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Graeme Whitmeyer

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What be-soothes such lofty assesment of character as to which I have impressed upon another?

Is it that which sooths the Sun?  Is it that with which the seas were soothed?

What?  To Be in assesment to which we are assigned!  To Be free of bonds and see another's realligned!  A Sign!

That Will of Essence Spread, so thoroughly entwined, amongst the greatest dread, and still the humblest kind.

For Will be Great which Wills Itself to Greatness.  And Source be known: Creation; Will be shown.

The All of Past, times a million, and Now, as it's always been, shall teach the hungry eye forever.  Idol attention we breech.  Put all the seconds not now away -- but bring still the untainted, undevided, rescue of ability; to withdraw from such a moment the faintest implication.  To begin to view precise vision, of actions, to be then whole within the reading of the message.

Knowledge is the Light with which to see.

Truth is what you see in the Light.

Wisdom is turning on the Light.

God is You, and the Creation is the Reason, and the place in which you Are within the Truth.

Behold, for One is All, and the All is One inside of us.

Remold, for none is dull, and rust befalls what's done outside of must.

Trust does seldom yield to situation when we flip the switch.           As seldom as the field be tended in our lives, an evil glitch.

Oh, unknown, please cease to surprise, because my care is great.          Compassion helps us relocate a higher beauty throgh the gate.  Relate!

What rubbish would this be if you did not sit back and contemplate...    Or reread scriptures only made for you to refine? -- concentrate!

A later date doth ever come into a giant golden drum          With Sound Serene percussion-run, a system building tallest fun of all that's done and sung and hung and all that caused the Bell be Rung, to seep inside a moment near, as close as Breath you Breathe.  With ease...

With such soft symphony delighted to be reached        With much loft indeed, with me, invited, you see, believed.

Retrieved and expected         The stability of noble point.  Dictation fluid, unrelented.  Mixed with knowledge that there's "nothing to it".  Adds a little fun to Life     And brings us closer to the      Time that comes, the world in which we Love the Light.

Insight!  That's Right!

A cause to move lips, Mass Lifts, Read this!

A pause to appease, the pen's purpose I please    like unto a person on their knees, I beg to squeeze and tease, with these, a rhyme so fine and kind I shine...

     A message of relief entwined amongst your will to hear what's mine.

      What's mine is yours, which be the doors,

Led to a peaceful time.