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Peace and Prosperity for All!

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The breath of Love, Light – and eternal Life,

I raise my eyes and what I see,

My own Great God Self Just glows over me.


I raise my hands, High up above,

And so I see, A Dove with a light glow.

Her wings are flapping, with grace in the wind,

I hear her calling, My Secret Name,


As Golden scroll, unwinds from her beak,

I See the Three-Fold Flame, just Pulsing at me,

With writing, that just appeared from nowhere from site,

And in it a secret code, of all Human kind.


My light of my love, raised me up so high,

Just to play my harp tunes for all Royal high,

My tears are blood red, for all human kind,

Wake up my Love ones, your sleep time is up!


I’m the Light to all to come forth,

May all else grow dim, but I will still glow,

With my wing of love and light of the Most High,

The Key-The source - The Great Central Sun
