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The Creator in Creation

Don Hynes

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The Creator in Creation

When you walk the shoreline of a beach

with eyes and ears and heart open,

the essence of the sea is before you.

Countless other shores are possible

yet the core of the ocean is known

in one shore or sea or rock or wave

for the ocean is one in the being of Gaia,

the Mother and presence of all water,

and in the Spirit of the Father

Who brings life to fruition

in His dance with the Goddess.

We pick up singular rocks and shells,

the beauty of part attracting our sight,

carrying pieces of the ocean in our pocket

just as the movement of the waves

and the sound of the tide

travel with us from the shore;

yet no pieces are apart from the whole,

no one rock or shell, seal or fish

detached from the fabric of the sea.

The shoreline changes;

what lies beneath the surface

except the slender lines we cast

are depth and richness of life

beyond our imagining

though not our damage.

She calls us to awaken

to Her wholeness

and Her unity with the Father

free of religion’s density.

We believe we awaken apart

but that illusion too must fade

for we are all we see and feel,

the Creator upon two feet

walking beside Her vast ocean

embodying the presence

of Creator in Creation

alive in the wonder

of this moment now.



Don Hynes