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An Inerview with Jesus and Merry Christmas!


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From: AM
To: 'Bellringer'
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 5:46 AM
Subject: Re: Interview with Jesus and Merry Xmas

My dear Patrick ;

I sincerely thank you for all the messages and the wisdom that you have given to me.

I want to whish you a peaceful and lovely Xmas with the persons that you love

and also whish that the new year would bring you love and light and peace.


Here below, an interview that I had with Jesus.

Whenever you want to publish it, please correct any error because I translated it

from Italian and my English is not perfect.


With love and peace.



As s Christmas gift, I dreamed of an interview with Jesus.

So you want to interview me ?….he asked.

If you have the time, I answered.

“My time is the eternity”, he replied.

What kind of questions do you want to ask me ?

What surprises you most of the human beings ?

Jesus replied : that they get bored of being children and are in a hurry to grow but then they want to return children again.

That they lose their health to make money and then lose their money to get the health back.

That they anxiously think of their future forgetting about the present so that they don’t live neither in the present nor in the future.

That they live as if they should never die and they die as if they had never lived.

That Jesus took my hand and we remained silent for a while. Then I asked : as a parent, what are the life’s lessons your would like your children would learn ?

Jesus answered with a smile. I would like them to learn that you can not force anyone to love you.

What you can do, is let them love you.

I’d like them to learn that it is never good to compare ourselves to others.

I’d like them to learn that a rich person is not the one who has more than others but the one who needs the essential.

I’d like them to learn that we need few seconds to open deep wounds in a person we love but it takes years to heal them.

I’d like them to learn to forgive by start forgiving.

I’d like them to learn that there are persons that love them deeply but don’t know how to show or express their feelings.

I’d like them to know that two persons might be watching the same thing but see it differently.

I’d like them to know that it is not always enough to be forgiven by others, but they’ve got to forgive themselves.

….And I would like them to remember that I’m here ……always……not only for Christmas.

Questa cartolina è dedicata a te!


Questa cartolina è dedicata a te!