petition to say each day for yourself, This is in addition to the Petitions posted on this site that I ask you to say every day, or several times a day.
I petition by my Mighty God Spirit within and for a great, great Love of our Creator, all the Lighted Masters, and all of Creation!! By my Mighty I Am Presence. I humbly ask for all the Lighted Realms to help me with all of my illnesses and fleshy envelope problems, denial addictions, including being unfocused, uncentered, worrying fretting, and all anguish or anxiety.
Please transmute all of this negativity, negative emotions, addictions and actions away from this lower octave to the higher octaves, to be uncreated for all eternity by St. Germain’s Violet Flame!! Please right my chalice within, and fill it over flowing with Love, Wisdom and Knowledge! I ask Hilarion the Healer for help, and for me to keep a Healing Cloak about me for continuous healing, and keep me protected always.
Please, continuously and quicky raise my Harmonic Frequencies to 169443 for lift-off, and give me totality of my soul and centralization of my being!!!
Please keep me centered focused and calm! Please surround me with the White Light of God Aton and the Blue Light of St. Michael! I ask this to be done in Sananda’s name! AMEN!!
Remember that Creator God Aton the Creator of this Universe and the great Creation is in every living thing upon this Earth. Enjoy these two photos!