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Remembering Thankfulness

Don Hynes

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Oct. 24, 2013

I seem to be going backward

with more questions than answers,

losing control in painful movement,

nostalgic more than thinking ahead

and a few dozen different signs

that the apogee of adult life

is in my rear view mirror

when the engine coughs, sputters,

and surrounded by a barren landscape

I turn the key off,

the motor sound dissolving

into the chirp of crickets,

the hooting of an owl,

the glare of headlights gone

while above an arc of stars

in shimmering streaks.

The fresh smell of night,

the long dry day passing

into a cool refreshing dew

and I step from the road

remembering thankfulness

into the soft sound

of grass crunching

and my own heartbeat

deep within the earth.