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The Starlit Course

Don Hynes

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The Starlit Course


The solar calendar is crafted not by years

but epochal ages, thousands and thousands

of annual orbits composing one transit,

a movement recorded through the axial dance

of the equinox procession.

We knock on the door of the bridge

wanting to know our location

and the duration of our journey

while monks traverse the mountains of our vessel

fingering their beads, encouraging kindness.

Unrest and conflict roll like ocean swells

but the ever-changing landscape is awe full

particularly when the day light surrenders

to the vast arc of the night sky

and the track of our starlit journey.

How should we abide our placement

aboard the wonder of this delicate ship?

Before we defile or demand too much

we could notice the look in the child’s eyes

or the way Venus makes her surprising entry

on the eastern slope of the morning horizon

and remember if we will

the way we charted this course together.


Don Hynes

Poetry website