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Weaving a New Pattern

By: Don Hynes

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water and air temperature equal

at half the human Fahrenheit

pushing back the effort

to lessen the long grip of winter;

Junuary we call it above the 45th

with wool and fleece still in force.

Somewhere in the deep cavern

carved by the Mississippi

bedrock is fissured, fractured

by the forces of pre history

and the latest Gulf war

signaling a step in evolution

or the end to a failed experiment.

I put my hands upon the Earth yesterday

with saw and shear saying yes or no

thinning madronna that thrives on this rock

fighting back thorns and strangling vines

building rock surrounds for seedling trees

against the threat of my own predation

using rake and cart to comb and brush

the energy of desire down through the tools

untangling and weaving a new pattern

speaking to Her in the simplest terms

letting Her know if I go or will stay.