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Robert Braunstein

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The country needs a truth commission

It's no one's job

To give permission.

Democracy must

Come to fruition.

They served at the pleasure

Of the President,

Who swore on oath to represent

The Constitution and the people, who pay the rent.

The people deserve restitution

"No one is above the law"

You say, enforce it then

Don't skulk away.

This is not about the past

Democracy was built to last.

Find out the truth,

Then prosecute

Show some courage, be resolute.

The law is nothing

To prostitute.

They stomped all over

The bill of rights

They manipulated

Peoples' frights.

Restore our country

To rule of law

You can't ignore what came before

Every crime

Happens in the past

The constitution has got to last.

You say we have to move ahead

Enforce our laws,

Or democracy is dead

Author's Bio: Masters degree in social work. Activist 40 years worth. Favorite quote, "we had to destroy the city to save it" hobbies taxedermy,music,saving souls and respirating.