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POEM: They Disarm U.s. To Harm U.s.

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Jan. 21, 2013

The following poem came to the email box. We are putting it out unedited in its' entirety. Why do THEY REALLY want to disarm us? I agree with the poem, 100%. The 'true' terrorists are in Washington DC and the Pentagon. They have official titles, such as 'President' and 'Congressman' and 'Senator' and 'General' and 'CIA'. It IS TIME to DISARM (and DEFUND!) the TERRORISTS and TYRANTS in Washington DC!!!!! Live Free, Or Die...

Since they want to disarm us,

then they must want to harm us.

There's no other reason

explaining their treason

to take self-defense

from home residents.

School shootings ain't random.

They happen in tandem

with the Tyrant's desire

to set emotions on fire

and incite public ire.

When the Second Amendment

is made null and void,

then our Constitution

is completely destroyed.

"Never give up your guns,"

warn the Bolshevik's sons,

"or they'll liquidate you,

as our history proves true."

"Since they want to disarm you,

then they must want to harm you."

"Never give up your guns,

as we've warned you so often,"

cry the spirits of Jews

from many a coffin.

"Nazis came to disarm us,

so that they could harm us."

Every American,

both Gentile and Jew,

is a make-believe terrorist

our rulers pursue.

Let's all learn a slogan

on which Jews depend.

That old sacred slogan

is "Never Again." 



-- a poem from JC to jd -- 

I was awakened tonight,

and was given these rhymes

to set our hearts right

in these perilous times.

The One who awoke me is God our Savior,

reminding us all to correct our behavior.

+ + + + + + + + + +

Sheriffs, Police, Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Firemen, Singers and Rap Artists:

please distribute this poem, and set it to music.