SANANDA MESSAGES - - 8/21/90 & 8/23/90
8/13/90 SANANDA
I am here, Thomas. Let us begin, please. I Am Sananda and I come in Radiance. I come with mine brothers from other galaxies to assist in the transition of your world. We Are The Hosts of Heaven.
Your brothers among you are struggling to understand that which occurs within their world. Lost, confused, angry...looking to find a way out, yet not knowing how or where to look. You must take your brother's hand and show him the way. The beloved young ones are packed off to war while America weeps...and, yet, supports the very effort. Does no one among you even consider that you have no cause to enter into the affairs of a foreign, sovereign nation? Does no one among you even consider that many lives will be lost over protecting the interests of the banking cartel? Every property is held in greater value than the human life... 'tis such an upside down world. We of heaven weep for you.
There is beginning to be an excitement in the air of your country. The excitement is the prospect of financial relief created by the warring economy. And yet, when you speak with the mothers of the ones being sent off to war the story is entirely different. When the body bags return, the wailing will begin in earnest...and still you shall send more. Have the prophecies not told you that in the end times there would be the fighting within the middle eastern countries? So, too, have not the prophecies told you of the battle over oil? It is about power and money always, power and money.
America has been sucked into the drama in this, the first move by the One World controllers...the United Nations alliance. It is but the first of many such scenarios.
Soon there will no longer be actions by individual countries, merely United Nation's so-called peace keeping forces entering a nation fully armed to insure control. The year 2000 is closer than you ones think. But mostly you ones seem to want war...because of the money. Whenever there is a good war, there is more money available. Never mind the bodies, the dead friends, brothers...that's the price you pay. At least we can put some people back to work, you'll say. Oh, beloved, you have hardened your hearts. Well, soon even your money will be all but worthless...but by then you will have your cards, you will be plugged fully into the 666 computer system. And, you will gladly accept the Mark of the Beast...for you shall see no alternative available to you.
You must take constructive measures while you still may. Prepare on an individual or group basis. Put aside stores. Prepare a shelter, if you are able to do so. Communicate with your elected officials, particularly at the regional level. Know who your friends are...for it is within the closeness of friendship that the days before you will be fulfilling or most painful, indeed. Consider transportation, for fuel will become most expensive indeed. Be mindful of thy water source, for the drought is not past. You may walk in radiance or you may walk in fear. Fear shall be that which enslaves you into believing you are powerless to effect change within your world. You are not are all powerful within the Light which I Am. Regain your strength and courage to act. If you continue to buy into the lie, then, you shall perish under the arm of tyranny. Shake off your fear and slumber, and take up thine banner and sword, and regain your country, regain your God-given FREEDOM! I speak not of armed insurrection; armed with the Sword of Truth you shall effect change wherein you live and wherein you are governed. So be it.
It has to do with vision. Man has lost his vision for he has had on his blinders for too long. The sight of man has become narrow in focus and pale in color. You ones must widen your vision that you may see the possibilities that lie ever before you if you will but SEE, really see. Think not just how an action may affect you and your will it affect your neighbor's life, your community, your state? Your state is SOVEREIGN... at least that is what your Founding Fathers intended. Perhaps there should be a movement back toward that? Use your God-given minds and reason the solutions. Ask me in, for I am ever available to all who ask of me in earnest. Go in peace, if you are able. Take thine brother's hand that he not be lost. Force not, for force is not of God. Be gentle, yet strong. Speak your heart, beloved, and mean what you say...but ever measure the words that pass your lips for it has been said, and it is true, indeed, words are things.
Blessings to each and all this day in your counting. I hold mine ones ever close unto me. Go in peace.
I Am Sananda
The Wayshower
8/23/90 SANANDA
Peace be unto you this day, Thomas. I am here and I come as SANANDA, one with THE FATHER, provider of all that you experience. I come as the LIGHT WHICH I AM, THE LIGHT WHICH YOU TOO ARE IF YOU WILL BUT AWAKEN TO THE REALIZATION OF IT. BLESSINGS TO EACH OF MINE WORKERS THIS DAY FOR THE TIME GROWS SHORT.
The world is turning into an embroiled pot of anger as the people ready for war. The mind always goes to the profit to be made, the glory to be had. 'Tis sad for me. Yet, too, man must experience that which he has chosen to create and accept, for naught will change lest man take upon himself the responsibility to do so. Man readies himself to use the missiles and tools of destruction, so anxious has he become to use the training that has taught him the art of killing...soon, but too late, they shall realize the folly of such behavior. The young men of no insight valiantly march to the drummer of death to live up to the perceived heroism of those generations that have gone before...the example set by all your movies and media presentations for years and years. And, indeed, many men have fought bravely in defense of this great nation. This time it shall be different. Whenever you act as the aggressor it is different. When the chemicals spray over the bodies of those young ones from America, they will experience the horror that the Asians experienced not too long ago in your time counting. All comes back, all.
Your nation at home is becoming a most unsafe place to be. The national guard is being readied. The President is putting into place the mechanisms for complete control. Watch carefully that which you are shown on the television screens. So carefully orchestrated are the pictures they present unto you. You, as a nation, will not even question the need to call out the reserves to 'keep order' ...until you look into your own once free streets and see the military lined up...only then will you stop to think about what nation you live in...the Berlin wall will not seem as distant then, no indeed. Will you surrender without a struggle? Will you go when they say, "Come."?
Will the battle be won without a shot? Let us hope that the American spirit for freedom and independence is only in a very deep slumber, but may be awakened at the midnight hour if need be, yet hope must remain for the awakening of that spirit for independence, else there is truly no hope for you as a people. We of the hosts of heaven bring your guidance and your hope, and your future. What future will you choose it to be? What will your actions be that will assist or hinder the plans to control your very lives?
You may take solace in the fact that as you witness these events about your place, I am closer unto you. The hour grows short in which I shall come unto your place. I know not the hour, I know not the day. This generation shall meet me...will you be ready? Will you look unto mine countenance with honor in thine hearts? Will you stand with me in the journey ahead to rebuild with integrity? Think on these things, beloved. As the world around you seethes in the destruction, harden not your hearts. Ask me in...ask me in. I am here and I hear all that you say unto me...yes, the good and the bad. Release it. We of the Father's hosts come to assist you through this journey that shall be trying, indeed. Take my hand, it is outstretched afore thee. Peace and blessings unto you ones of mine crew. I stand in humble honor unto you ones. Stand firm in thine commitment unto the Father, it is a job of the greatest magnitude. Forget it not.
I Am Sananda
Resource: Phoenix Journal Express, August 1990, Volume 3, Number 9.
Sent by Rocky Montana