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Where Can I Grow?

Graeme Daryl Whitmeyer

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Cast away as the Light on horizon

Brought forth!  Oh, the shimmering day-break!

To the last of the People of Truth: I call

Where is our Brethren?

Are they scattered and lost?

Are they blind and stupid?

Are they brethren at all?

Where is our Hope?

Is it gone from our Minds?

Does it run from our thoughts?

Do we dare to use it?

And how can we Live if we've lost all our dreams?

How keep we frugal? -- our Hearts see but Work!

Our Kin is, as well, from all of those stars!

Those People are HERE and DISCOVERED!

They help us to see, intelligently

That Hope so deep inside of me

We've found our dream to help them see!

The reason I write so genuinely

Do not hide from the fools and the jokers and peeves --

        When they scorn you for giving them Light!

I was once away from those people-insane --

        "Just a game," I remember... with them in my sight!

April 16, 2010