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(A Story Yet Told    A Navigator’s Rhyme - The Siren’s Call)



A Cosmic Ship in a Cosmic Sea

Casts-off its lines in a Port called ME


The Voyage to Where IS to experience NOW

The lines cast-off are Why When and How


With Masts of Mind and Sails of Heart

Your Ship sails on thru a Sea of Art


As Thoughts and Feelings spray-off the Bow

Your Keel slides Deep thru the Sea of NOW


Mind and Heart catch Four Winds for your Trip

As the Dark of the Sea churns into the Light of your Ship


(July 1972)


Sail on! Sail on! Navigators of the Deep

Dream on Life’s Currents in which you sleep


A Waking Dream of Epochs Behold

Of a Port forgotten and a Story yet told


The Voyage cannot be counted in days

Time and Space dissolve in the Waves


The Mystery of your Ship IS… but how?

Forever afloat in the Sea of Now?


Buoyed by Life in the Watery Deep

Dreaming the Voyage as you sleep


With tattered Sails and Masts bereaved

You dream your Dreams not yet achieved


Plying the Current of the Watery Deep

Sounding to the Call within Fathoms of sleep


Listen!  Oh Listen! …to the Siren’s Call

The Sound of the One… the Sound of the All



Who knows the Sound better than you?

Who knows if your Keel Be always on True?


Who knows in the Present if you are Lost?

What Course you have followed and at what Cost?


NOW Stand straight to the Helm … Sound to the Deep

Listen again …Are you still asleep?


For Love of Life …All Joy Abound

Within your Hold … within your Sound


Forgiveness will mend a rudder distraught

By loving True Self and All as IS naught


Self and Not-Self are Dreamt in the Deep

Illusions of Form found only in sleep


Take Heed of the LIGHT that guides your Way

Through the I of the Storm that darkens your Day


Destiny’s Voyage NOW nears its End

With Vision Restored … and Clear Light to Send


To distant Shores of Star Fields received

Beyond Veils of Night no longer deceived


In the Shadowy Storm  of the Dreamer’s Plight

IS discovered True Self … a Ship Made of Light


(July 1995)


Calm NOW your Heart …Let your I’s come to Rest

Sound through the Storm…Know ye are Blessed?


The cargo you Hold is not your Fear

But Life’s Great Mystery NOW drawing you near


Your Ship is  Full of Life’s Sacred LIGHT

The Treasure Within Being veiled in plain Sight


NOW Love your Self truly …your Trip shall not fail

Bind-up your Mast and mend your Sail


Chart a True Course then point your Bow

Toward Life’s Sacred LIGHT on the Sea of NOW


In Forever  Sailing… the NOW shall be Known

Dream – Seeds Created…Thought – Forms NOW Sown


All Creation IS but Dreams taken Wing

Dream – Seeds NOW Create the Song you NOW Sing


Awaken, All Navigators, as ye Ply this Night

Know ye your Self as the Ship of the LIGHT


Ply the Deep for Ever … Sound for the All

Hearken always Within… to the Siren’s Call


Siren and Self are in All Ways the same

Not ever at Loss… not ever a Name


Her Sound is Full of Silence… you see

Already Found in the Port called ME


Look NOW Above …. look NOW Below

Where All that ye Be and all that ye Know


Is a Vision of ONENESS apparent to Sight

All Forms at Play… a Dance of the LIGHT


How then can one judge Self as not All?

What Purpose deceives?  Who denies the Call?


Your Deepest Fear is not ‘other’ than your Greatest Love Lost

Know ye True Self and what Fear doth Cost?


Life’s Mystery IS ONENESS …All Grace expressed

Thru Rhythm and Form… by Which ye are Blessed


Love True Self Always …and Navigate your Ship

By the LIGHT in the Sea …and the Four Winds of your Trip


Call to the Sound and Man your Sail

Compass the Heart … Love’s LIGHT shall Prevail


Between Heaven Above and Earth Below

No Separation Exists…No Doubt doth ye Know


Fear of Love Lost cannot ever but Be

Created by Error in the Dark of the Sea


Illusions of Thought crash over your Bow

Illusions of Form in the Sea of NOW


NOW Ply ye the Night of the Watery Deep

NOW Harken the Call within Fathoms of Sleep


NOW cast off your Fear of Sailing by Night

NOW open your Hold and Sail by your LIGHT


(February 1996)


A Choice from the ONE … IS A Choice to the All

A Choice of One Self to Sound to HER Call


You chose to Voyage… You chose your Trip

You cast - off  in the Night…Sacred LIGHT in your Ship


You created your Storms…and tattered your Sail

You chose your Dream - Seeds…and all Thoughts that Veil


You Thought your Self Separate… and created your Fear

You Thought your Self Lost…yet Love’s LIGHT IS so Near


Love Lost is a breach in the Hold of the LIGHT

A breach in the Hold cannot Ply the Night


Without anchor or line you did depart

A Mission to Voyage into the Sea of Art


Star Shores afar could never be Seen

By Plying the Night without Inner Being


No guilt nor shame nor sorrow reside

When Calling the LIGHT in Which you Abide


The Dream-Voyage goes on… or, did it ever Begin?

Have you Fallen Awake? …or, into Sin?


To Sin is not other than to “Miss the Mark”

In the Heart of Life…Within your Ark


In the Hold of your Ark does All Life Abound

All Time, All Space, All Worlds of Sound


NOW catch the Current of any Wave or Tone

NOW power your Ship to Star Fields Unknown


(August 2001)


Be NOW your Ship and know no “other”

Tack to the Call …the Sound of the Mother


The Sea of NOW IS Her Current of Life

Rest NOW in the Current and Release your strife


NOW’s Moment reveals the Ship and the Sea

Never separate from All or the Port called ME


The Port hath never a Name or a Place

No Movement, no Thought, no Time …no Space


The Port may seem so distant from your Ship

It may appear to be lost in the Dark of your Trip


It always is found although eyes cannot see

It already Exists Within  All that ye Be


Now Breathe Life to the Winds and feather your Sails

Know ye the Caller and the Siren’s Wails?


Who calls to the Ship? Who calls to the Mother?

Who calls Love Lost? Who calls All “another”?


Who discovers the Sea IS… but Life’s Sacred Art?

What Treasure Abides Within Life’s Sacred Ark?


Who Dreams the Dream of the Waking sort?

Who Awakens to find the Ship in the Port?


With lines tied-off… affixed to your Bow

All Sails made ready for the Sea of NOW?


Masts and Sails are Dream Catchers …you see

If you build thee an Ark… Dreams Come unto Thee


Navigators do Dream this Voyage to Discover

All Dreaming a Ply in the Heart of the Mother


When Dreams and Sailing are Made One with your Ship

The Dark of the Sea becomes the LIGHT of your Trip


The Voyage of Dreams and Sailing are All

Ways not other than the Siren’s Call


You were called to Dream your Mystery Ship

You were called to Voyage your Sacred Trip


You were called to Ply the Darkness by Night

Your were called to Compass by God’s Sacred LIGHT


You are NOW called to Awaken Within your Dream

You are NOW called to become more than you Seem


Seeming and Being do merge at the Shore

When the Dreamer Awakens … Dreams go-forth as Be-fore  


To go-forth as Be-fore is by Choice to For-give

In Always the Way….and All Ways to Live


Sail On!  Sail on!  Navigators of LIGHT!

Hold All Within …the Gift of Clear Sight!


Hold Sacred the Treasure of your Mystery Ship!

Hold Sacred the Dreamer Who powers your Trip!


Take Heed of the ONE and All That Ye Be!

Call to the ONE that is Already Free!


Restored by Love give Thanks for Her Call

Come forth as Be-fore … NOW Ever and for ALL


Voyages of Past Futures… Exist only NOW

COMPASS First Feeling… then  point your Bow


Toward Star Fields yet Known unfurling in LIGHT

With Sails amast  not tattered by Night


Navigators do Awaken always to Discover

Dream Ships are Life’s LIGHT in the DREAM of the MOTHER


Sound to the Deep… Sound to the Call

Sound to the ONE …Forever and for ALL


COMPLETED October 09 2009


Tikkun Olam –  Hebrew: “To heal the World”


Nadaji – “S” – “Sonar Ring”, Sounding to the World for True Man to Appear  


Dedicated to All Navigators of Light;  my daughter Vimala, wherever her Ship may Be; my Beloved, Rose Marie; and to Vladimir Megre and the ONENESS That IS, Anastasia.  

All rights reserved.  Copyright at Law of the Mother of One.