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Elron XChile

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It Is Time


It is time to let go of all the destructive thoughts that divide us.


It is time to stop the envy that causes our blindness.


It is time to banish the hate we have accepted as our own.


It is time to stop listening to the voices that tell us we are ugly and alone.


It is time to quit thinking in finite terms whispered in our ears and shouted in our face.


It is time to stop contracting into scarcity of confining material space.


It is time to stop blocking out and pushing away the trust within us.


It is time to no longer believe what we have been led to believe is negative about us.


It is time to tell ourselves that we are

The creators of all things good and grand

In a world that we want others to live in

That we can help to feel alive and experience

Our kindness,

The world of our love for all things beautiful

That will expand forever around us,

The world in which we all are one.


It is time to let go of the hands that lead us

Away from our own true intentions,

That will not join us

In the solutions of our unlimited inventions,

That will not respect us

When we make our reconnections.


It is time to say goodbye to the world

We have been taught to believe

Is the only way it can be and so,

It is time to come home.


ElRon XChile