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Dn Hynes

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----- Original Message -----
From: Don Hynes
To: Patrick & Anne Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 3:35 PM
Subject: Poem in the Spirit of Esu's Message, Deliverance of Mother Earth

One Day


Sand dunes stretch from shore to shore

in the dry heat of summer,

the river falling through carved basalt

with petroglyphs looking on,

shaped by hands ten millennia gone by,

and fish, huge salmon in full flight,

sturgeon thirty feet and more trolling the bottom,

one whole fabric, interdependent, interwoven,

from the smallest microbe to the eagle in flight,

the tallest cliff and towering tree

ever changing, ever renewing,

enslaved now to the spinning turbine

and concrete wall of the industrial man

who saw the power of the river

and wanted it for himself.


One day this man will awaken

to the sorrow of the river,

to the song lost by his dominance;

freedom will become more

than the illusion of control

and his story will open

to the flowing water, to the cycles

of birth and death and recreation;

he will free the river from his bondage,

free himself from the chains

forged by a mind and heart set apart

from the fluid beauty and flowing life

of his one precious home.




Don Hynes