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Choosing the Path of Ascension

Don Hynes

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Jan. 13, 2010

Choosing the Path of Ascension

What comes to him in the early mornings

is the force he feels within the forest,

the way the stones rise from the rushing creeks

moss covered and washed again and again,

trees that lift the love of Earth

into the daylight embrace of the Sun,

the living wholeness he knows as Gaia

trembling within him as the dreamscape settles

and he surrenders to another gravity

of the stars and suns whose voice to Earth

has been unheard within the hive

for all these years of isolation

the only path to freedom being death

yet this day with equinox precision

a door opens, a view beyond survival

where devotion to struggle can be released

and the map to another way unfolded

where we are lifted by our own volition

without leaving the precious beauty of this life,

discovering the dome of our inner earth opening

to a shower of energy and light

healing the lifetimes and all of our stories

charting a new course as seen from above

enacted below in the way we reach out to each other,

letting ourselves become altars of forgiveness,

starlight returned to the yearning of the Earth

and deciding this time to choose the path of ascension.




Don Hynes

Poet’s Journal