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A Third Way and other poems

Don Hynes

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A Third Way

When wind and sea collide

a third way will be found

of eddy line beside jagged rock

where water shapes a counter flow

to release the conflict.

We tell our stories

in black and white, yes or no

yet in the way of water

there are many paths

of current and choice.

Learning to yield

and seek the ocean’s reach

I rest upon stones

the ebb tide uncovering

all that darkness, obsidian

like shimmering mussels

breathing in the light of day.


Challenging the Sun

The stories are harsher

in the pervading gray of concrete

and rumbling thrum of traffic;

the young dad with a jitterbug son

waving his arms to the sky

while dad pushes sister,

the treasury of hope on stroller wheels

skittering over the ribbed sidewalk;

the slightly manic boy juiced on sugar

proclaiming ecstasy like a burgeoning Blake

his message of unrepentant joy

sparking off the passing cars

challenging the sun with human fire,

born as always from the passion,

the marrow of aliveness bright

in the limbs of a wild eyed boy.


At the Heart of the World

At the heart of the world

an altar pulsing light,

crucibles of fire

where the stories of Earth

rise with fragrant incense

into streams of compassion

nourished by a single life

and all its mystery.


Ancient Well

There is a well older than the earth;

when I fail this depth is my nourishment.

I know the animal in strength

the tooth and claw of many wars

and the way my arms can wrap

an innocent heart filled with grief.

The way to understand is to travel,

to discover the frightening possibilities

that come with being human

then with a thread of faith

and the assurance of stone

let down the bucket and draw

the clean water of forgiveness.


A Further Shore

Over the unbroken fetch the southerly breeze

raises the channel in wind driven swells

passing through the rumpled water

wind shapes surging in rounded layers

seeking comfort on the slope rocked point

like those waves that traverse the soul

memories older than life

visions of another world

pushing like the wind to find form

in depths of inner ocean

rising and falling as surely

as the beckoning sea

longing to step into the swell

take flight with the wind

seeking through the surge

for a further shore.

Oct. 3, 2010