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Father's Day

Deepak Sarkar

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From: Deepak Sarkar
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 9:13 AM
Subject: Poem "Father's Day" - (Dedicated to International Father's Day to create an affectionate world void of wars - Deepak Sarkar, )

[From the Author of “Poems by Kolki – Absolutely Humane” and “Real Path To 9/11”]

Father’s Day

(Dedicated to International Father’s Day to create an affectionate world void of warsDeepak Sarkar, )

[Debaathization is genocide of 700,000+ Iraqis and Detalibanization is genocide of 99,000+ Afghanis! Kolki]


{What’s wrong with Lawmakers, Prosecutors, Journalists, Politicians, and conscious world citizens? Bush/Blair Administrations are still free despite invading and destroying IRAQ and Afghanistan illegally, unilaterally, without 9/11 investigation! Aren’t NATO/Israeli Forces accelerating the goal of Ku Klux Klan – Bombing and killing natives disregarding civilized laws? Kolki)  


As the Self Proclaimed leaders of the new axis power

Celebrate Father’s Day in private dinner

Thousands of Iraqis-Afghanis-Palestinians are without father!

Widows and Orphans mourning in frustration and despair -

Caused by brutal Neocon military ambition of terror

Destroying beloved country, people, and infrastructure

While many friends and family miss fallen soldiers!


As world maintain laws punishing criminals and violators

The new axis leaders still enjoying freedom with honour!

Hiding behind Al-virus in cyberspace and television

Suppressing Rule of Law and Proof of Conviction!

Proudly encouraging Debaathization, Detalibanization -

The crusading campaign for worldwide genocidal mission!


Silence is betrayal which may haunt us all forever!

Ignoring history only empower real criminals of wars!

We don’t stand by friends who are felons and murderers -

Then why must we spare invading mass murderers?

Imagine yourself as a would be father

Anxiously waiting in hospital for her arrival to deliver!

But she has been shot by occupying military at a check point barrier

Or became victim of missiles from Drones of Allied (New Axis) Power! 


The feudal power survives and succeeds only breeding fear

Using divisive tools depriving world from universal prayer!

Let us unite as father, child, and would be father -

Stop crusaders from taking us to wars against each other

Unmask their deceptive guise of framing patsy with rumours

Revive universal fatherhood ending all politics of smear

Celebrate Father’s Day aloud confirming unified cheer!


Author: Deepak Sarkar, 844 Royal Oak Ave, Victoria, BC V8X 3T2, Canada; E-mail:; Web Site:; Tel/Fax: 250-412-2897

One who cares for own children, family, and community can feel God’s pain for children dying around the world just to empower supremacist alliance of few - Kolki


When religions coexist, leaders communicate, media respect neutrality, laws not blinded by immunity, and citizens' needs take precedence over profitability - peace becomes reality, world lives in harmony appreciating Human Rights - Kolk